My suggestions for Prot Pallys

BTW, you’ll probably read this from me a thousand times, but it’s crazy how Prot gameplay could be improved with simple fixes.

Make Avenger’s Shield proc the SotR buff so you can get in the pack (or to the boss) with your armor already buffed.
Make Avenger’s Shield give 1 holy power so that you have more overall casts of SotR and WoG.

We can discuss balance and strength relative to other tanks after , but if the gameplay isn’t fun I think people are going to be miserable regardless.

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I can agree with this tbh I wish they add back Avenger shield game play it feels so dull to press that and gain nothing from it.

prot paladin , doesn’t need a rework realy , his utlity is balanced right now , he need tuning , some of those suggestions sound broken to balance , if u heal all your party by very little its pointless , if u heal them by an average amount like 30% of their hp , its broken , if you give dr , its broken , u still have devotion aura which is enough , i would agree with bulwark for 80% damage maybe or even a 100% since paladins are so quishy ardent defender is also decent with the hp increase , reducing your divine tool by each block is decent i suppose , i mean u can reach 100% block with faith in the light , i would say 0.5 seconds with the removal of seal of order would be fair , blinding light not breaking the damage is a bit broken for packs since it doesn’t count with the stun duration , but if it does share it , i would say its decent , i know people here get triggered seeing some broken changes for some unknown reason , and start crying like its that offensive instead of making a fair balance with these ideas or removing some , but don’t mind them , thats what they do for living i suppose.

Protection paladins are even not in a bad spot tbh. If u think that l2p with it because they are strong.

Hell no this will be broken tbh.

So u want protection being a pure dps spec while being OP In defenses haha

Ye right hahahahahahaha talking about being a broken spec.

So a OP HEAL GOTCHA hahaha no.

Definitly not.

divine shield is the best tanking ability blizzard has added in to the game its really good. They could improve more on it make it a grip all adds to the paladin or something as well.

They are objectively harder to play well in M+ than all the other tanks, except for maybe Brewmaster. It’s doable for sure to push keys on all the specs, but let’s be real, if you play druid or warrior at the moment you’ll have a much better experience in pretty much every situation, and you won’t flop over and die if you do a tiny rotational mistake.
Right now, Prot pala feels like playing BDK if Death Strike healed for 500K, and after doing 10 in a row, you’re oom and have to drink…

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