My vision for the Horde

Thrall is a coward. And a traitor. And since you refused to accept your priviliges I will just share a spoiler now without a warning.

And you are wrong again. The orcs have nothing. They are a dead race cause Thrall helped killing his own people all the time.

And not because they blew up their own planet after two failed intergalactic invasions, failing miserable even with the Legion’s backing
Some races are just not ment to be survive
Evolution did its job

the Horde will rise to greatness again and the alliance will be punished.

Think you can bait me like this? Nice try but nope.

Sorry I would like to return my order, it seems they are bunch of booger monsters in my privilege.

Want me to make a list of all the things on the alliance where Blizzard seemed to actually care?

Even when someone bait you politely like i did with my last topic you just reported me and i got suspended for few days. GG

maybe the only person who DIDNT see you as a clown and wanted to talk seriously about lore with you and took seriously your answers even if didnt agree. And you reported me.

Lack of courage and honesty.

Want me to make a list of all the Horde privileges that actually matter?

You are wrong but you do not know you are wrong.
It is not all the time that Horde should face Alliance with an Axe. But with words.

Was it not for convincing Jaina Proudmoore to betray her father and the Kul Tiran people. Then Lorde Admiral Daelin Proudmoore will have destroyed the Horde at Theramore as they were in a much weakened state and had not become the force that they are now.

Thrall was with Grommash Hellscream as they stood against Mannaroth.
The Horde destroyed Draenor. The Horde used the Sceptre of Sargeras the Horde performed Warlock rituals and spells that made the planet unstable.

Thrall had to leave the leadership of the Horde to become the aspect of Earth and helped to save Azeroth during the Cataclysm.
If Azeroth died then so to will the Horde.

Under Sylvannas more Horde died than any other Warchief. Saurfang sought the help of Thrall in order to save Baine Bloodhoof. Had Sylvannas executed Baine then the Bloodhoof Tauren would not have tolerated this.
Your spoiler does not actually spoil anything. Just a Horde and Alliance delegation, probably hearing news to face the big bad evil again.

Horde only thrives under Orcish leadership.
The Horde will have collapsed was it not for the very Orc you call traitor.

Maybe would have been better
The world would be a better place without the Horde and without Horde there would be no need for the Alliance and the races and nations would be free

Without the horde… All the horde races would have been suppressed and dominated by the alliance. They banded together to survive in their Alliance world.

Your starting to sound like Zeke from attack on titan xD a character that believed the world would have been better off if his entire race never existed… So he wanted to exterminate them all.

Aot was a wild show. Holy loas

Without the Horde there wouldn’t be a need for the Alliance to exist.

Also Tauren have no reason to fear the Alliance if they weren’t a part of the Horde.
Darkspear trolls have no reason to fear the Alliance if they weren’t a part of the Horde.
Vulpera have no reason to fear the Alliance if they weren’t a part of the Horde.
Zandalaari have no reason to fear the Alliance if they weren’t a part of the Horde.
Blood elves to fear the Alliance if they weren’t a part of the Horde.
Nightborne have no reason to fear the Alliance if they weren’t a part of the Horde.
Goblins would probably be making deals with the Alliance if they weren’t Horde.

Pretty much the only ones that have a reason to fear the Alliance even without the Horde are orcs and undead.

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You are missing the point. Without Thrall what would the Horde become?
Will they have even left the internment camps? Will the Horde still be the burden/responsibility of the Alliance tax payers?

The Tauren will have been defeated and hunted to extinction by the Centaur.

They refuse to see it. The Alliance will not exist without the Horde.
Even when you point out that all 4 wars were began by the Horde they still see the Alliance as the bad guys.

The Forsaken on their own would have been destroyed a long time ago.
They are an abomination and exist in a cursed existence. The other victims of the Scourge are killed permanently so as to give their souls rest. Questing in the Eastern Plaguelands you see cursed Undead but once you defeat them their souls are freed, This also happens in Northrend as well.

But the Horde not only keeps them trapped within this cursed existence. But are now canonically grave robbers. Who force this curse upon others.
Orcs are invaders to Azeroth. After killing one planet they could be a threat to Azeroth. There could have been a means to send them back or to another place.

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I didn’t report you really

Like the horde try to suppress other races :face_with_monocle:
And the alliance woud have without horde no reason to attack certain race like tauren, bloodelves ect.

Even without alliance intervention.
Only the horde save them in tirisfall.
Without hirde suport they are in a unfavorable position against scourge remnants and Scarlett crusade and Likely get overwhelmed by both.

So my topic title was “erevien baiting” for having discussion about lore and i got suspended but it wasnt because of you.

Lol, i m not stupid tho

No one, except you, had any reason to report me.

By coincidence you never came on the topic for answer :slight_smile:

So now you cant avoid my question :

You talk about HE and their human paladin husband and Half elf babies.

So what do you think about lorthemar and thalyssra ?

Elf plus Elf is a good thing.

Its equal as Night Elve + troll in this case