My ideas for class skins

I think you should be able to choose class skins in the character creation menu and change it later on if you want to.
The first one should be added in one of the patches in Shadowlands. Would be perfect for going into Maldraxxus.

Warlocks : Necromancer skin for all 3 specs. Affliction–> Blood, Demonology–>Unholy, Destruction–>Shadow (maybe some face paintings and white eyes in the character creation menu?)

Priest : Moon Priest for night elves, Loa priest for trolls and in my opinion Tidesage would be perfect as a human/kul tiran priest skin

Paladin: Maybe they should allow night elves to play paladins with Sentinel skins. I mean you wouldnt be able to play as a holy light paladin, only as a sentinel if you are a night elf.

Warlock or Mage(I’m not sure which one would be better): witch doctor (troll exclusive) I wanna stay out of the voodoo no more

Demon hunter: Maybe allow trolls to play as shadow hunters? Probably this wouldn’t work out that well but maybe…

I can also imagine an undead high elf skin for forsaken so hunters can have dark ranger skin but this is unlikely.

This is also very unlikely but considering only the abilities , there isn’t much difference between balance druids and astromancers so… maybe blood elf and nightborne druids? I mean I don’t really see the other specs working out but maybe blizz could come up with something.

I also agree wiht Jesi’s Shadow/Light Mastery idea, which would be perfect for Lf Draenei and Void elves.

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Furry skins for druids!

  • cat ears and tail
  • dog ears and tail
  • mice ears and tail
  • fox ears and tail
  • rabbit ears and tail


Ehh i dont see a shadow mastery LF draenei , nor a sentinel human, but i guess some of them should be available for more than 1 race

A theme based around the twilight cult could be given to shamans and priests.

Hunters could get Dark Ranger skin that lets them also tame undead animals.

Maybe it should be class skins that works only for certain races. That would be very elitist but would also encourage people to play race-class combinations that are more fitting for the lore.

Dark Rangers (Hunters) only for Blood Elves and Night Elves for example… Ignoring all other races no matter how hoomies would want to play as Nathanos :sweat_smile:

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So how i dress irl?


Druids already look weird. I mean have you seen the owl-cat-thing from legion. I am not sure if I should be scared or in love.

Honestly dark rangers would only work for undead, and if they were to do that, they would need to give them undead high/night elf looks which is very unlikely to happen. Besides this would be horde only.

Moon priest skin for night elves for example is mainly to make them fit in lore. Allowing LF draenei to get shadow mastery for example would just create more lore problems , so yes , certain skins should definetly only work for certain races.

As seen with death knights, Everyone can be undead so…

Everyone can be undead but the problem is dark rangers are a special op force of Sylvanas , and even the night elves that her valkyr raised sided with her because they felt like they were forsaken by Elune.

Dark Rangers are just charcters that had their soul stripped from their corpse and crammed back in again. Mostly Elves since that’s one of the nations Arthas decimated the most.

Dark Rangers and Deathknights are probably closer than one would think.

I still don’t know of any dark rangers in the alliance but maybe i’m wrong

Edit: according to Wowpedia they are in service of the forsaken

Its up to Blizzard to make this lore happen~ they already have tools for it. Ofcourse Dark Ranger was only a example but well… They turned Horde in suspicious big numbers so I suspect some kind of mind controlling that Forsaken proved~ can be broken.

“Boo Hoo Elune abandoned us so we will go Horde” is not appeling to me but hey~ The more the merrier :sweat_smile:

Well yes that might not necessarily be a reason to join the other faction but even Tyrande felt like Elune abandoned her

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