My Starry Review Of Dragonflight

No i am just not posting on my main account.

I have every curve and 2 x ce’s and every KSM, i choose not to post on main out of respect for my guild just like you post on a classic alt :slight_smile:

don’t get into an argument with this guy. He’s one of the most spiteful individuals on the forum.

He acts all nice and friendly, but purposely goes out of his way to wind people up and provoke reactions. But if you call him out he suddenly blames you and plays victim.

I’ve been his victim since Christmas, but I’m slowly building a case up on him.

I’ve lived rent-free in your head for 1-2 year and this is the moment you’ve waited for all this time?! :open_mouth:

Amusing. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Have at it then. Exorcise that stuff however way you feel. :partying_face:

But I am still going to profusely ignore you. :upside_down_face:

Isn’t it basically:
I played this game on Normal difficulty and here’s my thoughts.
I played this game on Hard difficulty and here’s my thoughts.

If you attribute a lot of emphasis on difficulty terms, then you can of course just disregard my opinion on the game. That’s entirely reasonable. :slight_smile:


No, not really. I had forgotten about that experience until about halfway through this thread when I figure out where I’d seen your name before.

But still the point stands. If you don’t enjoy the game, just don’t play it. Its clear from your review that it’s time to move on.

But please, and I mean please, don’t ruin other peoples experience by telling them that you don’t like the game. It’ puts a really downer on everything.

No. Your wording of ‘my review of Dragonflight’ is misleading. You should preface it with the level of content that you play at, since the opinion of low skilled players is often the complete opposite of high skilled players.

This reeks of insecurity.

My main character is Vookum-Ravencrest and my former main is Lockfromwish-ChamberOfAspects. I have nothing to hide.

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You might not want to broadcast that as posting on an alt account whilst another is banned will get you IP locked from forums.

Oh no, how will I ever survive?

I have no problem with you, all i said was i thought you were a little unfair but i can see you are like the Billy very over sensitive and toxic. Both you and him are derailng a thread an attacking the OP over nothing.
As for Billy building a case carry on you are just upset that blizzard didnt work for you xmas day to give your fire mage a buff.
Both of you are very sad and toxic and for no reason but i am glad im going bed now and have you both on ingore.

I was always under the impression that only the account got banned and not the person.

But then I have never had my account banned.

I feel like that’s prefaced clearly through my posting profile which you yourself showcased to be excellent documentation, since you looked at it and found the accurate and up-to-date information.

So that seems working as intended.

Plus, just to defend my own honor a bit here, then I wouldn’t say I have low skill. I just don’t care to put in the time and effort to do higher difficulty gameplay anymore. Not because I don’t feel I couldn’t, but because I’ve played WoW for 18 years and have done it in the past and see no reason to repeat the effort and time sink again and again.
I did server first Ragnaros, pre-nerf M’uru, Kil’jaeden, The Immortal, Honor rank 13, and so forth. I’ve had my glory time in the game in the far past as a teenager with too much time and too much ego.
But after a certain point I don’t really feel like the value of killing a difficult boss after 100 wipes is worth the time and effort it takes when the experience is basically no different from the boss kills in the past.
You reach a saturation point eventually. At least I did. Around early WotLK. Hardcore prior to that, no point afterward. Been there, done that. :slight_smile:

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Then maybe its time to move on to something new and rewarding and stop upsetting other people by saying that the game they’re enjoying is bad, when you’re clearly just over it and need something new.

And I think it’s unfair to base your REVIEW on an expansion based on incomplete content. If you want somebody’s opinion on raiding, are you going to ask the guy who didn’t raid or the guy that did?

Pretty sure they only IP ban bots or something idk.

You said that 15 mins ago.

Your achievements quite literally prove the opposite.

The highest difficulty gameplay you have done is ahead of the curve? which you could literally also buy at any point?

Not skillful

Not skillful

Skilful 14 years ago, a joke now.

I think they call it Stockholm Syndrome :rofl:

Yeh, I dunno. But needless, we’re not supposed to discuss bans on the forums. So I’ll cut that conversation here.

But happy to continue respond to other comments.

That sounds like it is really.

But tbh, there really is nothing that brings down the mood more than someone needing to declare that they don’t like something other people enjoy.

Not picking on Jito specifically here. But all too often you see threads come up saying “This game is bad” etc etc… and tbh, it’s just boring. Thats why the automatic response on these forums is “Enjoy your next game”, because people don’t want to hear what others aren’t enjoying, especially when they’re having a good time.

But if Jito had made a post saying “hey guys, it’s been a fun 18 years, I’ve done this and this and this, and well Dragonflight just hasn’t really done it for me”, I’d be more inclined to pat him on a back and wish him luck. But instead he’s decided to bring the mood down and upset people.

Its like that guy at the party who sits in the corner looking miserable, and instead of just leaving quietly and finding something more enjoyable to do. They sit there and demand everyones attention and tell them how bad the music is. It just makes the experience worse for everyone else.

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I agree with you regarding the Dracthyr model. They don’t look like Dragons at all. For me it’s the mouths that looks off, as if it belongs to furry tumblr art. So Dracthyr are like furry dragons.

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Vookum - Achievements (Feats of Strength) (

You done nothing for a few expacs now and you chastise the OP and you have 1 CE and you call others low skilled. OP has done more than you this expac he has every right to vent.

Only thing you done more than him is better PVP arena thats it so i suggest you get off Jito’s case tbh as its very much harrasement.

Hehe. Okay, whatever. I’m a scrub. A n00b. A casual. And I’m even left-handed!

My point was merely to explain my reasoning.

What is a server first Ragnaros kill? Well it’s the culmination of a group of dedicated raiders who’ve made incremental progress on a difficult boss by adjusting strategies and optimizing gameplay in order to kill it for the firs time, upon which everyone screams on Ventrilo (Discord today), throws their hands in the air, brags about it in general chat, and makes a video and realm forum post perhaps. And then stands /afk in a capital city to show off their loot afterward.

That’s the experience.

And that’s always been the experience.

It was the experience when you got that first kill on Nefarian. On C’thun. On M’uru. On Kil’jaeden. Or today on Mythic Raszageth if you’ve done that.

It’s always that experience.

And some people enjoy that experience enough that they keep wanting it every tier and every expansion.

Personally, I got my fill early in WotLK. It stopped being desirable then, because I knew what the experience entailed from start to finish and I felt like I wasn’t interested in more of it.

It’s not a question of being skilled or not, or proving that you can. It’s a question of evaluating whether the game experience is something you’re interested in to the point that you’re willing to sink in the time and effort it requires. For me it no longer is. Not because it isn’t cool and enjoyable, but because I’ve tried it so many times in the past that I find it mostly predictable and repetitive.
Maybe that will change in the future, but for now I still don’t have the urge to seek it. :slight_smile:


The 1 cutting edge which i actually bothered raiding and the 4 gladiator titles I have literally trumps everything you and the OP have done.

Quit then?

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So you see, I agree that negative feedback about this game isn’t a bad thing if REASONS are given. Jito gave their reasons for their gripes, and we can debate those merits. Jito also has a very long and storied history on these forums, and has probably written more walls of text than I can dream of (and I’ve written a fair many since 2011).

Maybe I am reading this a bit differently and also have a bias of having been exposed to Jito’s style plenty of times, but I don’t see how he isn’t doing that?


He said clearly he is enjoying the expac its just 2 other people not reading it clearly and nit picking he never mentioned the word bad either. They are now basically trying to cancel him.