Multiple realms appear offline

He didn’t switch realms then and cancelled the realm list so he never really logged out of the server, that’s why he was able to get back.

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yeah something like that, so if you are already online on the offline realms you’re all good, but for us not logged in we are not able to gain access.

Stormscale is down as well, still many friends are online there.

Blizzard fix your toaster? xD


Can’t get back in on Kilrogg - isn’t on list either -.-

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Silvermoon down - come on Blizz - ive had to speak with my missus for more than 10 mins now. This is not what I pay you for


I counted 71 offline server. It’s a little bit more than what was on the list.
GG blizz :wink:

(Anetheron, Antonidas, Arak-arahm, Arathor, Blackhand, Blackrock, Blackscar, Bloodfeather, Borean Tundra, Burning Steppes, C’Thun, Conseil des Ombres, Culte de la Rive noire, Darkmoon Faire, Darkspear, Deathguard, Deathwing, Defias Brotherhood, Dragonblight, Dun Modr, Earthen Ring, Echsenkessel, Executus, Exodar, Festung der Stürme, Garrosh, Ghostlands, Grom, Gul’dan, Hellfire, Kael’thas, Karazhan, Kazzak, Kil’jaeden, Kilrogg, Kor’gall, La Croisade écarlate, Lightning’s Blade, Mal’Ganis, Malfurion, Malorne, Malygos, Medivh, Minahonda, Nagrand, Nathrezim, Nozdormu, Outland, Perenolde, Rajaxx, Rashgarroth, Ravenholdt, Runetotem, Saurfang, Scarshield Legion, Shattered Hand, Shattrath, Silvermoon, Soulflayer, Sporeggar, Stormscale, Suramar, Taerar, Teldrassil, Terokkar, The Maelstrom, The Venture Co, Thermaplugg, Thrall, Throk’Feroth, Ysera)


How did they mess this up so badly.

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Probably bad change management and lack of competency

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Why no bluepost on this, seems to be quite a lot of them affected…

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This is unacceptable!


It’s because they’re all asleep and or don’t give a shi…

Hey all.
We’re currently looking into these additional English realms showing as Offline.

One thing to note, the Realm Status page shows all realms in the selected Region, you filter by language in the Locale dropdown.
Each language has it’s own forum so for example the French or German realm connections won’t be listed in the English announcement here, they’d be on their own language forums.


Why is silvermoon offline it is not on your server downtime list its bad enough you can’t merge all these realm mergers with the weekly reset let alone post a list that is incorrect.


Agreed. I’m expecting a full refund for all of the expansions.


I’m currently online on Silvermoon. If I logout and check the realm list, it shows up as offline. My husband just switched from Silvermoon to another server and isn’t able to log in on Silvermoon anymore cause it shows up as offline. I think it’s a bug. Other realms show up as offline aswell and aren’t really offline.

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That’s right, I’m online on Silvermoon too, but some people see the server as offline.

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Rip Silvermoon ;c

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What is going on with this server…

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It’s not just Silvermoon, it’s quite a few realms having this issue. :frowning:

Not a full refund but I’ll take a day or three of free game time while they fix whatever they broke; I can’t log into my server too. What if it was your server? You’d be annoyed too.