Multiboxing is breaking the game

They have FUN break it i dont have FUN!

Top logic !

No one is crying over anything.


Well sorry for using a metaphor. There’s no use in using the forums to vent, because nothing in the EU forums has ever changed anything in the game and nothing anybody says about multiboxers will ever change the stance those who decide what’s allowed and what’s not are having regarding the topic. Hell, you could probably create a petition with a million signatures that asks for multiboxing to be banned, yet it wouldn’t change a thing.

So yeah, it kind of is pointless to talk about it. Even if I agree with you, even if most legit players do, nothing’s going to change, so why bother spending time arguing about it with people who won’t listen to reason nor arguments and repeat the same statements over and over again, no matter how often you explain to them why their statements seem illogical to you.

In general, talking about the topic brings nothing but frustration, so why not save yourself said frustration? I’m sure you’ve got better things to do. And although it is sad to know that you can’t change a damn thing, and neither can I, it’s still better than getting worked up over things you can’t change and that won’t change.

I am glad for it !

I make my own in game bug reporst/suggestions and from what i have seen they happen!

Good for you? Not sure what that has to do with the topic, but I’m glad you’re glad, I guess?

I’m not venting I’m simply giving feedback on how broken is Mboxing and whether someone cares or not that different discussion.


This was a terrible boxer then because that’s wayyy out of date gameplay.

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Figured something evil

Go Arms
Go Bladestorm trait x3
Stack crit & mast
Pop defensive
Bladestorm into the multiboxer
Watch the anxciety go while he gets deleted out of existance

Bassicly just run away and you’ll be fine, most boxers just think they can overrun everything though and when they almost die and dont know what to do they will try to run at best, but then its too late & the dots finish them off, but if they stop to heal they just die faster >:)

Laughs maniacly in warmode

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Or she :wink:

Nah I wouldn’t box pvp myself. Happy with my 3 team getting on with stuff, minding my own business. Not harming anyone.

Gamer rule number 26 : Girls don’t play games

My tactic is against people with 5-20, Some with less than 10 manage to get out of my doompit, but 10+ seems to have a hard time just running away from me ( Guess it lags their pc running away & loading new terrain? )

People were grateful of my Locks in the new zones… I helped a lot and summoned people to the mount rare (and others) in Uldum. I always say in chat when I see one and wait a bit.

Good girl! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Finally you accept my gender :stuck_out_tongue:

Xd everyone is a guy

80% of my friends are girls and i call them guys …

:thinking: Cursed Realisation

Yeah, I know you and I disagree on this one particular topic (and it is perfectly cool and fine in my eyes :)) , but I have found that any even remotely serious topic is better if it is one proper one - where we can argue pros and cons, yes and no’s - instead nearly everey 2nd day repeat same arguments. Those against use same 10 lines, those who dont mind, use same 10 lines and MBs themselves use exactly the same 10 lines. And so instead discussions we get - repentance of 10-lines we said in a thread - few lines below the next.

It is like regulars here could macro and copy paste their posts - considering how often we get those topics.

I am not amazed …

My minions are there just to entertain me - I don’t herb, I do not gank, I just … don’t know… last session did that cursed daily vision, and then went front raid entrance, and then logged my minions off and then on that one character i was online with had some big tentacle split her sanity into half and then to 0 …

… and then I was insane to membrane. :crazy_face:

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Tried to 3 box a vision yeah lets just forget that happened… ran them all seperate and it was fine :slight_smile:

Here is a constructive solution:
Blizzard should remove the limitation to how many people can loot given node before it disappears so when MB person loot’s node it won’t disappear right away. This would solve the biggest problem which is resource hogging.


The problem with MB and visions is that sanity drains differently for each of them and keep track of all this becomes too much of a hassle.