My vision for the Horde

there’s still a part of me thinking well thrall is basically Metzen so with Metzen back we might see Thrall become more central and less scuffed but otherwise yeah I really hope we see more of our other horde brothers in this story to come cause I honestly I havn’t eaten since 10.1 and I’m starving

I cannot agree at all since until now anything he says is basically a monologue of what he wants from his personals desires.

If you look carefully is the person that always try to point of what Alliance is getting …
And anyone that start having conversation he copy-paste the same phrase over and over like Garrosh and Sylvanas .

World of Warcraft is a game that has 2 faction . You cannot even debate anything about Horde And Alliance because the company create lore/art/everything for both of them .
If he thinks he can do better he could apply for a job …

But somehow this guy is entitled to believe that the other is getting something better…more and more …so …

what rule is he breaking?

I don’t care if he likes one faction over the other or has an opinion on what is portrayedin the game, thats not breaking a rule or trolling

his posts are on topic, sometimes antagonistic but to my experience only if others treat him like that initially and he engages with people who try to engage with him.

I just want story equality. Is that against the TOS?

Spamming the same topic over and over and borderline or not that borderline trolling


They also need to get more horde leaders other than the top tier involved as well.

1-3 of them are still under used really, same with Alliance side.

Rather that was done before any new races join the faction as clearly they’ve not been able to balance that out with representation of all races on either side.

Can we start with that first Story/Lore department. Other MMO’s manage to do it so don’t know why this is still an ongoing problem.

I agree actually. I’d love to see more Horde leaders do more things then stand around in Orgrimmar.
I would love to have some fun interactions with Gazlowe again. He’s a fun character.

Yes. Since this is not the World of PEACEcraft.
It is like people engaging with Star Wars and not wanting war.
There are talks of another Alliance vs Horde conflict towards the end of The War Within and start of Midnight.

Instead of full scale faction warfare there could be racial conflicts. Dark Irons stomping the Vulpera. The Kul Tirans assasinating Derek Proudmoore and making sure he can never again be raised as Undead.
High Exarch Yrel coming to Azeroth in order to face the Void shenanigans of Xalatah / Knaifu Waifu.
There is still potential with the lore if done correctly.

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Admit that TWW will be alliance biased. Everyone knows it.

You would be whinning on the forums whether it was Ally or Horde base anyway since You dislike the current Horde narrative
So what? Expecting an Erevien bias?

I will play TWW because I already bought the game. I will do the main quest, raids, heroics and that’s it. If the next two expansions will follow the same trend, A and H dancing and kissing together I will say bye.

Do people actually want to see Thrall anymore? I mean his story is kinda complete. I really want to Blizzard to start developing new characters aka the next generation, but it seems that most new characters tend to be more of checkbox for ESG than actual characters. Also more action and less talk-no-jutsu and “workers rights” pls.

I mean judging by previous expansion, and I can be wrong because Metzen is in charge of this one, I am fully expecting Alleria (for example) to go a soul searching journey that ends up with “Maybe we aren’t so different after all”. I don’t really see characters in red or blue but I absolutely want to see some decent action and good moments.

I baited you on another topic.

Are you running away friend? :dracthyr_lulmao:

The story is an ongoing one and as such characters can fall to irrelevance but as long as they’re not dead be made relevant again (Or even when they’re dead, atleast shadowlands is contained in shadowlands). I don’t really see it as characters finishing their arcs, but rather arcs some characters are involved in finishing.

If there is a story arc where he slots in nicely and has a role to play that feels fitting, bring him in I say. I agree with the need for new characters, but I don’t mind the pressence of the existing ones either.

Could be yeah, honestly idk what we should expect, maybe there won’t even be a narrative shift. They did do an interview where one of the people at blizz said they are planning to bring back conflict between horde and alliance, so that makes me wonder ok just how impactful will this elf reunification really be at the end of the expansion where it happens.

Are they going to make elves neutral? third faction is unlikely because of the absolute storm that could come out of shifting races around faction wise even if crossfaction content is going to be easy, after all choosing a faction is one of the major choices you make on character creation. Even then its hard to imagine all elven ‘tribes’ working together without conflict.

Which elves will it even involve? all of them? just the playable ones? will trolls finally be relabelled as proto-elves?

Thrall seems to be the only leader that the Green Skin Orcs have left.
The Horde without Orcish leadership is quite frankly a mess. A Council for everything is changing the direction of the Horde. Steering them off a cliff.

Other people notice. It is…tiresome to know that they will double down on Dragonflight which seems to be an expansion “adapted for the MODERN AUDIENCE”

Too much hopes are placed on Chris Metzen.

I’ve heard about that too. Infact, since I believe Midnight would be heavily Void theme, perhaps the conflict could be caused by Void beings or Old Gods.
“They burned it down, night elf. Are you seriously going to trust them? The ones who burned away your home?”

The Old Gods are crafty with causing confusion, fear and mistrust. How do we know if we’re really free from N’zoth’s manipulations?
We might be. If we really are, then this could lead to chaos as we are now slaves. And I for one welcome our new overlords.

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…and of course the new Worl Tree become Corrupted; remember that Old God whisper? It was not that promising:

“Deeper, deeper its roots will reach… welcoming our embrace”

Sure it was “an age old whisper in the past”, but the whsipers were always about the future and aimed to us
I have the nasty feelling, the Kaldorei tree will be corrupted, either by Yogg-Saron who have access to the Dream (made the Nightmare and opened the way to the other Old Gods) or the fabled 5th Old God (Xal’atath? Or another one…?) since the New Tree have a very strong connection to the Dream too - or either because its roots hit an Old God
The future - again - looks very grimm if you ask me
The Night Elves got heir wish, a lovely housing plot…
…and the monkey paw closes another finger

Metzen is the main reason all the original Orc leaders were killed at all. Don’t put your hope in him.

The new boat of the elves literally has a Horde banner in it. They won’t leave the red team any soon.

It will not take the Old Gods to sell this idea to the Night Elves.
The Horde burned down your last tree. They will burn this one given time and opportunity. Protect it.

The Horde does not have a connection to the void. Since High Astromancer Solarian that sided with Kaelthas Sunstrider. Those that fed on Muuru when he was a Void Naaru have probably become Void Elves.
The Shadowmoon Orcs are dead.

With Blizzard story telling they force Alliance and Horde to hold hands to face the latest big bad evil. So there will be a Horde connection to the Void. It could be the Forsaken’s Cult of forbidden shadows or perhaps a return of the Shadow Council.

Grommash Hellscream led his people to slavery drinking the blood of Mannaroth. Twice. He died freeing them from such slavery.
Saurfang wanted to leave the world after his own hardships and challenges.
Thrall is still there. He led the Horde to Kalimdor under Thrall the Horde flourished. Orcs still have a leader.