With the right portals is easy
You need not worry about your pizza getting to you on time
I only eat pizza if there’s beer with it. Free beer?
If you vote me for your next MVP (and you are of legal age to drink alcohol) I will guarantee you free beer.
Ok then, Nefaryas for president!
french laugh
Hu hu hu
that is true
this i cant disagree with xD
Just to make sure. I’m very selective about my beer. Should be either:
- Westvleteren 12
- Duvel Tripel Hop Citra
- LaTrap Quadrupel
we better get Neffy elected soon. Shad and i are pretty hungry right now.
Sadly it’s not an election, or bukachu would win an mvp in 2019.
Ohh sweet jaysus…
As if his ego isn’t big enough as it is
Imagine if he actually wins:
“AMA: How I became an MVP”
If it was the election, We tHe PeOplE would want someone to balance the others mvps. Just to have some alternative of “nicest girls who care about everyone’s feelings club”.
Pasta requires Tomato and Chilli pesto, plus freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese… OmNomNom!
Unrelated to pizzas but my continuing quest to become an MVP… ermm… continues!!
I’ve finally finished off the 1st wing of my absolutely fanbtastic and awesome MVP deserving raid!!
I can’t read that without hearing the sound effects the ghouls in Quake give when you blow them up with a grenade or a rocket
None of you took this thread seriously and it make me sad
No wonder Sylvanas wants to kill you all
Now now, some actually gave serious answers! Which made it even better!
Life is too short to be serious all the time, if you can’t laugh at yourself… give me a call and I will do it for you
I’m not gonna bother with MVP related subjects until they get rainbow text.
Yes we did treat it seriously. We took your concerns onboard and opened up an election for new MVP.
Nefaryas thinks she’s won by simply bribing everyone but I have a secret weapon in my sparkly multi coloured and in no way shape or form unmasculine unicorn sleeping pants.
MVP worthy I’m sure everyone will agree.