are you serious? no don’t remove Rip its been there since start but i do agree to remove sabertooth
i would love to see MoP feral return the playstyle was at its highest peak i do not want to see some changes that don’t make sense , make soul of the forest baseline with leader of the pack . make incarnation baseline for all specs so blizzard can make a complite rework of that talent tree row when u can chose between incar or soul of the forest , u can slap there heart of the wild , natures swiftness and treants some utility upgrades . feral lacks on damage i would love to see bleeds mater and them doing more damage . i would love to see jungle fury azerite trait and wildfresh rending be passive baseline for feral so u got reason to apply thrash on your target , but what we could get back aswell is ravage , savage roar baseline , have barkskin and survival instinct together not that they are taking SI away and replacing it with scuffed bark . i would love to see infected wound slow be reverted back to 50% again and instead nerf rogue slow poision since they can spam “throw knife” and range slow you which is beyond abbysmal and stupid
MoP Feral was terrible tbh. Way too much damage from bleeds and EVERYTHING snapshottet, meaning you could have 5-6 different effects influencing your bleeds. And since Ferocious Bite was so weak, you didn’t use it unless your target was below 25%, so the rotation became pretty easy, with the right gear and addons.
And speaking of gear: Feral in MoP was pretty OP on single target - mainly because of a certain trinket in ToT. The devs will never - EVER! - allow that to happen again. So if MoP Feral was ever remade, we would have an extremely over-engineered, back-loaded dps rotation, lacking AoE and only being equal to other specs on single target - but we would have to work much harder than any other spec.
My objective is more trying to find a way to find the spec FUN to play, not to make the spec the highest dps spec in WoW. A lot of people are saying the to do this so that feral can become dps gods, but to me that’s just secondary thing to focus on. Just look at what Whitepaw said, feral was terrible but because it was high reward people started to oversee the big flaws. Feral has always been a boring and cumbersome spec, the reason why I chose it was cuz of the lore. And trust me I was that guy as well in Mop who had a big grin when I was always number 1 on the dps list, but when a friend of mine started to play feral and changed to a different spec, a rogue, he then had a lot more fun. Of course I tried. It as well, and it was a lot more fun than feral even though the dps was lower.
I didn’t find it boring in WotLK, but back then, there were difficult mechanics to handle.
Like fx Shred. Back then, you had to hit the back of your target for Shred to fire. This had an upside as well, because some of the survival CDs (those which gave 100% dodge) didn’t have any effect if you were hit from behind.
So the clever Feral circled the target and pressed Shred continously. Shred would fire when you were behind the target. And so, I ended up killing many rogues and hunters who believed themselves safe when they had activated their CDs.
The juggling of the 3 finishers is another example. Back in WotLK, you actually had to use all 3, all the time, to perfect your rotation, max your dps. In MoP, you just pooled 5 x combo points and waited. If you couldn’t replace your Rip with a better Rip, you pressed Savage Roar. Else, you replaced Rip. You only used Ferocious Bite at target below 25%. Net result: The rotation became easier!
Feral has never been a boring and cumbersome spec until bfa. I dont understand how you’re unable to see the correlation between feral being fun and doing comparative damage to that of other dps and bringing a toolkit others also have.
If Boomies have A,B,C,D ability and ferals only have A,B,C and does same damage who you going to take?
If Rogues have A,B,C,D, utility and ferals only have A. Who you going to take in a group?
It might be down to fun, but systematically its an MMO and currently we’re being ostracized for not being able to perform on par with others. It is both possible to have fun and do comparative dps whilst bringing utility and have survivability. See Rogues & DH’s.
I had a discussion the other day on dreamgrove (druid discord) about the utility issue.
Looks like there are two kinds of ferals: those who want to be cats and those who want to be druids.
Looks like there are also players who are still scared of the possible return of a hybrid tax if druids would ever be able to do more than what they do right now.
just hope to see tunning
and then u got people like this
[https ://clips.twitch. tv/PeacefulSpikyBeeKappaClaus]
(delete spaces)
playing alpha and beta wishing feral to suck again . really dislike people like this guy .
yes asmongold isnt serious. Guys count 2 and 2 together here.
And he might be a gold beggar but he’s a millionaire irl, so i guess it works out doesnt it.
Yea I saw that. That’s kinda sad. And I wouldn’t really be surprised if blizzard did not realize it before half of shadowlands. In which case, I will buy shadowlands when feral get decent again. No reason to play something broken and not enjoyable, while other classes get massive funny updates.
You’re missing the upside of that clip: He’s recognizing that ferals have and issue and openly admitting it to a wider audience. which gives more of a chance it’ll communicate back to blizzard who will hopefully take the feedback and make some changes. But this is getting a bit off topic.
Cats should really have pounce/-“Feral charge” baseline. Source: I have two cats, they pounce on stuff its true.
LoTP should also be baseline.
Rip should remain, its iconic.
AOE damage needs to come from instant spells: Swipe/Brutal slash
ST damage needs to come from Bleeds and be enhanced by other spells or have other spells enhanced by bleeds. Like old Mangle.
Eg, Shred does more damage to targets already effected by Rip/Rake. (Someone else can do the math)
In PVP Slow should come from infected wounds, but be applied via Shred (Not rake and be increased to more than 20% but have duration lowered).
Sabertooth should be changed to Execute phase (Sub 30% rip refresh) to make it viable with current BT. However i’m in favor of removing BT all together as ramp up damage for AOE Situations sucks and always will suck. eg, Rake->Shred–>Shred->FB (BT proc) Shred->Shred->Shred->Primal wrath…nvm they’re all dead.
If BT had a 30 sec duration and a proc to increase next 2 Brutal slash/Swipe damage it could work & change PW to spread Rake to each target instead of Rip and get rid of thrash its waste of energy and does not alot.
Or, Same as above, only Primal Thrash Talent- Spreads Rake to all enemies in range (Kind of like Enhancement where lava lash would spread flame shock) (I could be getting this wrong its been some years since i’ve played enhancement).