My suggestions for Prot Pallys

After checking the changes for Paladins, and Prots in particular for next 0.5 patch, i decided to post here my main suggestions.

Please feel free to post your own ideas and/or comment on mine.

Grand Crusader will also grant 3 holy power. If the Paladin has 3 or more holy power when this occurs, each unused holy power will convert into an absorve shield, for 5% of the Paladin hp per holy power (5%,10%,15%).

Soaring Shield Effect should be baseline, and in its place, make Avenger’s Shield uses from Grand Crusader procs do 100% increase damage.

Merge the talents Consecration in Flame with Sanctuary, and in its place, Grand Crusader will ignite your Consecration, causing it to do 300% increase damage and heal allies for the same amount, for the next 4 sec.

Bulwark of Order absorve shield for 100% of Avenger’s Shield damage.

Shield of the Righteous protects you and 4 nearby allies, reducing damage taken by 3% for 10sec, stacking up to 3 times.

Word of Glory redesigned to be multi-target heal, healing you and 4 nearby allies.

Shining Light Will cause your next Flash of Light to be instant cast. (but needs to heal 300% more than Word of Glory).

Ardent Defender should also increase the Paladin hp by 20% over the duration.

Improved Holy Shield should have an added effect, blocking spell reduces the cd of Divine Toll by 1sec.

Blinding Light should not break on damage.

This ideas will give Prots so much needed mitigation, self healing and damage, 3 things we lack so bad this season.


So you’re only planning to make them have broken damage, brokenly strong absorbs, heal a whole M+ party and make the party have a perma damage reduction?

The ideas are laughable. You’ll farm likes though because lots of peoples idea of a good game is one where their class is broken strong.


Maybe your idea of a good game is one where their class is broken weak, like prot palas are atm.

Prot palas are weak, everybody knows it, and Blizzard is not addressing the issue correctly. Unless you want to keep it broken for the rest of the expansion, something needs to change, deeply.

Also, im not en extremist, i gave ideas based on my experience with the class since vanilla, and with the spec since legion, but i never expected, despite making a post with several ideas, that all should be implemented at once, without balance and tunning.

And because i have many alts, of all classes, sometimes i even give ideas to other classes, like i did recently to hunters, and i dont remember seeing you there criticizing.

Why dont you pick up one idea at time, and explain what you dont agree, and how would you make it better, for example. Thats called constructive criticism.

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You’re unironically asking for pretty much a 6s AoE stun :stuck_out_tongue:


AoE stuns exist in-game. If you say 6sec is too much, then balance it with the cd.

Just asking for anything that can help prot palas survive longer, and giving them aoe stun can surely help.

I checked a random dungeon log.

A prot pally got 82 GC procs during that dungeon. Thats an extra 6 minutes of active mitigation for free. Or if they just sat at lol full holy power 82x15% absorb shields for a total of about a billion healing - which is twice the damage taken in that dungeon. They could literally not use active mitigation, double the damage they take because of it and absorb it all through GC procs.

This alone would add about 25% to a pallies damage. It would also double the healing from your later idea…

10% perma DR for group? lol what the actual hell?

Who needs healers when you have tune’s ideas?

Constructive criticism is generally given to constructive suggestions. Yours are just ridiculous from start to finish.

I’m not denying prot pallies are weak and could use some buffs. But that comes from tweaks to their current kit. Doubling or tripling healing and making them fart holy power isn’t a serious suggestion. You may as well just ask for a big red “i win” button and be done with it.

It’s wild how out of touch people on forums are, suggesting only changes that make a spec op, instead of fair changes to bring them up to the rest. We don’t need more dmg or dr, just make WoG consistent self heal button and not drain mana while self healing. You can do that by doubling the low hp % bonus and making it unable to crit and give us a mana refund while self casting. One other thing they need to do though is add an interaction with avenger’s shield to both hero talents. Currently the best ST rotation is to never press avenger’s shield with Templar. so just make avenger’s shield extend shake of heavens naturally instead of only when it kicks with punishment.

I play prot in M+ and these suggestions are way over the top. No need to make a spec absurdly broken that they will replace every tank in M+ and they’d be crying for prot pala nerfs.

What I really like to see though is Shining Light procs cost no mana and fix the Spellwarding swap bug when you change specs jesus christ

This is what i think blizzards minds are like when they read these or even care for an tank specc failing.

why are you always a doomer. why should a tank specc be bad and worst ? paladin tank is a legit an joke.



and nothing in the change for next patch is an improvement on the bad they want you to legit kill your self with blessing of sacrifice that’s how much they care.

Thats laughable.

if blizzard cared for paladin they fix it they are dam sure not set on fixing nothing just giving it more headache’s instead, for people that just want a change for the better not the same worst but even worst.

gonna end with this one https: //imgur. com/a/jNEOzbL ←

Learn to play the game if you think nothing is an improvement in 11.0.5 changes for prot pally.

Empyrean ward is armor cap on 16.(6)% uptime, we get to have divine purpose and dt+resonance always, strength of conviction is baked in. Sure we still lose 4% multiplicative haste portion of seal of alacrity but the other changes are enough to still be a net positive, lightforged blessings also got buffed to 3% max hp per sotr → that is a solid hps gain that we can easily take for free. healing taken increase during arden is neat as well. Prot pala is the biggest skill issue tank right now, people who cannot grasp that you need haste for the spec to work are not making the prot pally situation better. When in reality we’re not worst by a mile, we’re even worst with brew and 1.5key level worse than pwar/vdh/bear/bdk.

https: //imgur. com/a/jNEOzbL

Templar literally is the only hero talent you can use in keys, you’re such a delulu forum troll if you can’t even check where’s the highest io prot pally(25th ranked tank) and what hero talent he’s using in his keys(hurr durr TEMPLAR).
http s:// haracters/us/zulji n/Yodafotm?season=season-tww-1

Why are you incapable of reading a post and context?

Your ideas in other threads were just as clownish. Legit freakishly awful. If you wonder why dev’s ignore feedback, look no further than the feedback you give.

I preferred it when you only vandalised the priest section with your rubbish, shame you semi re-rolled.

great. good. now put context to a fix. :slight_smile:


Dejarous, you are so toxic and negative.

Did you read the part where i said that everything need to be balanced and tunned?

Not only no one ever expects a complete rework of a class, despite making several suggestions, those are ideas, that could, at individual level be considered, with the purpose of giving prot palas what they lack the most atm.

I dont want to make prot palas stronger than others, just as good as others.

We lack mitigation, self healing and damage output.

For example, you think that making WoG multi-target heal is op? Maybe you dont know how little it heals now days, but the amount healed would have to be balanced and tunned, not necessary remain the same. It just would be an option, to use a weaker multi-target heal or stronger single target heal. Options are good.

if Avengers shield from grand crusader making 100% increased damage is too much? Then lower it, instead of simple denning it.

If grand crusader giving 3 holy power is too much, what about 1? would it be more balanced?

I could go on and on.

But because you are toxic, you criticize others ideas without giving some of your own.

Guess you never learned what constructive critics are all about, and you mistake that with toxic behaviour.

Dont worry, i will say a prayer for you tonight. Light be with you.

Ok, an idea. You should stop posting bad ideas. There you go, I gave an idea of my own.

Yes, lets solve that by giving pallys an aoe stun, a group wide damage reduction and a button that heals the whole party. I don’t even…

Just another dreampost.
Wake up, man, blizzard never even read forums, they checking inner statistics. If statistics show that active pala’s count is ok, than nothing changes.

If that were true, they wouldnt make any changes for next patch, but since changes are coming, means they know not all goes well.