Multiboxing is breaking the game

Exactly, so then people can stop complaining. Good.

People wouldn’t complain if instead of making pointless comments as many people here did for once the conversation was about finding a solution.
The obvious solution here is the removal of the limit on how many people can loot a node before it disappears.


And this is one of 1st constructive thought regarding subject. An actual solution that takes on consideration both parties.

… and I agree. In classic I got reminded how much I hate ‘node camping’ and all this headless run about. Now you at least have a chance to pick a herb and/or make/save some money in process. So shared looting was a good change.

I did not know there were limited uses since I herb/mine myself very rarely these days. If the 5 druids is a problem, then they should just add some uses top of the time-based limit, if they do not like ‘unlimited’ part.

Tbh I don’t see a reason why this limitation exists in the first place since they allowing multiboxing which by default allows people to loot one node many times and on top of that it would be gone anyway after 1 min.
If anything it’s a rather confusing decision when it comes to game design.

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the only ones that could possibly defend multiboxing are multiboxers themselfs so its pretty clear wich ones of you does it i count 2 so far

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It’s not like we hide it :rofl:


Sssh you just told super secret out on forums and in this thread…

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They can’t even join bgs like they could back in old days, u can’t follow people anymore in bgs etc, u don’t have any rights to complain about it 2020 it was waaaay worst in the old days, I remember 10 man or even 15 man shaman nuking u down with Chain Lighting now Multiboxers basically throwing free money at Blizzard x)


In my experience, the OP is correct. Resource nodes aren’t simply on a timer; I have seen them instantly disappear too many times after a multiboxer has looted for it to be a coincidence. I very seldom see this happen with looting by other players. There seems to be a numerical cap on the number of times you can loot a node in addition to a timer the first time after it is looted.

Its not an illegitimate complaint. A single multiboxer can make your mat farm far less productive than several other users being in the same area. The same number of characters playing at the same time are very unlikely to be looting and insta-disappearing the same nodes in the same order at the same time. Multiboxers do have this effect, and if you are following in their wake, you will find there is nothing to farm.

The fact that multiboxing isnt banned is also complete BS. The software is automating the duplication of your inputs on several characters. Why this is meaningfully different from botting I dont know. You are using third party software to reduce the amount of time you need to grind dramatically, and also when it comes to world PVP, you give yourself a genuine and significant power advantage, which botting does not do. I am sure it is mere coincidence that Blizz has made this arbitrary distinction in favour of the practice that makes them lots of money.


What is more likely is that someone else is doing the same route as you are only far enough ahead of you that things despawn before you get to them

Try taking some shortcuts in your route, it’s what I do on Zin’Anthid when I can’t find anything, it’s 9 out of 10 times always the solution

Well for people experienced in farming the mats in a given area, the chance is actually pretty high. People know where the nodes tend to spawn, and how to path to them efficiently. This is especially true when it comes to osmenite, as there is basically a third of the map with virtually no osmenite nodes, so the optimal path is a curved arc around the map.

I followed behind a multiboxer of 5, and the node disappeared after they had looted it, twice(then I found another route) I don’t know when the nodes was looted the first time.

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Each node can be tapped 10 times. So if a 5 boxer came and it vanished five people before already harvested it.

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I’d say its botting and the design of having resources available in one zone that is more the problem than people Multi-boxing.

I’ve said it before: we spend quite a bit of time in the vale/uldum and there are no crafting resources to be had… I’d call bad design for less. It sure shows how little thought goes in crafting and gathering these days.

It is also about selling them. There are just a lot more resources available. What do you think when someone is just posting 30k zin’anthid in the AH? It has more influence than you think.


The updated older zones should have current nodes… that’s just a lazy oversight on Blizzards part.

If they were building larger zones we wouldn’t run into the issue of a bunch of people farming in the same spot in the first place. Exploration is dead in WoW so they could not only revitalize this part of the game experience but also improve resource gathering. Add a few tweaks to nodes e.g. despawn time or limit to looting and we could avoid most of the problems.

Mboxing is nothing more than pay to win nonsense driven by corporate greed but the issue is not MBoxing itself but what impact it has on people in the game, how they play and what they experience.

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Not all boxers have a negative impact on others… some of us are considerate enough not to have any negative impact on others.

The ones that do annoy me just as much as they do others.

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Right… but how your subjective opinion matters in case of a fact that mboxers cause resource-hogging?


I think that multiboxing should have limits:

Not allowed in PvP
No more than 5 characters played at the same time.

I think running around with 10 characters is unfair because they can run around emptying nodes.