My Starry Review Of Dragonflight

I didn’t say they were.

I said they have a plan upto 10 years in the future. That doesn’t mean the plan won’t change for whatever reason over time. I also pointed out that 14.0 would even be hashed out yet, but there would be some form of development started, even if it’s scribbles on a piece of paper.

However, I would expect 12.0 has been pretty much locked in and getting alot of attention right now, whilst they spend the next year getting 11.0 ready to show to the world and ready for Alpha.

And this is why Blizzard is so damn smart with their marketing, they just wrote down a few ideas to base expansions around and call it “planning”.

It’s like saying if you told me 20 years ago yeah we’re going to have hybrid or electric cars, like the idea is there but the design and system process hasn’t even started.

Well everything has to start with an idea. Then the idea gets worked on and developed and grows over time.

Yes but the implication seems to be that everything is set in stone, while that’s far from the truth.

Which is why my original take on it being boring, childish full with inclusivity boxes boring and dull characters isn’t diminished by the MVP.

They wrote these characters a year or two ago and it’s clear, that was what this whole discussion was about in the first place.

Please explain to me where I implemented that it was set in stone. Because I think I was quite quick to point out that 14.0 wouldn’t be fully hashed out, I mean, that is the expansion we will be playing 10 years from now.

No more than an hour ago you basically scolded me and gave me the proverbial middle-finger, saying that I ought to uninstall the game and find another hobby and blah blah blah.

I said to you in very firm terms that you and I weren’t going to converse more to each other.

You cannot afterward just reply to me on more occasions as if none of that had just happened.

If you want to strike up a respectful conversation again, then you have to make some amends for prior hostility.

Anything else is incredibly tone-deaf and falls on deaf ears.

I am only telling you this out of curtesy, because your situational awareness seems lacking and it’s a waste of time replying to me otherwise.


I mean, this is a discussion forum. I can reply to who ever I like and discuss with them.

Your own words in fact.

Spare me the snide attitude. :roll_eyes:
If you reply to me it’s surely because you want me to take note of what you say.
I am telling you that I will profusely ignore what you say, regardless of what it is.
But if you already account for that, then knock yourself out. For what good it will do is beyond me.


Do not drop to there standards you have been fair throughout the thread. He accuses others religiously about being toxic and trolls and only his view is right, he is rude and obnoxious just move on and have some fun.

0 M+ dungeons completed
1100 rating from 172 games in solo shuffle with a 45% win rate
LFR 8/8

You haven’t played anything other than probably open world content substantially enough to give an accurate review of the expansion, sorry.

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The core elements of a story are set in stone long before an expansion is released or in some cases enters production. Changing core elements of a story mid-way in production is not practical, because this creates a cascading issue with the overall development process as I mentioned before (like asset changes, quest changes, and cinematic changes).

That said, this doesn’t mean changes don’t happen, they’re just discouraged. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the weird plot hole of the Jailer death cinematic and Azerite getting sucked into Torghast was the result of something they changed at the last minute, but couldn’t fix in time.

It’s funny, because it was only 1-2 years ago we were having this very same conversation but the roles were reversed.

We we discussing legendaries, and you were going on and on and on and on and on and on about how you loved them, whilst everyone else in the thread was just saying “Just put them in the Talent Tree”. Well that’s what they did.

And I asked you to stop responding to me, and you continued and said “This is a discussion forum and we’re having a discussion”. Now I didn’t intended to get to this point when I first responded to your post. But now you know how it feels to be on the receiving end.

Now I’m trying to add constructive discussion to this thread. You don’t have to agree with me on topics. But I’m going to continue to do so.

Friend. You have been stalking me since Christmas Day. You have made attempts to insult me, be little me, tell me I’m bad at the game along with many other things. You have quoted me out of context to try and paint me as a naricissist and whenever someone calls you out you play victim and pull out the ignore.

It’s fine for you to ignore me, but don’t go out making up falsehoods and calling me names. As I have pointed out before, you are only projecting your own failings onto other people.

Its just his view which he is allowed to have nothing else at all why you are all having a dig at him i do not know. He even said numerous times he likes DF.

Yeah I’ve had a scroll through his post history and I’ve been long enough on this forum to know the different types. And it’s cool. I have much respect for the diversity of the people on the forum and I even approve of trolling and venting here and there.

I am just saying, out of some curtesy, that if the hope is to have a discussion with me (which does require input on my part), then that’s not happening if the sentiment is disrespectful. So don’t bother.
If he just wants to bark up my tree, so to speak, then have at it.

But it’s just to clear up any possible confusion, because I wasn’t sure if I made myself clear to begin with. :slight_smile:

I haven’t reviewed the difficulty or progression experience of the game. I have specifically said in my initial post that it is a review of the box product content and I have outlined the categories that I have chosen to share my thoughts and opinions of.

I don’t really care for a review of the difficulty or progression experience of WoW, for one because I don’t personally find it interesting (anymore: Server first Ragnaros!), and also because I don’t think it makes the game experience any different. Harder is just harder.

I have no idea who you are. :neutral_face:

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I am going off to bed, enjoy rest of the night and do not let them get you down.

No because I was probably on an alt back then. Thats irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that you can’t behave 1 way towards people and not expect to get it back.

Sure, but make sure your view is in line with the content that you are actually playing substantially.

If you are not, how can you include:

In a review of an expansion, if:

Your raid completion is 8/8 in LFR, your dungeon completion is normal/heroic/m0 (if even that) and your PvP is at 1100 rating.

Essentially it’s: '‘I’m going to review an expansion I haven’t played much of’

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But you are bashing his score off just that 1 section not his whole thoughts which i think is rather unjust of you. Besides he has 18 years experince as a player and knows the game inside and out not much has changed in that regard.

Now i am going to bed and he is allowed his view and it was meant as a bit of fun nothing else.

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Incorrect. I can see that you’re a new player though, so I’m going to just give you the benefit of the doubt here.

I don’t really agree with most of Jito’s views in this thread, but I also do feel like this isn’t fair criticism. People have different feelings at different levels of play, and at their level of play, this was their impression of the game.

It’s kinda tricky because everyone’s experience of WoW is unique.