My first month in retail wow is an orrible experience....i left this bugged game!

I started my adventure on wow retail at the end of august.

after completing the tutorial on the island, I arrived in orgrimmar and started by taking a random quest, the battle for azeroth campaign.

when I reached level 20, I paid my first monthly and went on until level 70 completing all the chapters of the 3 maps, the entire campaign concerning the war between horde and alliance, and I stopped in nazjatar when it asks me to farm 2400 points with the liberto (I’m not farming because it really requires a lot of days being able to only do 100 points a day with the quest on the bulletin board… often it doesn’t even appear).

at a certain point, to see the final stages of the zandalar story, after completing the “zandalar forever” archive, I had to bring my reputation with the zandalari to 12000. so I farmed the dailies to be able to see the ending and hope to solve the problems that I will list shortly.

after having roughly concluded without this last part BFA and the storyline of dragonflight, i decide to buy war within completing it completely too. the desire to deepen the lore and characters becomes so much that i decide to replay using two addons (btwquests and tomtom), all the storylines starting from burning crusaded onwards.

so i start to complete first TBC, then WTLK (playing the final raids at the end for the closing videos of the campaign), and then cataclysm…

here the first problems arrive. btwquests inside cataclysm inserts both the new maps of the campaign and the reworked ones of azeroth. so i ask for help from chatgpt who helps me to identify which are the cataclysm maps to explore and so i start from the underwater one. everything goes well until i get to monte hij’al. arrived on this map, i find dozens of monsters and magni on a terrace that stares at a sea monster in the lake. all around i see only demons and no npc that give quests. after a thousand attempts, i discover that by going to the heart of azeroth and taking a quest related to that area, i could start and finish a mini adventure that would have freed that area bringing it back to its normal state. so i start the story talking to ysera and companions and i move on.

i thus approach the last map… in orgrimmar i start the story, and the quest tells me to go to the throne room of the horde to talk to a certain npc that only appears when i log in and disappears after 1-2 seconds. in that room, i still see sylvanas even though she disappeared at the end of bfa and led me to do the introductory part of shadowlands that i then put aside to follow the story in chronological order and avoid spoilers.

during my adventure in bfa a similar bug had already happened about 2 times. some quests asked me to deliver the final part of the mission to sylvanas, but the sylvanas i needed was not the one still present. she also appeared and disappeared when i logged in. back then thanks to a guild mate, we were able to share his world with the option to synchronize the party, and we completed these two quests. this time with cataclysm this trick didn’t work and all the npc of the entire final quest line are missing.

i wrote 2 tickets to blizzard in english. the first time i was invited to ask on the forum where no one was able to answer me. the second time i sent back several messages explaining the progress and tests done day by day, but i’ve been waiting for an answer for 3 days.

in the meantime my subscription is coming to an end, and i’ve wasted all my time in the game wandering around looking for a solution…i basically threw away half of my monthly due to a problem that depends on an incorrect timeline that can’t be corrected, since chromi doesn’t work at level 80. but why disable this option?

there are players like who don’t care about having super strong monsters. i’m fine with killing them with one shot, i only play the old campaigns to recover the lore and get to know the characters. i’m not the type who likes to move forward without understanding the reason for events. i spent more than 60 euros on a product that doesn’t work and that, unlike games like final fantasy 14, is not only more expensive, but also more unstable and full of unsolvable bugs. until you give retail players the chance to independently fix the timelines regardless of their level in the game (in order to avoid these bugs with disappearing npc), the game will remain a terrible product dedicated only to those who don’t care about the story and who only want to compete in the end game.

i’m really sorry. warcraft was an important part of my childhood, but under these conditions, without decent customer support and a stable and reliable game system, i don’t think i’ll invest my money anymore. i wouldn’t make the purchase again.

sorry for my bad english but i’m italian. i hope you understand. i lose my money and my time for a game that don’t work correctly…optimize your customer support, because it’s impossibile resolve the problem by tickets.


Seriously the amount of bugs and server downtime this expansion is excessive. And I’ve played for quite a while. I can’t blame you for wanting out. The lack of previous quest support has always made me frustrated. I just want to experience the old zones, but they keep messing with them more and make completing the old content a serious chore.


What you’re experiencing are not really bugs, they’re the side effects of a very old game with an overwhelming amount of content. When something happens in the same place but at a different point in the game’s timeline, the game will move you to a certain “phase”. Moving from one point in time to another is called “phasing” (this is when you see NPCs disappear). I can help explain how to circumvent phasing when it misbehaves:

  • If you have 2 quests in your questlog that send you to the same area (like, for example, the Shadowlands intro that sends you to the throne room - I only play Alliance so I don’t know what the “throne room” is called in Orgrimmar - and another quest, like the Mists of Pandaria intro that sends you to the same room, the game doesn’t know which quest you want to complete so it will send you to one of the two phases of the same room, which might not be the one you want. One way to force the game to phase you correctly is to abandon the other quests that happen in the same area. So, for the example above: you want to complete the Pandaria intro but you’re in the Shadowlands phase, then you would abandon the Shadowlands quest so that all you’re left with is the Pandaria one, thus guaranteeing the correct phase. Don’t worry about the abandoned quest - you can pick it up again later.
  • If you find yourself on a map that has different phases (like Dustwallow Marsh, Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Uldum, Arathi Highlands, Darkshore, Tirisfal Glades, Blasted Lands, etc.) you can look for the NPC Zidormi the bronze dragon that you can talk to in order to move you to a different timeline (phase). If a map has a different phase to it, then you will see that there is a speech bubble icon on the map which marks the location of Zidormi. You will not find Zidormi in any city, just some of the regular maps.
  • Whenever a quest gives you trouble and you think it’s bugged always check Search the name of the quest, npc or item that is bothering you and read the comments section. If you’ve come across a problem, chances are, so have other players. Their comments can provide explanations, coordinates, advice and workarounds for most problems in the game (like telling you which quest to drop to switch to a certain phase).

I hope this can help you find your way around WoW. The more you play the game the more you understand how the game works and how to handle the difficulties you may encounter. Some of us veteran players rarely find problems we can’t surpass. It’s a massive game and it takes a while to get the hang of it.


Yea I’m not reading all that. I’m happy for you or sorry that happened.

Now then, onto business. Gold, mounts, items, anything of value on the table. Let’s see what we’re working with here.

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at the moment i don’t even have a quest accepted to complete. i only took the quest that should have sent me from an npc in orgrimmar to the horde command room, where practically all the npc are missing. there is only sylvanas who should have disappeared a while ago. i know perfectly well that quests from different expansions could overlap, and that’s why i proceed one campaign at a time. this morning after 3 days a gm replied to my ticket giving me the link to a battle for azeroth quest. according to him the cause of the problem was this quest. guess what… i had already completed the quest he suggested to me, and just to be sure i also finished the 2-3 secondary quests to unlock the dragon scales for the heart of azeroth. obviously i went back to orgrimmar and sylvanas was still there alone without the remaining npc that should allow me to continue cataclysm. i really don’t know what to do anymore. in 10 days my subscription expires and I have basically not been continuing with the various storylines for a week now. now I go in to wander around looking for a possible solution by searching on wowhead or browsing the secondary quests on btwquests, but nothing… it seems like a real bug in the game, also because I don’t understand why it should tell me chapter 1/3 completed on bfa

Game is way too big and can’t not be aligned.
I am pro wow2 person.

This is a based answer and is probably the most acceptable one the OP will see.

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WoW is a 20 year old game with massive world/maps/expansions.

The game is over focused on current endgame. The leveling experience is almost non-existant nowadays.

Send me your gold, thanks.

New player: starts playing wow and has issues with the massive amount of bugs/phasing and complete lack of fixes for old content that makes it almost unplayable.

The wow community: "LOL, GG, give me your stuff.

The community 3 months from now: “Why does world seem empty? QQ”

Yall think you’re being funny but this launch has had so many problems. Older content is also terrible, they never even fixed priest order hall campaign after idk how many years and instead added a lever to skip it (to hell with the story guys i guess), you need a to use toys in order to do some older quests (again, been a problem for years) but all they focus on is current xpacs and endgame pillars.

Wow seems to be one of the few games that almost completely disregards previous expansions once a new one comes out, with the new expansion came the inability for newly made character to even access The Maw and i imagine it’ll be a really long time until thats fixed.


Sadly a classic rookie mistake… no offence. If you want to enjoy the magic of WoW in retail as something kinda like how it was you gotta ignore the signposts given by Blizzard. Sadly nobody ever tells you this. Put simply, don’t eat the cake before you have had the starter, or at least lunch. The correct path is Classic, TBC, Wrath, Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA, Shadowlands, Dragonflight, TWW. So don’t play as Dr Who if you want to enjoy the Lore.

All that you do in game is account wide so think of all the characters you create as just one massive single character.

OK having done Exile once you don’t need to do it again. So start a new character and this time go to that characters starter zone. If you can’t do that just do Exile again and when you come back to Org just ignore the goblin giving the site seeing tour and do your own thing. You are your own player, you don’t have to do anything anyone tells you. I spend all my days playing this game completely ignoring what the game tells me to.

So you do some research on the way to progress through the game and say Blood Elf just go to the Blood Elf starter and pick up the first quest and the do Eversong and Ghost Lands then Silverpine… where you meet Sylvanas for the first time and then to the wall and all way through the original game if you want.

You can then pick up TBC or Wrath and move to Cata and Mists… but avoid Chromie just play the zones in what ever order you want but try to stay on the correct track as long as you can. If things don’t pan out just start another character already… start as many as you like. Have fun with it. Your mistake is to think of the game as a linear process. Do a bit of sideways thinking.

Many of us have been living with the game since Classic and so have seen the game evolve through the expansions. There is no way a new player can endure that to get to endgame and so the game creators inserted short cuts. But the original game is still there you just gotta look for it.

Play mage for a while cus you will be gifted portals, and for the most part you will be able to travel the greater areas of the game. Don’t be surprised to get to cities and there be nothing to do… that is where the breadcrumb quests are key.

Also many of the expansions started with a scenario . If you go to Blasted Lands there is a lady on the hill that lets you revert the map. But to go through the portal you need the later map and pick up the quest in front of the portal for WoD. Never, and I mean never pick up stuff from the noticeboards or Chromie.

The joy of this game is doing your own thing… and if you want any evidence of that just check out my level at 77 and I have never been to any of the expansions, I only level in Eastern Kingdoms… its a challenge. Every time they lift the level cap I have to level a bit more. I think I was Level 120 at one stage.

All over the game there are little breadcrumbs to expansions, like in Org there is a lady standing a bridge just up from the Drag who will teleport you to the ‘original’ BfA start and thoughout the game odd character will ask if you want to go anywhere. Just ignore the auto invites to commence an expansion and although you won’t be able to abandon them you can untrack them so they don’t appear.

There is a dwarf for instance standing at the doorway in the main area that you use in BFA in front of the flightmaster that if you talk to him will start your Legion expansion. Its worth talking to as many NPCs in the game that you can.

It is a game I play spotting dead and removed characters. You would be amazed at the collections of characters I currently have standing in my Garrison. If you haven’t done WoD I would seriously recommend it. And there is no greater joy that doing Heroic raids on your own at 45. I also like killing the Lich King on my own wearing my Level 3 gear.

This game is a hoot and a half and you have barely scratched the surface. My tip is simple, when the quest give says go right, you go left, or better just ignore the quest and go which ever way you want. If you can’t find fun in this game it really is not the games fault. There is none bigger. None bigger… Trust me. And it is all still there, you just have to look a little harder. And play many characters, many characters. Having a char that hasn’t completed BfA helps uncover earlier content that you may want to know about. Use them all in your quest.

If you really want to fill in the gaps and enjoy the lore you gotta give the game the time and that means being a little more determined and not give up. It is easy to blame the game, and sure there are busted chains all over the place. But with a little effort and a light heart you will find a way. There is always a way.


Is it still possible to pause getting more XP? He could do that before hitting max level of each expansion, do all the campaigns and then once all campaigns are done hit lvl 80 or pause XP gain at lvl 79 and only unpause again after you’re done. Because as far as I know Chrome stops working once you hit max lvl.

I could be wrong as I haven’t kept up with it.
But at TWW launch somewhere they removed the ability of turning off XP at level 70.

So unless they changed it again you need to do that at level 69.

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It sounds like bad advice from me, but honestly, just ignore old content for now, and just play the new expansion. If you want to unlock allied races, there are no requirements anymore, as they removed them. You only need to hit level 50 and can unlock them in orgrimmar after a small quest. However, don’t unlock Highmountain Tauren, as those are bugged as well… Imagine they have to keep all the 20 years of content constantly bug free., while working on 3 expansions at once. There is no way. If you encounter a bug, report the bug, and do something else in my opinion.

Have you tried just running through the start scenario for shadowlands to see if the NPC’s come back then?

Because i think the main city is phased for the shadowlands intro scenario by default atm.

yes… i start shadowland but don’t resolve the problem in orgrimmar…i have try to start many tipe of campaign, but nothing. in this moment i haven’t any active quest. the gm next 4 day, tell me to complete 1 quest for fix the problem…i checked the quest and it’s completed XD bad start point…now today i haven’t play and i think that i lose my last 10 days of subscription. i wan’t to play the story, not farming hero or mythic dungeon in final season.

WoW is just a bad game for that.

Star wars the old republic does it much better.

try guild wars 2…20 years and work perfectly without the bad bug. it’s the same for final fantasy 14. is not hard make a game that work fine for long time…

WoW is just not for that tho.

They only started doing story campaign in WoD and then even more in legion and onwards and even these campaigns i barely can call that honestly.

So Classic, TBC, WOTLK, Cata, MoP did not really have a story line to follow, just quests out in the world that did not really have any red thread or thing to follow

Result of corporate greed with Blizzard getting rid of their QA and CS, making its players the paying suckers to test the game and fix stuff after release.

And even then they fail so hard with not fixing issues that have been reported during the betas and PTRs for ages! They wait till after release to fix them…

Meanwhile their CS has become so pathetically bad passing it to an AI that refers you to the FAQ or some outsourced useless idiot that just reads the title of the ticket and gives some copy/pasted response.

A few months back I kid you not I got a response telling me to check WoWHead for “hints” when my ticket was of a technical issue… :man_facepalming:

We’re paying a sub for this quality of service…