My guild reputation is GONE!

Been advised to make a post here after a ticket chain didn’t really end up going anywhere…

Found my guild rep had reset back to Neutral on Wednesday when unable to access the summonable guild bank to grab a vantus.

Timeline for Wednesday 22nd Jan -

  1. First log on, ~10-11am servertime @ Sirens Isle
  2. Do the ring quest
  3. Engi port to the Maw, kill shadehound
  4. Hearth back to Dornogal for vault
  5. Log off for a bit.
  6. Log back on @ 12.45pm for raid at 1pm, join group, enter raid as we’ve extended lockout
  7. At Kyvessa, try to get a vantus rune for the week and had an error message saying “insufficient reputation” > Rep has reset back to Neutral.

Have ruled out the following:
X No change of guild leadership, ranking or guild- server basis
X No character transfer, faction or race change
X No leaving the guild - Have been in current guild for well over a year at this point
X Not an ‘inactive’ character, this has happened on my main

Not been fixed by any relogging or ticket, rep is still at Neutral at time of writing.
Would very much prefer not having to re-grind the guild rep from neutral to exalted :expressionless:

It’s the same problem to me. My guild’s reputation is gone. I didn’t leave the guild, I’ve been here since Shadowlands.

Same problem here on at least one of my alts - my main still has full rep but my alts have had reputation reset.

I have that issue with war within rep disappearing from the rep panel all the time and i like to tell you Yryadorne that it is not a ADDON issue as i have it also without any addons at all


I also have the issue with TWW rep disappearing from the rep panel. I can visit the faction’s quarter master to get it to display again - but this does not last - it disappears again randomly fairly soon after.
But this is a different but related issue, my guild rep really seems to have been reset as quests I do now are building it up again.

Today logging on I find that the my guild reputation for my main has also reset. I’m one of the two guild leaders.

Same happened here on Guild master character. EU

The same happend to one of my characters but not the other which is in the same guild. Cata

Could have been worse, Blizzard could have deleted your guild bank items, worth gazillions, then proceeded to ignore you and everyone else that it affected, like it never happened…

I think they’re all a demonstration of the same issue to be honest. The loss of guild vault items, the loss of currency, the loss of repution and honour. It’s all an indication that the database is leaking data and they either don’t want to, or can’t, reverse the losses. They might be caused by different bugs, but all the bugs are similar in that it’s lost data.