My Feedback for Feral Shadowlands/Dragonflight

Indeed! Feral is doing rather well right now. Could be better, but definitely not a bad spec right now.

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The devs have given 1 x charge SI back. But I think we need to look at Feral survivability as a whole in SL - and if weā€™re given better survivability with other abilities, we canā€™t expect to keep stuff like SI.

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You donā€™t expect but me and most of ferals are, if paladin can keep divine sheild,sheild of vengeance and if rogue can keep cloak of shadows and evasion then feral can have bark and survival instinct. I disagree for a change in defensive cooldowns. I want to keep feral defensive as it was ,Iā€™m doing +20 keys atm and Iā€™d I didnt have survival instinct and predatory swiftness regrowth proc Iā€™m dead on tyranical week same goes in mythic raid ,its an oh s* hit button so I strongly disagree with you


I still want to see a total revamp of the feral, go away from anything old school thing, no tweaking or something cuz everyone is talking about tweaking. I just want to see if they can make feral fun from scratch which corresponds with the lore.

Blizzard will not listen unless content creators will be loud about this. Feral is my favorite spec and I only play wow for that, but I stopped on BFA recently because it has been awful in BFA. Now that I see how messed up they got in Shadowlands my hopes are lost. I donā€™t personally think they have a specific class designer for Feral. It seems like they forgot the roots of what a cat in wow can doā€¦ I seriously donā€™t understand what they are thinking. Do they focus more on balance and forgot the feral ? or what. Idkā€¦


i am conntent creator myself and i think im to small to be vocal so i created this thread so blizzard can see this

Well youā€™ve come to the right place. Thereā€™s a few threads kicking off in US forums too. Hopefully Blizzard will take notice of these posts once some of the larger content creators voice the opinions. Just keep posting constructive feedback and suggestions!

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i mean i made the thread in the first place so :stuck_out_tongue:

There have been two or three threads in the Shadowlands Alpha General Discussion forum about Feral but they have dropped very far down. Might want to post some thoughts there as well to keep it in the devā€™s minds :wink:

Im trying to post in every single one! :smiley:


to be honest they should remove affinities and make them baseline so we can use rejuv in all specs without being restricted like back in the day


Yea, They should. It makes no sense that this is called the ā€˜un-pruningā€™ but weā€™ve ended up more pruned! Itā€™s kinda basic mathā€¦


With regards to affinities, I understand it was an attempt to comparmentalise druid utility, as specialisation rather than class became the focus in previous expansions.

However now that Heart of the Wild is being put back in, it should be a baseline ability not a talent. You shouldnā€™t have two use two talent slots in order to fulfil off-spec utility (for 45seconds :slight_smile:) that embodies playing druids in my opinion. Also this would mean that affinities make more sense with regards to the synergy with HotW.


its just stupid that affinities are back give us powershifting atleast

or a usable afinity.

i would love to see feral being on top of everything in shadowlands like Dh and BM hunter are in BFA

Does being on the top of the dps list mean fun even if you have to do an annoying rotation? For me thatā€™s definitely not fun. Donā€™t mistake me, my dps is has always been in the top 3 of a raid and yeah you can gloat about it. But the rotation is not fun since itā€™s a headache thinking:

1: okay, do I have the right buffs.
2: should I reapply bleeds for cuz of buffs?
3: multy target, how fast will they die. Is it worth putting some primal wrath and so on.

After so many calculations during the fight and doing the mechanics (mechanics arenā€™t hard just have to pay attention) you just get exhausted if the raid pulls the boss for the 6e time.

Gameplay > 1e on dps list


You wont get to do any game play if you canā€™t do your role comparatively though. As much as Fun > Damage, no one will pick a utility-less mediocre damage role when you can do all that and more in balance spec.

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If you look at the parsses, you can basically see that Feral is normal when it comes to dmg. But you can also see that even though feral is ranked higher than moonkin, that the moonkin player base is much and much larger. Feral parse is about 10% of the moonkin one, reason for this is mostly that moonkin is more fun to play and is also easier. Newcomers who try feral donā€™t know how to do it perfectly in a raidsetup or mythic plus setup. The result is low dps, feral getting the stigma that dmg is really low and so the newcomer just chooses something else. Itā€™s not easier and definitely not fun. That is why I thought that an entire rework HAS to be done. Rip might be iconic but that doesnā€™t mean that itā€™s good. Tweaking the dmg numbers is easy, so it all boils down into making a fun game play.

Rip is good if it worked properly. With the bfa set up it doesnt. If they actually removed rip id delete my druid and then the game. I would be like deleting frostboltā€¦

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