My vision for the Horde

Here’s the thing though, from a horde players perspective (me). Gilneas felt weird, like my character didn’t belong there. Bel’ameth I didn’t even engage with because I did enough chores for tyrande in Shadowlands already.

I don’t want to partake and hang out with alliance stories, I want stories that also give me insight about what my faction is doing

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I’m sure there’ll be stories in the future that are from the perspective of a Horde race. But as I said, then I don’t think Blizzard are going to push the whole faction story much anymore. They didn’t do that with the Night Elves or Gilneas either. They stick to the races, not the factions.

And I think that’ll be the case with Horde stories as well. Again, Midnight is going to be taking place in Quel’thalas so all the elves and everyone else are obviously going to hang out there and there’ll be a lot of Blood Elf and Troll centric stories I’m sure - but Alliance and everyone else are going to experience them as well.

Because we’re all best buddies now.

You fail to understand. Grand Arcanist Thalyssra’s story is a mirror image of Sylvannas.
Except it was too late for the Lordaereons they came back as something else. As the Forsaken. Thalyssra brought the Nightborne back from the brink. THAT in itself is an acheivement. What is wrong with asking for aid should it save your people?

Talanji asked for the aid of the Horde due to Rhastakhan being very lethargic in addressing threats to the Zandalari people.

So the Iron Horde did NOT genocide the Draenai on alternate Draenor?
Did you even play Warlords of Draenor?

The Maghar Orcs that joined the Horde could be fighting a civil war. Many of their kin CHOSE the Light. Just like the Son of Hellscream done.
Maghar Orcs on Azeroth are even embracing the Light as some of them now become Priests.

If that was true. Why did Taran Zhu leader of the Shado Pan. Have to be the one to stop Thrall and High King Varian from fighting over who deals with Garrosh Hellscream?
Pay attention.

Your thread is “My vision for the Horde”. Vision implies future and the future belongs to the younger generation.
Look at the Orc heritage armour quest. The spirits of the dead Orc ancestors. The reformation of the Orcish clans (this itself could be problematic), Taking their future into their own hands.

Thrall was once a child taken care of by the Alliance. He went on to lead the Horde and became the most powerful Shaman on Azeroth.
These “powerless nobodies” as you put it, will not be that way indefinately.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Would be conquerors that met resistance.

This is all well and good, but that’s not a discussion to have until the Alliance becomes it’s own thing, not whatever it is now. This thing that just waits to react to something, no initiative, no personality really, just a series of reactions to what the Horde does.

Now I hear the direction of the story is changing since they seem be displeased with where it was heading and I don’t blame them since the story team pretty much wrote the Horde out of the story. Anyway, Golden’s gone and probably for the best.

I’m not a writer, not even close. Best I can do is write a decent email, anything past that is not worth mentioning, but what I would do is focus on the characters that didn’t get focused by Golden’s team. Turalyon for example. Give me a proper light zealot. A guy who tolerates only and only submission to the Light and not just, but only the he believes is right. Don’t villain bat him, just make him zealous enough to get people’s attention.

If you want some internal conflict, start from there. Not everyone in the Alliance worships the light, or if they do, they don’t do it the right way. Create some division among the ever-united Alliance. The light zealots on one side the rest on the other, again, no villain batting, just a difference of perspective, both sides make valid points, because the truth is a zealot is a very decent tool against corruption and on the other side you have people who just want to hold on to their culture.

That’s a starter kit for some Alliance controversy to get thing started and see how that does. Give the usual suspects a break. No more Jaina, Anduin and Thrall. Let some older and newer faces take some of that spotlight.

Anyway, it’s just an idea. Fell free to tell me it sucks cause it probably does.

Yeah it was totally different from when we Alliance went on to help “clean” Under city in the las patch of SL :woman_shrugging:

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Thrall not showing up for the new Expansion?
He was right there in the Trailer. He was the the one who reached into Anduin.
If he’s not going to play a big roll in Patch 11, the very likely he will in 11.1 or 11.2.

And as cool as it would be for the Voldunai to have a Capitol or a larger area as well as the allied races, Sorry but I cannot take you seriously Erevien.

The war is over. There is nothing both factions are fighting for against each other. We have accepted that Azeroth is our home and that we must protect her. Honor your faction, not just with fighting for Horde, but to also form friendship with those who to would protect Azeroth from anything that will harm her. And whatever is down under that sword, needs both Faction champions. Yeah, there still might be some unease tension between the two, history is hard to forget, but we have shown countless times we will put our differences aside to overcome anything.
I mean, even during tensions between the factions, The Horde has worked Brann from The Explorer’s League before. Why is this any different?

Sorry, but if you are just having that much trouble trying to accept that we are not in warn anymore, then maybe it is time you move onto something else. You’re just contradicting yourself with everything you say.

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While the Alliance exists BECAUSE of the Horde.
We are not the reactionaries that you imply the Alliance to be.

Better internal conflict would be surrounding the Naaru.
The Draenai species have been dependent on the Naaru. But Naaru themselves are beings of Light and Shadow. However other than Muuru - Xaara - and the other one in Maldraxxus. There is not many Void Naaru.

That being said. Something such as Naaru compelling the Draenai to take out a Void Naaru that wants to remain Void or was Always Void. But Draenai are hesitant in taking out a Naaru. So this void Naaru flees to Telogrus rift. Under Locus Walker and the Void Elves this Void Naaru finds “sanctuary” then even calls out to other Naaru that could be convinced or are like minded. Since the Light and Void are BOTH forces of creation despite their differences.

The Alliance has always been based on / dependent upon the Light. So with Alleria and the Void Elves this is something that the Alliance will have to address sooner rather than later.

Blood Elves could join in the fray. Since the Sunwell still has the remains of Muuru’s corpse. The Forsaken’s cult. The Cult of Forgotten Shadow. Can also play a more prominent role for the Horde. The Light they once called upon in life. Now harms them in Undeath as they are abominations now. It was for this reason that the Cult of Forgotten Shadow became the main religion of the Foraken.

Exactly. Too much forced handholding. The Horde blighted the ruins of Lordaeron to stop the Alliance from retaking it. After the Alliance army soundly defeated the Horde army. Unless Alliance interests are served. This is a Horde problem.

Kul Tiran Tidesages should learn from Emmerseus. The water elemental that is the “life giving waters” that keeps the Vale of Eternal Blossoms so full of life.
Alliance counters to Horde plagues - weapons is essential.

Vulpera are a desert people. Horde huts and tents might be too much for the furry little creatures let alone a city. Vulpera literally pitch up a tent anywhere and everywhere.

This what made WOW different than other games. Now , this Peaccraft game is just a game like any other game on the market.

The most stupid ideea Blizz could ever have.

No. I will gatekeep. Get out of my city. Umbric and Vereesa are not welcome.

Bad move really.

This is the problem. People that try to steer the direction, but they normally steer it off a cliff. World of PeaceCraft will never work. There must always be some sort of conflict.

It will not be difficult to implement. In Legion expansion the Alliance and Horde was focused on facing the Burning Legion that invaded Azeroth. But the Gilneans and Forsaken was still fighting each other.

There is a lot of bad blood left. The Zandalari Trolls would want revenge for Rhastakhan against the Alliance but it was mostly Kul Tiran’s that ran that operation.
The fear of Undeath has put a target on the Forsaken. It’s canon that they are grave robbers. So stopping the Forsaken from adding more Undead to their ranks is imperitive.

Internal conflicts could be a Dwarven conflict. Being ruled by Moira… Dark Iron Dwarves should not be ruled by a Bronzebeard Dagran Thussarian junior is a half blood.

You might not be paying attention. The rumour mill is going overtime. Not only are there talks of future conflicts between the Alliance and Horde between the end of The War Within and the beginning of Midnight. But Knaifu Waifu (xal’atath) might not have plans for the Sunwell, Which is technically part Naaru now. So a Sunwell can become Voidwell or something.

The Void Elves are the ones that study and learn more about the Void. Horde does not really have any knowledge of or counter to the Void stuff. Cult of Forgotten Shadow have not really had any in game

Instantly leaves in the intro and isn’t doing anything. It is all about Alleria and Anduin who are soley alliance.

False advertizing just like Sylvanas yelling FOR THE HORDE.

The Horde doesn’t matter Blizzard amde that clear and eevryone of twitter is rightfully angry.

Not until Stormwind finally burns.

Brann is evil and part of the alliance he must die.

We have the Shadowmoon Orcs so we don’t need Umbric and all his traitors.

Forgot about them. Orcish clans die out.
Where were the Shadowmoon during the Greenskin Orc heritage armour quest?
The Greenski Orc seem to have reformed their clans.
Dragonmaw / Warsong / Shattered Hand / Frostwolf / Bleeding Hollow / Blackrock.
The Shadowmoon clan is dead. Even among the Maghar Orcs.

You use the word “traitor” but it was Lorthemar that and the Blood Elves that turned against the Void Elves.
Despite the previous history - sacrifices - accomplishments and more. Dabbling in the Void led to exile from their homes.

Erevien want the relatively peaceful and highly spiritual and shamanistic orcish clan to “ruin” his Troll Horde?
Must be weekend
Anyhow after Draenor went Alderaan, the handfull or remaining Shadowmoon survivors became Fel Orcs and entered the service of the Fel Horde
Then went quietly extinct

EDIT: Relka Bloodfyre, the last Mag’har of the Shadowmoon clan, shows up to the first Azerothian Kosh’harg festival. She considered the Shadowmoons a dead clan (as per the Quest “The Kosh’harg”)

They chose the alliance over their own people. No blood elf with dignity should welcome them back.

You exiled us!!!

The Orcs have always led the Horde.
A Horde that is not under Orcish leadership is quite frankly a mess. The intelligence networks of the Burning Legion led the Horde army to defeat at the Broken Shore, Warchief Voljin died because of the defeat then was manipulated into placing the Forsaken in positions of leadership.
This led to catastrophic loss of life for the Horde and opening them to Undeath.

Trolls are as a species has-beens. Once they had the strongest empire on Azeroth, Once they were a force to reckon with, Once the Amani were able to threaten the High Elves - Horde & Stormwind that Medivh intefered/intervened.

But the Trolls did not accomplish much.
It is a good time to redraw the maps. New territories lost and gained. Not just Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. But other landmass as well. The Bloodhoof Tauren built a settlement in the Ohnarian plains. Northrend is prime real estate. If you don’t mind the Undead.

A strong Pandaren race is needed. With the Tushui and Huojin becoming emmisaries / ambassadors between Pandaren - Alliance and Horde.

Passing on teachings does not mean the Clan lives on. Guldans Shadowcouncil died with him and the defeat of the Horde by Turalyon. Yet the Orcs never stopped their practice as Warlocks.

The Blood Elves turned against their Kin. People that they suffered with - bled with - stood side by side through out all of the hardships and challenges. Blood Elves betrayed the Void Elves. Without the Alliance Blood Elves would have probably hunted them down.

Without humans the Blood elves would have been troll food long ago.

As per Remember the Sunwell, Umbric was a magister of Quel’Thalas and a dedicated scholar with a tenacious interest in the power of the Void. He believed the void to be a force that could be harnessed for the protection of Silvermoon and the sin’dorei people.
And the idea of blood elves dabbling with the Void is an old one, as High Astromancer Solarian could already turn into a voidwalker in The Burning Crusade. Also Elsaana, the Draenei girl mentions how blood elves of the Sunfury consume the energies of Outland’s voidwalkers to power their magic
Okay, they are not the nicest of Elves… thats true, and indeed Umbric admited “yeaaaaah it wasn’t in the best top 10 idea of mine”
Still strange tho why Umbric left the Horde… Rommath exiled them from Silvermoon… but not the Horde!
I highly doubt any Orc, Troll, Goblin or unead would care what a tiny group of scholar doing in the basement of orgrimar (they do worse anyhow…)
Especially the shadow/void using Warlock Sin’dorei and Shadow Priest Sin’dorei around… :thinking:
It was a political move, because Rommath was a rival of Umbric
After all, his “Sun King”, Kael’thas did the same thing for his people, turned to dangerous allies and powers
And to the VOID
If anyone Kael’thas would embrace the Void Elves, and would kill the Blood Elves who gorged themselves on the Naaru tainted Sunwell…
Kael’thas is the Shadow King!
But I highly doubt the Ren’dorei would accept that madman…