My suggestions for Prot Pallys

Thats what i do, but they dont last long enough to see trash moobs die. And once the defensives are down, my hp crashes.

Back in DF i didnt need to spam my defensives so often, and my WoG was healing 2 or 3 times more, and i got +20 done more easly.

Once, in Mists, +6 or +7, i pull a pack of 5 moobs with shield, then use divine toll, and then im dead. From full hp to dead in 1sec, didnt had time to use anything else. Each moob hitted me for 1.5M to 2M, x5, all at same time, you do the math.

Yeah prot is well known for being hyper squishy if you don’t have atleast 2 active mitigations up. Pre-Consecration & SoTr before pulling a dangerous pack to avoid instant death. Also you have the tank taunt trinket, it does well keeping you alive for the first few seconds.

You can also try out Lightsmith. It makes you less paper compared to playing Templar. My top healing is often Holy Bulwark next to Word of Glory. It becomes the best hero talent next patch so might as well get some practise into it.

Swarmlords authority is even better at keeping you alive and way less cringe to use than edna’s trinket. I don’t think Lightsmith will outperform templar, but the gap will be closer. I’m simming 730k dps st templar and 590k lightsmith. I don’t think those changes amount to 140k dps increase for lightsmith. Sure Yoda is saying that they will but like idk we’ll see from NA logs on tuesday i guess.

Maybe lightsmith will be better for keys but i don’t care about min maxxing my key dps, i mainly focus on raid performance.

I play Lightsmith, dinged this week, and am sitting on a +9. Mitigation could use some touching up, but in keys I just lead with CDs in every pull.

There is no reason or justification not to use them liberally. Every use you make frees your healer a bit to do more DPS, or just heal other party members.

I was out during DF, so no idea how things were then, but if you can give breathing room you should.

Also, always happy with buffs. My biggest issue is AS not granting HP, but that’s probably every prot Pala’s beef.

Those suggestions seems crazy OP…

What I would suggest for Prot pallies would be something like:

  • Increase SotR uptime. Either by increasing baseline duration by like 1 second, or have WoG casts extend your current SotR by 1 sec, since Blizzard clearly wants Prot to use Word of Glory frequently. It would alleviate constantly chasing mitigation uptime until your gear gives 40%+ haste. None of the other tanks have to deal with this. Not being able to use free casts of WoG for example, because it will cause SotR to fall off, just feels bad.
  • HP from Avenger’s Shield
  • Refund 50% of the mana used when casting WoG on yourself
  • Remove the mastery interaction from Consecration and bake it into SotR instead. It’s tedious to constantly re-cast Consecration to stay alive, when encounters are designed so you have to move every few seconds. Just have it do AoE damage, and perhaps snare enemies, meaning on a boss you don’t have to use it to survive.
    I think as a whole, basing mitigation around standing in Consecration and DnD for BDK, is outdated and doesn’t fit with modern encounter design. The 4 sec buffer when running out of them are just poor band-aid fixes…

well everyone saying prot pal is bad, is still used to the old DF ways and hasnt adapted to the new way of TWW

buf if you saying that Prot pal is hard to play, i will 100% agree
and forcing tanks to take tank trinkets again is a good direction, would only suggest if the also buff the other tank trinkets as Swarmlord A is outpreforming all other tank trinkets and the other trinkets arent even close to it

would love a change to mana use with wog on self, as the lightsmith is build around using wog alot, and im oom within 2min and need to drink in dung more than the healer

change inmost light to reduce cd on eye of tyr to 50%(this will help with the 4% hast lost in 11.05) and plz blizz fix the HoL GCD bug

with seal of alacrity loss maybe buff Relentless Inquisitor to inc Hast by 2%(was 1) , wil still be a 1% hast nerf

Bulwark of order maybe 80% or even 100% damage = absorb and focus on talents more on AS

change Focused enmity to 100% extra dmg on 1 target with adidional target reduce the dmg by 20%
Soaring Shield , Avenger’s Shield jumps to more targets but does Reduced dmg afther 5 targets
hope those change with AS will make it better to cast

Change Sanctuary to 6sec instead of 4

biggest issue with bulwark is that avenger’s shield is lowest prio by far in ST right now, and we’re actively ditching DT+resonance in raid. They really need to add interaction with AS to templar(hello just let us extend shake with it?). It’s still great to press in aoe for bulwark but it’s just sad on ST.

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I think they need to walk away from consecration its literally my lowest use ability.

now with divine toll its much easier to get aggro etc.

probably why you’re struggling, the dr is mandatory to be tanky, also now that lightsmith is better than templar you want to cast consec more frequently for divine guidence.

debatable :slight_smile:

I think they could change the conc in to so it happens when you cast judgment instead.

IT IS NOT debatable, lightsmith is doing more st and aoe after buffs. You can easily do 1mil overall in a +10 key. And Yoda did 800k dps on sikran as light smith(100k higher than last week as templar)

One does not have to like TWW changes and there are very little reasons to like it.

  • For the last 3 seasons we were OK, but not meta or close to meta tanks:

  • Low dps,

  • low mobility,

  • good survivability (provided you keep SotR and Consecr up)

  • relatively good utility

  • relatively easy to play.

  • liked by healers and easily invited to m+ pugs.

  • Now
    -OK dps (if templar, not sure about Lightsmith)

  • low mobility

  • very poor survivability (even with SotR and Consecr up all the time)

  • excellent utility (with stops and stuns being nerfed, our interrupt and silence abilities - got far more important).

  • very difficult to play (I chill when playing my blood DK compared to Prot Pally).

  • healers dread when see a prot pally in a group, I often get rejected on the base of my class.

What should I like about this “new way”? maybe hero talents?

  • I dislike Lightsmith thematically, the mandatory weapon enchant “Rite of Sanification”, it messes up my transmog and adds additional burden of keeping track of this 1 hour enchant, as if I don’t have enough things to think about and keep track of as a prot pally.

  • I like Templar for a powerful single target damage ability, but visually it’s bland to me, I don’t feel like a Templar. Whoever designed these talents didn’t care to study historical Knights Templar properly.

Forcing m+ tanks to take tank trinkets, when there is only 1 viable def trinket gated behind raiding is an awful direction.

Dps is really good now, mobility is awful as you say, survivability is very mid to low ye, utility is busted, but ye definitively harder to play now, dk got kinda easier and pally got harder so difference is massive between the two.

I quite like the goofiness of HoL animation on tauren specifically but ye it doesn’t feel like you’re playing a mediavel knight. Lightsmith just as premise is omega cringe cause the dmg is from sacred weapon pet which doesn’t feel as good as if it was from you.

Ye sadly it’s always been this way that bis defensive trinket is from raid and not keys.(Swarmlords now, fyrakk s3+s4 df, aegis in s2 sl onwards) pretty much only the cheat death trinket from dawn of the infinite was bis defensive trinket from keys in last 2 expansions.

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sustain wise templar is easyer less buttons.

may be that prot as light smith does more dmg but i feel sustain is like a wet potatoe also to much buttons.

hammer of light’s heal feels nice to get.

Im gonna keep playing templar prot it feels better.

it’s literally 1 more button with a macro to always target you lmao. But go ahead stay small and perform worse.

Guess i’m the minority then for preferring Lightsmith over Templar. My healer certainly feels happy with the shields he get. Also Blessed Assurance is goated as my top dmg on a +10 Ara was Blessed Hammer.

No more it seems. After massive buffs for Lightsmiths today majority of paladins swapped from Templar to Lightsmith, at least according to Murloc io

Welcome new Lightsmith! There is no need for such a macro :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea you could mouse over for perfect min max, but it has decent smart assign when you self cast for the ally buff. It gives the shield to most injured or healer in keys and other tank in raid. Weapon is always given to a dps. The difference isnt enough to bother manually selecting ally for each armament.

AFAIK Sacred Weapons do not scale with the targeted player, not even with the number of attacks or spells they use.

Also, if you have Weapon available before a damage window, you could choose to give them to a healer and it will generate more healing than damage.