Reworking Blinding light would be good for ret and holy as well. 6 second stun would be broken, but I think it should be made a baseline ability and then to have talents the modify it. Like one that makes it into a 2-3 second hard stun or one that makes it into a 3 second AoE silence or something.
If nothing else, they need to drop its baseline CD from 1:30 minutes to 1 minute. Its not strong enough for such a long current CD
GC procs quite a lot from my experience, would the converted HP count as spent? It should, since we are spending it to get automatic shield, this could then proc Incandescence which would mean we’d be just standing in our Consecration spamming hammers and keeping HP at max as much as possible in hopes of GC proc.
Now I’m standing in consecration and I have no reason to leave it, since anything that’s at range can eat a frisbee that hits for double the dmg, bonus points for speccing into Focused Enmity that makes it hit for yet another 100%, oh and there was this guy named Ferren Marcus who got his own talent, thanks to him the primary target eats yet another 10/20% more of our shield.
Did I mention we get shielded for 60% of each up to half a million hit we hand out to anyone in 30yd range, even more if there is multiple targets that get hit?
My consecration seems to hit every 0.75s, this would leave me at 6 hits over the 4 second duration, it can crit for up to 12k, that would mean we can now crit for 36k.
Let’s say we have 4 normal hits for 18k and 2 crits for 36k, that would mean we get 108k dmg from it, times four means about 430k free healing, that would give us over 100k hps per mob in our ignited consecration.
Since why should we be the only immortal one in the instance, let’s bestow immortality upon our fellow party members as well!
Now our half a million frisbee shields us for the same amount, we weren’t immortal enough, and if everything goes well and we use our Divine Toll to the maximum, we get 25 hits for yet another massive shield every 45 seconds, if we weren’t immortal before this, we surely are now.
If there was any other tank that could get into a group at this point, this will make sure only pallies get invited, and non-pallies that run with their friends/guilds get asked to reroll.
Been a while since we had 4 dps 1 pally keystones and we are still getting punished for it, but let’s bring back those glorious times so we can be punished for it yet again.
This would potentionally turn the Flash of Light into a mini Lay on Hands.
I can heal myself for about 650k non crit WoG, increased by up to 300% depending on health it should be able to go upwards of 2m non crit, increased by yet another 300% it would take us to 6m healing.
WoG crit gets me about 1.2m, that gives us 3.6m on low health and with 300% increase it would leave me at about 11m heal.
And the best thing about it? With GC procs (3 hp as you suggested), Sentinel and Bastion of Light I could dish out so much SoTR that I would be able to spam this mini LoH every few seconds.
This gives us yet another chance to do high level keystones without a healer and get punished for it, yay!
Getting last stand on top of a cheat death thing, that gets it cooldown reduced by using holy power would probably come at a cost of increased cooldown, while probably the most sane suggestion from this list, I’d rather keep the low cooldown of AD.
The cooldown of DT feels fine, for how strong it can be on pulls, getting a way to lower it would probably end up in the need to nerf the effect of it.
This is the second suggestion that is not completely bonkers, getting a choice node that would either turn it into AoE stun with lower duration, or cooldown reduction could be the way to do this without making it super OP.
Sadly, the numbers and suggestions presented here would just turn the class into an abomination that would probably take all the spots in the group, since with 5 prot paladins you could possibly just gather up the whole dungeon while being immortal thanks to the 4 other pallies.
I got more than 7.7M hp, and my WoG heals me for 600k, alot less than 10%, and you guys think that 600K multi-target heal is too much? its close to insignificant.
And with the 20% increased they promisse, it will be 720k, still less than 10% of my hp. Even with the 3 stacks, it will be less than what Warrs get with their 30% hp heal.
Even if we get Flash of Light instant at 300% more than WoG, it still would be less than 30%, and it would require 3 casts of SoR, so we wouldnt be able to just spam it, it would take some time.
read avenging wrath and world of glory passive, it’s way more than 600k lmao.
up to +300% from missing hp scalling(caps out under 30% hp)
+20% scalling from wings and roughly 20% more with 4p(40 stacks, that’s reasonable to have for next wings)
those modifiers add up to roughly 3.4m heal from wog when under 30% hp which is like 45% of ur health ish, it’s pretty much w/e but can crit for 90% of your hp bar which you have 20% increased chance during wings.
I have more gear and saw a 9m wog crit from under 30% with wings up. The issue is that the non crits are pathetic, they need to make it consistently a loh on self use under 30% hp, not just in wings. Giving us 20% modifier to wog isn’t that much but at least it’s bumping the non crits in wings to 50% hp heals. What they still need to do is to give us mana refund on self casts.
This is my WoG in a +5 Dawnbreaker, as you can see, it can heal for waaaaaay more than 600k.
My max crit is sitting at 3m, this probably was one of the “things are not as dire as they could be, but let’s heal up a bit” WoGs I put on myself, so it could be waaaay higher than the measly 3m we see here.
So let’s do some numbers, the 2.4m probably happened sometime during me having sentinel up and being low hp, getting 300% buff would mean I’m literally popping a LoH on myself at that point, without forbearance and without cooldown.
If you still can’t see how OP this would be, let’s say it crits! Oh boy here we go, from what i’ve seen my critical heals go for 200%, that would turn it into a massive 4886k heal, triple that number (300% after all) for 14658k heal, that’s about double my health pool, which is currently sitting at 7734k.
Still not OP for ya? Let’s throw in Light of the Titans into the mix, now I’m having a HoT that heals for 2931k over 15 seconds, but let’s say I have harmful DoT effect on me, suddenly it’s double the amount for 5863k HoT over 15 seconds.
So basically, one WoG could possibly get me 15m heal and a 6m HoT on top, and that is pretty OP.
I have to be honest with both of you, i understand what you are trying to say, so maybe is just me, or maybe my WoG is bugged or my char is bugged, coz i never got those numbers this season.
Sure, that worked like you say back in DF, but not anymore. Back in DF i could easily see bigger heals when low hp, but now i dont.
And when i say 600k heal, was in the city, with no buffs.
Im going on vacations in a few days, will have time to do some testing, to see if my numbers match yours, but honestly dont remember ever this season getting 3M WoG crit. Or maybe i just take so much damage that dont even noticed the heal.
But Soupala, can you show us a screenshot of that 90% hp heal from WoG?
Problems with paladin is not word of glory healing its the when we pull more adds we have no way CC them like monks druids DH DK
blizzard needs to do something with blinding light so the adds stay aoe dazed for 8 seconds or something. in the ptr talent three 15 sec cd reduction feels sad, they should change it to permanently stuns the target for 5 secounds or 8.-
also they should make divine shield CD lower like a 2min cd same with lay on hand.
To be honest, I think there is a missed opportunity in there, a choice node that would be either cooldown reduction or turn blinding light into AoE stun would probably be a nice thing to have, it would mean that you either get to use it more often, or get a more powerful version of it, but without cooldown reduction.
For divine shield reduction there is already a talent that feels strong enough with even 1 point in it, since we’re spending so much holy power anyways.
I think this will be my build only thing i hate with the new talent compared to the old is now youre forced to choose blessing of sacrifice or blessing of protection in the old you could skip it for defensives.
This is why i wish they made final stand an 5 man ult so everyone in the group took no damage sort of like anti magic shield etc
one good thing now we can cast divine shield whenever and get more healing when cleansing toxic on your self same you can macro blessing of freedom now to get a heal like legion.
only thing missing is a 5 man thing like aura mastery or something. Paladin need a group defensive, also best part now blessing of freedom is a 45% movement sprint.
blessing of protection should be reworked to be a 5 man use so everyone gets immune to physicals damage.
I mean paladin is all about giving blessings why cant we be group oriented.
Dejarous, thank you so much for returning, i missed you.
At least this time, you post something usefull. I didnt know this site, so i will study it and hope to learn something from it.
Now, i dont remember details about this 2 instances you mentioned, but i remember that healer, a Shaman, very good healer, way above average even for shammys. I remember i did several m+ with him, and we got my key from +4 up to +8.
Now, the issue, like many pointed, is not only the lower heal from WoG when compared with DF, for me, its also the increased damage i take. The average healer in m+ pugs simply cant keep me up. That was not an issue last expansion, but now it is.
Now, can you help me use that site and check my blocks?
Didn’t screenshot that one but here’s my max WoG from a dawnbreaker +10 i did 2hours ago
htt ps://
it can be effectively a loh but the stars just need to align(wings + from under 30% hp and it needs to crit)
Stars aligned plenty back in DF, but this season never got anything close to that.
Going on vacations after tomorrow, will have time to do some runs and will study in detail the logs. But 8M heal is not something you forget.
When i said WoG heal me for 600k, i meant with full hp, not buffed, was just checking numbers in the city, but still, increases up to 300% would mean 1.8M, and crits would be 3.6M. I dont usualy get low hp when pop the wings, but we will see.
Ty for the info.
Now, after checking the changes in the trees and talents for next patch, i dont see any increase in armor or armor bonus from SoR, no increase in HP, only a 6% increase in damage, and lower even more the cd’s on defensives.
Long is the time when defensives were to be used in specific situations or emergencies. Now, they want us to spam them. There is no skill in spam.
You need to change your approach to that. AD / bubble / GoAK all come back very very quickly when you spend holy power. You can and should press AD once per pull (probably on pull when you’re a little squishy).
You can probably GoAK / bubble almost every second pull and once per boss. Thats not spam, its filling in holes in your mitigation when you don’t have sotr up (or when the healer is focussing on the group).