If you’re just getting into delves, these are especially things you want to know…
#1 - Always check your mini-map for objectives
When you go through the delves, you’ll have objectives like rescuing people or activating this or that thing, do not make the mistake of going through without consistently taking a peak at your mini-map and missing an important objective, having to retrack your steps back to the beginning for one thing you missed preventing the final stage from activating. Objectives appear as yellow marks on the map
#2 - Always rotate your camera/look around you/behind you
As you go through the delve you’ll find it easy to miss key items you’ll want to pick up and this is surprisingly an easy and fast way to resolve by just developing the habit of rotating the camera as you move through the delve. You’ll see a lot of items you would have otherwise missed. If you are like me and don’t have to go wandering around searching every crack then this will help you quite a lot on the main paths.
#3 - Upgrade Brann, he’s OP
An important reason to collect items in a delve is for the experience alone that you’ll find for Brann. Brann scales really well and will help you immensely in a delve. So do not just race through the delve skipping over items. Brann will help you complete delves above your ilvl or make you current delves much easier. You can do delves among multiple alts, which that experience will count account wide for Brann.
#4 - Wait for CD’s/do not die
There isn’t a time-limit in delves so take your time and be tactical about it. When you die you lose out on extra loot. If you’re low on health, stop and eat. Take food with you to the delves, potions, etc…and use them to help get through it without dying. This might be difficult for the people who want to do zoomies throughout WoW content, but you’re only hurting yourself by doing and passing up loot. Take care on the last bonus especially, as you might be frustrated by not having an important cooldown ready mid fight.
#5 - Use environmental/neutral mobs to help you in your delves
You’ll come across things like exploding spores, moving carts, random mobs running through the delve that do damage to you. You might find these initially annoying, but these also do damage to the enemy and therefore it can make it a lot easier/faster for you to clear it. Get used to fighting with these mechanics in a delve as part of your normal run-through, rather than trying to avoid them or seeing them as a mere obstacles, Just be careful about it as although the damage is good that it does to enemies, if get overly confident that can backfire. Otherwise, they can be a great asset.
Bonus tip
While it might be tempting to use Brann as a dps and that can be effective when doing a non-bountiful delve or delve tier that you’re very confident in, a lot of buffs you collect in the delve have a health % requirement, meaning you need to keep your health above that %, which can be as high as 80%, so if you take damage below that you’ll lose the buff. That can be a lot easier to do with healer Brann, collecting the health pots to keep your hp high, however, if you’re relatively weak compared to Brann and he’s doing a lot of the deeps and you’re just keeping yourself alive, then it might be worth sacrificing that extra dps that would go to you with those buffs.