My vision for the Horde

Of course not. Keeping the veterans you grew up with is an alliance exclusive privilige after all. Alot of toxic people still mad whenever that status quo is challenged. You can see this alot on fan forums and reddit.


I mean, yes there is a definite imbalance in the butchering of faction leaders. Cairne was a shock, done off screen but it was a long time coming for Magatha and it fit quite well.
Garrosh was just awful, he wasn’t exactly liked by me in Cataclysm but what they did to him in MoP was definite character assassination.
Vol’jin was cast aside after being able to do practically nothing in his reign so they could butcher Sylvanas instead and oh look uprise #2.

On the Alliance side they lost Varian (whom I found annoying) and for a bit, Magni, and they (imo) ruined Jaina and Tyrande. Genn has always made me want to thump him, Mekkatorque never really did anything except nearly die, Velen is probably the only decent leader left and he had to be taught a life lesson by Illidan.

I don’t exactly have much high value for the Alliance leaders, either. In fact, my favourite “leader” is Khadgar. I am really glad they are sort of retiring Tyrande/Malfurion/Genn because I much prefer Shandris and Tess. Whilst the Forsaken have a council, Lilian strikes me as the main one and we’ve been on a journey with her since Cataclysm. Just going to ignore Calia because that’s… just weird…
Rokhan has been there since WotLK and he was my bud in my garrison so he’s alright but ofc I would have liked to have kept Vol’jin.
Thrall is the Orc leader I think? Makes my head hurt but yes, like Thrall, love Metzen, he should really be the leader again though not Baine. God Baine is such a wet noodle.

Anyway my point is that they can only introduce new/beef up old characters now. There’s no going back. Ressurection would just be plain silly. I don’t expect to see Sylvanas as a Horde leader ever again.

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Then this game has nothing left for me. I will Not side with leaders who betrayed the Zandalari when their signed their peace treaty.

She was my favorite and I hate Calia.

DND does it all the time.

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That Blizzard probably isn’t inclined to listen to anything you say…

If it really bugs you so much you can’t play the game then yeah, time to move on.

I don’t want to talk to alliance heroes. Even Warcraft 3 did this better.

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Is alliance bias gone yet?


I agree with point 1. New reasons to return to old zones will really flesh out the WORLD of Warcraft itself.
It also gives the existing and Allied races something to do and individual pursuits. The Vulpera could try to work to restore the Loa that will terraform Voldun from the desert it has become back to the lush jungle it was once said to be.

2 There has to be room for new characters - hero’s and champions.
4. Grand Arcanist Thalyssra is a very talented and capable mage. Why look at Jaina with envy.

Power balances change a lot. The Maghar were a defeated force by High Exarch Yrel. To retake Draenor it will take the Horde effort. But this will also cause the Alliance to come to the aid of High Exarch risking more skirmishes. In a time where both sides are trying to recover from the 4th war.

The Orcs of alternate Draenor are a divided people. Many many Orcs INCLUDING the son of Grommash Hellscream CHOSE the Light. Also chose a life of coexistence with High Exarch Yrel’s forces.
Is an Orcish civil war really what Draenor needs?

As for hard hitters. Thrall is the most powerful Shaman on Azeroth. He recovered his relationship with the elements again. If Jaina Proudmoore attempted to drown Orgrimmar and Kalecgos was NOT there to talk her out of it. If ANYONE could save Orgrimmar then it is Thrall.

Bwonsamedi is almost exclusively Horde.

We haven’t had a world update in 14 years so its time overdue now.

Wrong. New characters suck and they are all traitors since they agreed to the peace treaty.

She ran away from Jaina in fear. There is currently not a single Horde leader who stand an actual chance against the army wreckers the alliance has in their ranks ever.

Wrong again. It never changed. Alliance was the superior force in the game since vanilla. And Blizzard never even tried to fix it. Other MMOs with factons don’t do that because they know fairness and equality matters.

Yrel is an evil N.azi and must be stopped at all cost.

Not anymore Jaina could sneeze and he would instantly die.


And never did anything to help us. He let Rastakhan die mind you.

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There was a time skip between Shadowlands and Dragonflight.
While every race ages at different speed. The children of then will not remain children forever. Li Li Stormstout would grow up some day. New adventures has always been the appeal of WORLD of Warcraft.

Grand Arcanist Thalyssra was asking Jaina Proudmoore for tutelage on the Arcane warship thing.
But do not forget that Thalyssra herself was behind saving the Nightborne people, Bringing them back from their withered state, with the help of the High Elves - Night Elves - Blood Elves retaken Surumar.

Didn’t the Horde win the first few wars before since coming through the Dark Portal?
Took some time for Turalyon to break the Horde Warchief and then the survivors were protected and provided for at the expense of the Alliance tax payers.

The Iron Horde committed a lot of atrocities against the Draenai people of alternate Draenor. Yrel’s sister and other of her people was a sacrifice by the Iron Horde. They fed on their ancestors at Auchindoun.
A strong Horde is dangerous. So. Neutralising future threats is the smart thing to do. Why condemn future generations to the same atrocities that you went through?
You ignore that the Orcs who embraced the Light. Peacefully coexist with High Exarch Yrel’s forces.
You misrepresent High Exarch Yrel.

Incorrect. Bwonsamedi aided Rhastakhan in the Zandalari civil war between the Prophet Zhul and Rhastakhan faction.
Bwonsamedi raised the Zandalari dead to continue to fight in Undeath for the Royal family. Bwonsamedi turned the giant gorrilla raid boss against the Zandalari attackers. Bwonsamedi even faced the player characters.

For all we know Bwonsamedi could be behind these rumours about Voljin returning to as a Loa. No doubt he would be Horde.

You are downplaying Thrall it seems. But he would most likely return to form.
Durak and Rehze the son and daughter of Thrall and Aggra. They are the closest thing the Horde has to Royalty Prince and Princesses. So their characters should not be wasted or mishandled. Children will always be the future of any peoples or organisations.
The line of Hellscream has ended. The line of Saurfang has ended. The Line of Thrall lives on.

New characters suck. I will not repeat myself. They just use Anduin and the elves again either way. So giving them screentime is pointless.

So she admits she is much weaker just rub it in.

A powerles rebel who would have died without aid.

The second war was the greatest disaster for the whole Orc race since they were almost extinct after Darenor exploded and the battle at Blackrock was lost.

Leave it to delusional alliance players who paint the obvious bad guy as victim. Durotan was a hero Yrel is a religious dictator.

He left him at the mercy of the alliance vermin to be killed. That is a fact.

Worst story decision ever.

Another legend.

Human appeasement suckers who only exist to make alliance players feel good.

He won’t. Malfurion and Jaina can kill him with ease.

Powerless nobodies just like the rest of the Horde.

Orcs don’t have a monarchy.

There was also Fandral Staghelm.

I don’t think the future of Warcraft has any real strong faction fantasy in it. And whatever it will be, it certainly won’t be a Horde or Alliance fantasy that’s conflict-centered and warmongering and aggressive or any of such stuff.

It’s just not in the cards.

I mean, the World Soul Saga pretty much lays out the next 5-6 years of WoW as an adventure where we’re all coming together again and getting closer and more unified and fighting for a shared cause.

So that’s Blizzard’s foundation for their “next 20 years of adventure” and “30 years of Warcraft” and blah blah blah.

There was also a BBC interview some days ago with Holly Longdale and Maria Hamilton where they talk a little bit about the vision for the game’s future with regards to presentation and message. And it doesn’t sound like they’re going to deviate much from the course set with Dragonflight.

I think race fantasies is something Blizzard are more likely to double down on because it’s easier to keep contained and harmless. All the various Heritage questlines are a good example of that.

They only won the first one. The second one which was an extension of the frist (1st brinding down Stormwind, Second going North for Silvermoon and Lordaeron) they failed miserably. 3rd one was vs The Scourge+Legion. The Garrosh one they lost and then lost again in the 4th.

Moral of the story, don’t start wars.

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No the moral is if you aren’t alliance Blizzard will make you lose.

If this will be the case Blizz will continue to lose players. Another boring story and common game based on grinding to keep some players online.

Eh. Fact of the matter is that Blizzard haven’t actively used The Horde or The Alliance since Battle for Azeroth, which is 6 years ago.

In Shadowlands you go as a champion alongside The Ebon Blade. Other iconic characters tag along, but there’s no army of Stormwind or Orc barracks to be seen anywhere.

In Dragonflight you go again as a champion, alongside the Dragonscale Expedition. Other notable characters show up, but they’re not presenting any faction - they’re just presenting themselves as cool and iconic characters.

In The War Within we’ll go as the champion again, and there’ll be other notable characters again. And again they’re not really there as extensions of their factions - they’re there because of their own contained coolness.

It used to be in old expansions that you would arrive at the new continent in either an Alliance military base or a Horde military base. Then you’d get your orders from the general and otherwise proceed to engage with the story from an Alliance or Horde centric perspective.

But that’s no longer the case. Now you arrive and are immediately integrated into the structure of whatever race inhabits the lands, be it dragons or kyrians or niffens, and engage with the story as their helpfull neighborhood adventurer.

So in that regard WoW is pretty much a “generic” fantasy adventure now where you explore new lands and befriend new races and defeat oppressive villains.
Horde and Alliance aren’t really part of that experience beyond acting as backdrop settings whenever you Hearthstone back to Stormwind or Orgrimmar.




I do feel like 10.2 was just a night elf story, which is just an alliance story
The bel’ameth emerald dream part of it atleast.
Gilneas also is an alliance story, horde pressence or accessability to the quests doesn’t change that Gilneas is the home zone of the Worgen race which is an alliance subfaction

The last few months havn’t been a good showcase for what neutral content looks like as a horde player to be honest

I feel that Blizzard are exactly moving away from the faction focus by allowing everyone to do everything.

Gilneas is obviously an Alliance experience, but Horde gets to partake.
Bel’ameth is obviously a Night Elf settlement, but Horde gets to hang out.

And come Midnight we’re all going to hang out in Silvermoon City I’m sure, Horde and Alliance alike.

So that old focus on having distinct content experiences for each faction is slowly but surely going the way of the history books.

It doesn’t really matter what faction you play now. You get the same expansion experience.

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