Multiboxing is breaking the game

Not true. The multiboxer wont dump the produce at low price - while its true it gets more produce, they also have to pay a proportionaly higher upkeep.

Think about Real Life… For example coca cola… Costs pennys for a liter to produce, but you dont see the Coca-Cola company dumping it on the market… You never devalue (dump) your produce, and multiboxers know this principle.

And keep in mind there is an army of herbers (no multibox) who will jump in action at the moment a herb is worth “too much” and thus balancing out the market. A healthy servers herb market is too big to be influemced by a single player.

I was thinking the other day how much is worth the consumables market on my server (twisting nether) - my estimate is minimum 10 million per day changes hands daily just on consumables market on twisting nether. You would need absurd amounts of Gold or merchandise to influence such a market.

what if you play classic ? xD

I dont anymore, just lazy to switch.

One node 5 herbs changing one node one herb (numbers are examples).

If the number of people who buy herbs daily wont change, and they have to get herbs from 5 times less amount, wont causes price to go up? Thinking…

It will, but only very short term. Which will spur in action some dormant herbers and supply would fix itself. Than price will lower again and some herbers go dormant again as they wont work for the lower price. Until the price reaches its balance. Where supply meets demand.

You assume demand stays same, but supply is lowered. It is temporarily, but the increased price will drive the supply back up. It is all same who does the work, a multibox or 5 players. Market doesnt care.

The thing is way bigger than a few multiboxers… How many herbers percetualy do multiboxers represent? I dont think they amount to 10% of all herbers (ofc 1player with 10 druids counts as 10 herbers).

The problem, as I see it, is that half of the complaints against herbing or mining multiboxers are that they flood the market and make herbs non profitaable (a strange argument as once you’ve repaid the training cost even 1 bronze is profit). The other half seem to complain that the boxers are controlling the market and only allowing a small stream of herbs to enter the market.

Both sides ignore the fact that there are single players, who don’t box, who have been playing the AH as their main game for years now by buying out all the cheap materials and then relisting them at higher prices. These are the players who are killing the market.

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Noone is killing the market. The market self regulates itself. Wow has a free market. No price is set in stone, its all supply and demand.

And if someone speculatively thinks the price of something will go up and INVESTS gold into it with plans of resseling higher… They are not killing anything, they are gambling with their own gold and it can go both ways. And resulting price long term wont be the result of that speculator actions, but some other factors - like increased demand which the speculator assumed correctly, or incorrectly.

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Professions are poorly designed to begin with. Blizzard should play with them and they cant get any worse so I’d say its a pretty safe bet ANY changes would improve them. It is so boring to collect weeds with herbalism and then jsut hope for procs while crafting with alchemy. 10/10 design wow

Fair point. I was merely trying to use the parlance that others had already used even though it is incorrect.

I started multiboxing many years ago because I wanted to do dungeons on my own, without having to form a group, it was really difficult to set everything up and I got lots of abuse out in the open world from people. I haven’t been multiboxing continuously since then, just dipping into it every now and then. It’s very difficult but it’s great fun, you should try it, you might like it. I think you are simply unlucky if you feel that it’s preventing you from farming herbs and ore, I’ve seen a few multiboxers in my time but I’ve never cared much that they might be over farming things, what really gets on my nerves is when there is a mob next to something that I want to collect and I start killing the mob and then someone else just comes over and collects it and flies off while I’m still killing the mob!

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