My guild reputation is GONE!


Today, to my surprise, my guild reputation has been reset. I have never left the guild nor anything.

Not only we lost our ENTIRE GUILD BANK at the beginning of the expansionbut now I lost my reputation… Hope no other guild members get this.

And please, don’t tell me “well, raise it again, it is no big deal”.

Also, my guild reputation tab doesn’t show The War Within reputations. Since I arrived to 25 Renown, they are GONE too.



Hey Jbelix,

Sorry to hear that your guild reputation has been reset.

While we don’t have any known bug for this issue at the moment, it looks like we’ve seen similar reports recently, and the developers should be looking into it soon.

As for your second issue, if you’re saying that some reputations aren’t appearing in your reputation tab anymore, this may be an addon issue. Could you try to disable them please, or reset your interface?



Before posting, I deleted my cache folder and tried to enter without any addons.

On the first issue, it is bugging me out since I need to handle things in the Guild Bank and due to my reputation with my own guild… I CAN’T.

On the war within reps issue, it seems that Brann and The Severed Threads DO NOT disappear. Those two seem to be OK. I also found out that if I do talk to the vendor of a specific facion (e.g.- Dornogal), it appears in the Reputation tab until I log out.

If you need any additional information just let me know. I will be happy to provide any type of information in order to solve these issues.


Hello again.

Regarding the issue with the reputations not being displayed…
If you check my armory, you cannot see them in there too which means the problem is somewhere else.


Link to my armory:

I have the same bug today playing Cata that nothing changed overall, but my Guild rep resetted to “neutral” for no reason.
Only explanation is that it’s a bug.

My guild rep is also gone, along with my tender from this month

I have a response from A GM. You will all be very relieved to know that there isn’t a problem.

My guild reputation also gone, reseted, and i alsodidn’t left my guild. I’m one of the officers. I have GM response too to my ticket, wrote me to come to the forum. Previously the suggest me to reset my UI, but i dont think it can be visual bug, becouse i gain reputation (see on chat and now i already honored again).
The guild reputation is not my biggest problem, but if it could happens, how can i be sure, i won’t lose the others… with no reason.

Same happened to me. Guild reputation is gone. I didnt leave guild.

Most of my before exalted with guild have lost the reputation. This not only interferes with the guild bank access but also with usage of mobile guild! As most others I have first looked at the mistake be on my side and reset ui, cleared cache etc etc all the stuff that we always are told… but no change. This is a game breaking issue and should be prioritised. Thank you…

In my PvE Character ‘Kuromatios’ I have now the same issue. I logged in, wanted to open the guildbank and it says that my reputation is not high enough… I haven’t left the guild or anything, just gone :confused:

Same problem here. Logged in, started the Siren stuff, and suddenly noticed I was getting guild reputation from completing quests… 25/6000 friendly… I have been in the same guild for years.

This keeps happening regularly to one several of my characters whenever I talk with Moonglade vendors, not 100% consistently but at least every third time. I’ll keep getting the same message and reputation value will keep resetting after it has already been reintroduced at base value but I have also tried advancing my status only to see it return to starter 2000/3000 neutral a couple day later.

Lost Dark Talons on main druid three times so far and had guild rep reset on a totally random character.

Hello again.

I’ve already raised my guild reputation back to exalted, however I’m afraid that some of the “not-so-easy” reputations might disappear like “Dark Talons”, “Warsong Outriders” or “Bloodsail Bucaneers”.

My guild reputation on my main character is suddenly Neutral, even though he has been in this guild (my own guild) for ages, and has been Exalted for I don’t know how long.
I checked some of my other characters who are also exalted, they are fine.

I also tried re-logging, going to another zone and re-logging again after disabling all addons, gaining a bit of guild reputation to see if that’d get it back to where it was supposed to be, all to no avail.
I can see on the forums, Reddit etc. that others have this issue, but I couldn’t see a solution.

I wrote a ticket, and got a very fast reply that they’ve “thoroughly examined” the issue, which is “super uncommon” (?) - and then a link to this forum and an instruction to write a detailed bug report.

Is this the right way to do it?!?

They generally link to the US bug report forum. That or the forums, but not a specific EU subforum.

You can write a bug report through the ingame panel or at the US bug report forum by creating a free level 10 toon.

There’s other people who have reported this so far:

But no resolutions yet.

Never the less, this is the link I got from the reply on my ticket - but yes, I did wonder!

I wrote a bug report on US forum, and will do it in game as well.

Must admit though, I am getting terribly tired of gaming time being poured into bug-researching and ticket- and bug-reporting.


Can join in with multiple chars that suddenly is at neutral with guild, even thou they hare leveled to level 80. Suddenly noticed that the guild Achivements was lower than usual. Seems i can’t even earn new reputation to get back up. So dont know what happends, but annoying, thats for sure.

One of my druids (made during Remix, if it could somehow help narrow this down) is repeatedly dropping down to neutral. It doesn’t happen on every interaction with faction npcs, but if I were to attempt talking to them 7 days of the week, reputation reset would occur on up to three different days. So far I have had this happen more than ten times for this specific reputation on this one character.

My main druid had lost all Dark Talons rep four times now.
You are now neutral with Cenarion Circle.

My guild reputation has been reset from exalted to neutral. I’ve been waiting for a response to my ticket for 7 days