Multiboxing botters in Nazjatar

multiscum fake the player numbers so blizz will never ever ban these filthy scumbags. You have 2 options …

  1. quit the game.
  2. play the game.
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You linked the wrong version let me fix that.

Blizzard could easily solve this issue by putting them in a vendor for Tidalcores or Expulsom, but I doubt they will do anything about it.

Since you cannot provide proper service to anyone perhaps start limiting amount of accounts 1 user can log ? we are middle of a pandemic and then there are multiboxing users being selfish wtf.

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Thsi just happened to me as well. I, tried, to clear the node of the one critter and then the pack of lfying druids just swooped down, picked the node clean and then also dragged enough mobs to me to get me killed. I was raging at that point as this was the second time in as many nodes where i died.


flash the dollars and they will flex the rules.

Meanwhile i dc 10 times in a row during pandemic maybe i should go out and get sick out of boredom, meanwhile tech support keeps suggesting to test even tho the test shows problems with their servers.
Multiboxers clearly have more rights then i do 1 more right for each account they own to be exact.

If i buy 10 chocolate bars ,does any of you have right to stop me to stack them and eat all 10 at the same time ?
Blizzard has to obey actual written laws ,not forumers desires and ideas .

Well Multiboxer are a issu. Ether way aslong as this is allowed and the flocks multi boxer pay there acount. Its ok Is it cheating yes is unfair yes but 10 ACC sub vs 1.
Good luck with activion Mr kothchec and the shareholders dont care

In fact they only paid once, later they do so much gold out that they paid with Token(Money from other )

This issues must be adressed

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