My Starry Review Of Dragonflight

Jito just listed a load of topics and gave them 2 star ratings.

There is a button titled “Summary” under those ratings where he elaborates.


Buttons? Didn’t see the buttons.

Probably should consider using better formatting for his posts.

Needless, there is no need to make a scene on the way out. If you’re not having a good time, just play a new game. Don’t bring down the game for other people.

Fantastic elaboration. This would really help a player that is considering getting into Dragonflight.

Why? There’s a lot more to WoW than difficulty progression.

I find a lot of joy in the world as a whole, the fantasy setting and the worldbuilding and lore. I enjoy the core gameplay loop of killing things, looting them, and seeing my character get more powerful as I progress.
It’s fun to collect things that look cool, and it’s calming to journey around in zones you’ve known since you were a teenager.
It’s fun to play with others and share a common nerd passion for Warcraft.
And sometimes, occasionally, it’s also fun to do things in the game that are challenging and difficult.

The whole notion that people just have to quit if they don’t worship the altar of WoW like zealous fanatics is a bit ridiculous. For most veterans I recon the game is a hobby, and like most hobbies there are ebbs and flows and you appreciate them for different reasons over the years as they evolve with you as you grow as a person. WoW is no different. At least to me it isn’t.

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So give a review about the casual stuff you embark on and leave the end content stuff to the people that play?

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Isn’t that what I did? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


You don’t play this content substantially enough to give a meaningful review.

I find it sad that a person has basically cancelled and trolled Jito in the whole thread , did not even bother to press any of the summary buttons and read the context and flag the OP post as trolling. People like that should be banned for harrasement and blames Jitos formatting not his own fault for not reading you can not make it up.

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Didn’t you say you were going to bed like half an hour ago?

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And I didn’t. I gave it a few short paragraphs that summarized the limited experience I’ve had with it in fairly broad and general terms.

I leave it to the likes of Echo and Method to review the intrinsic difficulty and balance of Mythic raid encounters. I don’t feel like I am stepping on their toes with my review, but if they feel that my review looms over them like a constant shadow, then they can always reach out to me and I’ll take their concerns into consideration. :+1:


You think they sit here reading your walls?

Well if they don’t, then there’s no issue, is there? Then it’s just a n00b’s review that’s being read by a bunch of other n00bs.

It sure is.

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I’m glad we agree! :+1:

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Here we go, quick on the attack again, but trying to hide behind Mr Nice guy.

In all fairness, I have never seen anyone use “Buttons” on the forums before. They’re not commonly used in threads, not even by Blizzard blue posts.

So it’s fair to say, if you have not encountered something before, it’s fair to not recognise them for the first time.

So, would it have not been better when creating a presentation you want people to read to present it in a way that any layman would be able to work around?

I would probably recommend instead of Buttons, it would be better to use Bullet points, with clear and concise points. That saves the walls of text hidden behind those buttons.

So once again, I ask you to leave me alone if you are just going to attack me at any given point.

I will definitely agree the buttons aren’t clear, I feel like that is more of a UX issue on Blizzard’s side though. I only pointed that out in hopes of dousing any bad feelings, as I know tensions have run a bit high in this thread :slight_smile:

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I wrote the following:

If people miss, omit, or otherwise don’t comprehend that, then the walls of text are probably not for them anyway. The stars are.

Something visually easy and simple for those wanting a quick forum fix.
And something elaborate and lengthy for the nerdy dwellers.

I think my forum posting standard is fine. I don’t try to appeal to the lowest denominator. That is deliberate.


Admittedly, my ADHD brain would not have read that sentence but I always click on everything so that is how I found the summaries haha


Never mentioned your name and the summary button has been on these forums for 4 years now.

You are the one constantly attacking me and Jito because you are never wrong or admit to your own failings. I mean you flagged the OP as trolling and you call me toxic.

And get it into your head he never said the game was bad and never said he wasnt enjoying it .

Give it a rest you are really toxic and annoying now.

He even put it in the main post how can you even miss the summary ? its just low tier cancelling and trolling.


Sorry Jito that the thread turned out like this i hope it is not removed and the unjust flags towards you do not count.

People should have read the OP more fully.

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