Okay so i recently made a post about feral losing one of the best "oh s * hit " button Survival Instinct 2x 50% dmg reduction for 6 sec with Barkskin thats 20% dmg reduction only 1 charge and 4min cd
Okay il take that but remove rogue cloak or evasion their “oh s * hit buttons”
Remove demon hunter Blur and let them only have “darkness”
Remove divine sheild from ret and let ret only have Sheild of Vengance
thats how feral feels without Survival instinct and no im not over reacting
i tested alpha and beta bfa and gave feedback on feral dmg and they deleted the feedback and said “you didn’t give feedback”
Rather be loud now and let them revert this BS change SI swap with Bark
or give us both
Feral needs passive bleed buff , give us more ulitly we lost “our strength” as Ion Hazzikostas would say we lost Roar which was tied to guardian and feral now all specs get it which makes feral even more usless and no reason to bring in mythic +
Remove Leader of the Pack pvp talent and make it passive baseline so feral will be more competitive in Shadowlands in PvE and PvP content
What is absurd balance spec has typhoon as baseline and bash is still a talent for feral.
Speaking of bash , bash got nerfed from 5 sec stun to 4 second stun which is absurd either keep it this way and reduce cd on bash and make it baseline or revert it back to live version
Give us baseline vortex like you said at blizzcon , im happy with baseline cyclone but i would love to see nature’s swiftness . i would love to see incarnation nerf from bfa reverted back as it used to be so people have reason to pick incarn.
Guardian does more damage than Feral on Alpha , Is this BFA all over agian?
After feral players went through so much trashtalk from meta players and high end mythic raiding guilds .
These kind of ferals deserve to be rewarded in shadowlands for sticking with their main even tho it was so bad on start of bfa they made it alive at the end of it proving people feral can be competitive
I do not want to reroll other class just cause you don’t care about feral ,i rather vote with my wallet than go through another “BFA Uldir 0.5 times” when guardian and resto did more damage.
And then u see fire mages, demon hunters still on top , like why? what’s wrong with the Balance team . you really wanna see same specs being broken for another expansion?
Please read this blizzard , Feral’s feel really bad on alpha . Ion you said u want feedback from alpha so you can stand up early , here is my feedback .
You got enough time to act and other Feral players can agree with me here
Don’t remove Survival instinct and make good use of bash somehow and do not put Heart of the Wild in same row as mass root or bash .
Make Soul of the forest baseline passive and u got more choice for a talent tree row.
Edit: And give us some utility baseline that no other druid spec has so we will bring something unique on the table .
This expansion is supposed to be about unpruning the classes not pruning them harder
Update: What i would love to see in Shadolands
make it baseline and increase its cooldown
Savage Roar.
they can make savage roar work if they are smart and instead of increasing our damage it can increase our crit when we use it with energy regen. jungle fury and wildfresh rending should be passive baseline
Just remove these restrictions and give all druids back rejuv , bear with enraged regen and treants ? so you can be any spec and use your actual druid abilites
just make incarnation baseline with soul of the forest so they can get better ideas for talent row
Back to being our 25% execute passive
just make it instant cast like in legion , only guardians can instant rez which i find BS.
i would love to have that so i would be taken in mythic + and healers would actually love me for innervate
okay so give us MoP class design back . since balance druid gets baseline typhoon and feral does not get bash baseline make it baseline for feral and guardian .
there is a talent row i think its 75 soul incarn and savage roar how about make all 3 baseline but savage roar reworked so it gives us crit by 30% when we use it increase energy regen by 50% since we are losing memory of lucid dreams .
and then they have a whole lvl 75 talent row free and think of what feral could have i would imo slap Nature’s swiftness , Treants and Heart of the wild like a utility row
i would make all Affinites baseline since we are druids not just ferals .
on top of all that i would buff bleeds so our bleeds actualy hit hard like in mop
i would also love to see incarnation have 30% damage increase if it was baseline so incarn would feel like an actual cooldown.
Leader of the pack baseline but nerfed from 5% crit to 3% so ferals would be taken in more in high end content like mythic plus and highe end raiding
Update July 27th
can cast forms without GCD on top of them
Need major buffs they need to increase bleed damage alot i want my bleeds to tick big like in mop when shred and bites were not our only damage
I know this sounds way way way overpowered but since what we went through in BFA being clowned by meta players and community i think we deserve to be broken on start til end of expansion.
Level 35 Talent row in shadowlands
Bash Mass roots and Heart Of The WIld what the actual F
why would you put HotW there . fix this , make Mighty Bash baseline for Guardian and Feral Druid and put Mass Roots and you can put there something like Nature’s Swiftness which makes your cyclone,Hibrenate,Combat Rez instant cast and its a 2min Cooldown. I would also put Treants back from mop the ones that put 3 rakes on my target and whola new utility talent row.
We are the only melee in the game without any burst , we would love to have burst aswell.
Tiger fury
add Jungle fury azerite trait built into the ability so whenever we press tiger fury we get that crit bonus on top with 15% more dmg
wildfresh rending needs to be passive to make this bleed even be used cause its the most usless bleed and ability atm , i would love to make this bleed have its purpose so it would increase our shred and swipe damage
UPDATE 23.10.2020
Hello everyone , im here to tell you how much feedback is getting ignored for feral, for two expansions straight we will be the bottom and laughing post for meta players , we do not ask to be the best spec in the game but give us a purpose in raids give us a raid buff aura if you are against “Leader of the pack 5% crit buff for whole raid” then give us something like "if you got atleast 1 bleed on your target everyone in the raid bypasses 5% armor on the target .
The state of feral in general , Bleeds feel so bad and Rogues weakest bleed hits same as ferals strongest bleed “Rip” , bleeds need to get buffed heavily and nerf bite damage in half , reduce energy cost on some abilites or buff energy regeneration. I am a mythic cutting edge feral myself , i know the class is about snapshoting and pooling energy correctly but feral is only viable when we have our 3 min cooldown active outside of that we are energy starved.
Also i saw this on US forums aswell and i wanna point it out so people that say “Feral is fine” understand where i am comming from this is comment from “Lýnxx” from US forums
""I know it’s a matter of tuning, but I really feel we don’t do much compared to other classes. There are some serious outliers and we’re on the lower end. I know there will always be that one player doing very well, no matter what, but I just feel… weaker than the others. But I get it. It’s a matter of tuning, I hope it’s done right. In BfA we’re upper middle of the pack and that’s great! I don’t want to be overpowered – Druids are hybrid class after all. But being on the lower end suuuucks. It wouldn’t be that bad if the difference between top and lowest class weren’t so damn immense. But they are. I hope it’s done right.
What I don’t understand is… why is Bite-promoting gameplay forced so much? I mean, there are maaaaany Ferals that love bleeds and bleed-oriented gameplay. Why are the bleeds so weak? Bite accounts for like 30-40% of our damage, which is ridiculous. Especially considering the fact that bleeds are much more difficult to micromanage. And muuuuch funnier. I understand everyone fears the power of multidotting (especially after what happened in Eternal Palace and is likely to happen in Castle Nathria), but hey! We’re melee! We won’t jump around the whole platform all the time dotting everything, keeping snapshots on everything. And even if… we’d have some strength. At last, because 90% of raid fights prefer either burst damage (which we’re lacking a bit) or spread cleave, which we don’t really have. If we’re meant to be a sustained dps spec, why can’t it be bleed oriented? It would be unique, it would fit class fantasy perfectly. It would be fun.
Most common misconceptions in the Feral community – that we have no utility. NO! We have so much! We just don’t have any UNIQUE utility. That’s the problem here. Druid has 3 other specs and we need to compete against each of them. We’re supposed to have the same utility as other druids, right? Wrong! Balance and Restoration have Innervate, which we can’t access by any means. Balance has trees. We don’t. And on top of that they ALL get Stampeding Roar, in BfA a feature of Guardian/Feral, the best raid mobility cooldown in the game. Really? I feel it’s a joke. Give us something in return.
The removal of energy reduction on berserk made it much, much slower. I mean, it’s supposed to be our big damage moment, right? But now I’m constantly pooling energy. „Hey, what are you doing there? Why are you auto attacking the boss during his vulnerable phase?” How should I answer? „Hey, I’m waiting, because I got tired… Just a moment, bitte”? I know it will get much better, the more secondary stats we get. With haste comes energy, with crit comes faster combo point generation. But for now? It’s too slow. I see other classes tossing whatever they have and I just… stand there, waiting, precious seconds pass… At the end I don’t make much use of it. Just because of energy. Why is it 3 minute cooldown then?""
This is what i wanted everyone to see how feral is , to open your eyes to see how bad we are in Shadowlands, we are not asking for much , we are not asking for rework or anything like that , but damage on bleeds that can be easy fixed , Unique spec utility and energy starvation problem mentioned above from the Us Forum posted. I want community to see the problems this spec has and i want people to help us be loud so they fix us. We are underplayed spec since its complex and in a bad state in Shadowlands we need to have a voice and i want community to help us Feral Druids.
there is soo much ideas and feedback aswell on just Druid forums alone , so much discussion and so many ideas and every beta build i see is legit notting that will change the problems we have.
I really hate how some simple classes are top dps and complex ones on the bottom.
I think that most ferals would agree to lower the bite damage and buff the bleed damage.
All feedback on druid forums —> (h ttps://imgur.com/Q9TsmVa)
Please fix Feral Druid
Lets start off with the Druid Tree
My issues with the Druid Tree*
Why is Wild charge not baseline for all specs? i would rather put Displancer Beast with Tiger dash in that row
Why is Skull bash not baseline for feral? why can boomkins have 2 interupts now?
or simply just make a choice between solar beam and Skull bash so all specs can pick both , stop favoring boomkins every expansion , everyone is getting tired of it
Why did they make thrash and not Rip baseline for feral??! Nobody presses thrash unless it procs . costs too much does legit none to 0 damage , useless if you ask me, would rather see Rip there.
Why removing Primal Fury that was core of the spec for years to a Druid tree? if sub rogues dont lose their bonuses with combo points and energy regen , i will get my question answered which would mean blizzard favours rogues
Why is Cyclone not Baseline for all specs? I find it really really stupid removing that , since it was core for years to have cyclone with all druid specs
*Remove corruption not baseline for all specs "Again same problem , do not put really core druid abilites on a tree and put something new and interesting there that we didnt see before .
My biggest issue on start is , Why is not Sabertooth baked into ferocious bite? like it used to be like an execute … it really baffles me to see that .
Also why do we got to spend 3 points into useless conduit that like 95% of feral player base rarely picked , sudden ambush? really? how about you swap that with rake stun instead , would felt more valuble than 1 stupid conduit nobody cares about.
also WHY IS SURVIVAL INSTINCTS NOT BASELINE WTF … LIKE FOR REAL , YOU TAKE AWAY 1 CHARGE OF IT IN START OF SL AND NOW YOU WANT TO MAKE IT A TALENT … YOU ARE FORCING US TO PICK IT WHY JUST NOT SWAP IT WITH STUPID SCENT OF BLOOD … Gosh that makes me soo angry , like who is designing this talent tree i really want to meet this person , the stupidity is insane . our only defensive cd put deep into the talent tree , like what the F …And scent of blood is a uselesss dead talent , just remove it at this point
Predatory swiftness not baseline "Basically what you are showing here you are secretly pruning us and making it look like we are gaining something from it , it saddens me ,really
Predatory Swiftness should be baseline only for feral , no question.
PS: I feel like we will have another BFA and Shadowlands when all the feedback feral community will give will once again be ignored but , i will protest all of this until the expansion releases cause i care about this spec and for you reading this i know you care too . Put down suggestions for improving the spec as a whole , tell me what bothers you about the current tree and please share your thoughts with me