Multiboxing is breaking the game

completely agree that is pay to win … really pay to win and really destroy fun to other ppl and can add destroys market of the game

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Sure, but it already happens so removing restriction from nodes so it’s only limited by time won’t change anything because people will just keep doing what they doing right now. The actual change will be that mboxers won’t hogg resources anymore and everyone can farm in peace.

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The big farmers don’t pay anything as they fund subs with gold.

Blame Blizz for bringing this whole convert gold>token>battle net balance… same with boosting.

Blizz looks for ways to recover lost revenue from all those people who quit WoW and went FF or other MMO’s :rofl: But then I would quit too if not for tokens :wink: Tbh I don’t blame people for quitting because there is decent amount of things to do in the game but all of it is super oversimplified and boring. On top fo that by default you are punished with not being able to get all transmogs you want because some gear is purely one time only which is nonsense.

However this doesn’t really work as the token, and multiboxing, were part of the game back when FF wasn’t worth playing. I am not saying that Blizz don’t want to make money but the argument that everything is down to Blizz greed is starting to wear a little thin here.

It wasn’t an argument toward multiboxing but a loose comment about Blizz current status when it comes to monetization.

Several times in Nazjatar i’ve seen a druid, not just ‘‘a’’ druid but technically he was. But there was like 10 druids in flight form in a perfect line in ‘AFK’ . Holy moly, how much money does he have. Damn

Depends on prices but 10 man boxer could farm even 500,000 worth of herbs and ore per 3h XD Especially on my server lol

Ofc. most MMO’s allows it since it will make developer more money (espeically if there is no gold to game time system). Persoanlly I wouldn’t allow it because in an MMO where people already pay for sub why should someone with more money should have adventage in the game?

I found that you asked yourself a question utterly hilarious. I mean you always make me laugh (just not in the way you think) but that was gold.

someone took herbs!

What is the difference if a bot do it and multiboxers do it?

I found one :smiley:

PS: WTF :open_mouth: I can post videos? How can I check my “cow level”?

Multiboxing is a huge problem.

Many years ago it was fun to see a group once a year. Now I see them every day.

Crafting is broken. AH “market” is broken (not the new working AH, it’s great).

Multiboxing is not gameplay. It’s people addicted to farming stuff. They are a flying factory! This is not fair gameplay. Even if they pay for it.

Today I discovered a new problem. Herbing with enchanted gloves; 3 seconds every time. There was a farming multiboxer killing everything on the same spot in that zone. Loot deluxe! I can’t tell if that was the problem.
But after 200 herbs, I hearthstoned with multiboxer still there.
Herbing vent back to normal; 1 second.

I have a great solution to multiboxing.
They get private servers. End of story.
“Go farm, have fun! Sell your stuff to other multiboxers.”

If this continues, I quit! I will not pay real money for unfair gameplay.

Youtube is a trusted site, TL2 can post those :wink:

You can check your trust level here (just put .json at the end of your forum profile):-

All I would like to add is people say blizzard does nothing because Multiboxers bring them money this is only half correct because with the wow tokens been so easy to get the only money blizzard make from them is the game been bought and then 1 month of sub after that the multiboxers just buy tokens = blizzard making no money from this people at all and losing people that cant do anything because of them which are paying with real money. Also when you attack them with WM on in naz (main place you find them) they just drop down and swipe on the spot don’t even move how would that be a player using the account a lot of the mutliboxers are no botting and blizzard does nothing. (Rant over)

Yup many multiboxers are bots, a few ones which arent.

They are in nazjatar, grim batol, and other good skinfarm locations, ever since 8.2 and 8.3, still not removed/bannned…

It wouldn’t be so bad if Blizzard could find a way to simply bump all the multiboxers onto specific multiboxer shards and give the rest of the normal players a chance at playing the game as it’s intended to be played. I doubt this problem will ever be fixed though as I doubt they even view this as an issue.

The worst thing about all this though is how prevalent this is becoming. At the start of 8.2 you could spend an hour in Nazjatar and easily farm enough herbs to make your potions and flasks for the week with some to spare. Now if you try it you’ll be lucky to see much of anything that isn’t instantly raided by a team of eight druids that herb the node dry.

It’s definitely something Blizzard need to start taking a look at as it’s no longer the niche thing it used to be.


If you played BGs during TBC or Wrath you would see them every single day.

Mass harvesting is an issue that should never have been introduced into the game not multiboxing.

Removing mass harvesting only causes to herb prices go up as well as anything releated to it.

This exactly.

It is exactly the same. It does not affect the economy in any way.