My wishlist for the next fresh server

My wish list for new fresh servers.

  • Better levelling experience: I don’t necessarily mean the time and effort it takes to level up, more in terms of having a smoother progression from one zone to another, one level bracket to the next. I often find myself having done all the quests in a zone and not sure where to go next. Zones surrounding are either too low level, or often five levels too high.
    I think a blanket 15% XP increase would help alleviate this issue, but is also a lazy solution. Another solution would be to rebalance zone & quest level brackets. Or more interesting solution: add more quests into the game for each zone - this could nicely expand into classic+.
  • Drop & spawn rates: There is something to be said about having to wait, group up and work for a drop or a spawn. I don’t want to lose that entirely, but there are numerous quests where drop rates / spawn rates are just atrocious. Incredibly dull, time consuming, time wasting. I really don’t want to spend an hour or more hunting 20 random, meaningless items where drop chance is 1 in 10 and spawn rate once every 5-10 minutes. Many of these quests need rebalancing.
  • Travel: I think more flight paths would be very helpful. I like going around the world, taking my time to get there, but in some cases zones are huge or don’t even have a tavern / flight path.
  • Bots: Blizz needs to radically change and start taking aggressive action against botting on daily bases. Final Fantasy XIV publishes monthly reports on how many bots have been permanently banned - Blizz needs to do the same on DAILY bases. Hire people whose only job is to hunt down botting and ban them, dev team needs to invest into making botting harder / less profitable, take player feedback and action it on DAILY bases.
  • Boosting: needs to stop. It is ruining the game play where the levelling process and low level dungeons largely ARE the game. Frankly we need to take a stance against this mentality & behaviour. We can’t fully ban / police it (there will always be discords / websites that will sell these services which will be nigh impossible to detect), but it should not be allowed in any in-game chat, Reporting boosting services should be actioned and boosters get anything from 7 days to permanent bans on DAILY bases.
  • Alt friendliness: Make game alt friendly. Each level 60 character would (optionally) increase all XP gains by ~15%. Making alt levelling faster. More max levels I have, easier and quicker it is to level up a new character. Make all reputation either account wide, or boost rep gain similar XP boost I just described. Perhaps for ever 10 reputation points I get on a character - all alts gain 5 points. Something to ease the pain & repetitive grind.
  • Custom group forming tool from retail. NOT the group finder, just a tool to help advertise and form groups. The lfg channels are a mess and full of so many adverts it is hard to get noticed / find what you are looking for.
  • Summoning stones in front of dungeons / raids.
  • Revive inside the dungeon spoon death.
  • Non linkable private achievements. I’d like to see what I have done, what is left to do, and set goals for myself. But I hate achievements being used as a tool for discrimination.
  • Fix meme specs: I don’t care about class balance too much personally. I’m fine with each class having pros/cons & strengths / weaknesses. It adds flavour and plays into class fantasy. However, every class should still be viable for all content. I shouldn’t be rejected from groups / kicked because my chosen race/class is not seen as viable.
  • Implement easy spec swapping from retail. I think more players would love to try healing & tanking, if it was viable to swap between roles.
  • Pet, mount and toy collections. My bags are full as it is.
  • Barber shop.
  • Guild bank.
  • Player housing? It was rumoured player housing was planned in the original game - how about go and implement it for the classic re-release? Something really new to try out and mess around with.
  • Classic+: Do in-game event that would set history on a drastically different path. Which leads to new zones, dungeons, raids to be added and built upon a more horizontal progression keeping all existing content still reverent.
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I just realised one of the things that make me not interested in fresh.

To me much of the fun is in the community and building that better and better.

Playing on a server that I know will shut down after two months or whatever, and with people who then doesn’t want to play anymore…well that’s no incentive for me. Knowing that beforehand really removes alot.

No thank you. No way and just NO!
All this is Retailzation of Classic.


Personally I already played classic vanilla and I don’t want to re-play it. If there were changes however, I would consider giving it a try. I imagine there are many people with similar opinion. Also I hate this black/white mentality of retail bad/vanilla good. While retail did make many mistakes and changes for the worse - not all of them were bad.

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I have to say if I was to play fresh classic I would want it to be as close to 2005 as possible, with bug fixes of course and not be Classic+.

As to your first point, questing, I found that there was more than enough quests, if you manage it well. Changing zones often and going back later for instance.


True, but that requires pre-existing knowledge of the game, quests and zones. As a new player I’ve been totally lost and unsure where to go next. Also seen other players similarly unsure. Perhaps game could do some other way to suggest next bit of content - like mini adventure guide.

Literally a 5 second google search (Depends on your typing speed)

Why should I google that? I want to have fun & play the game - not follow guides someone else made and optimized the fun out of.

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If you are lost do you look at the map or just drive around randomly until you find what you are looking for?

Which is why my first point was about the experience of levelling up. Game could do better - within the game itself.

Having to google & read guides should NEVER be the case, I know you mean well and I appreciate your feedback - but in my opinion “just google it” is root of everything that is wrong with modern wow.

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Fine then, it’s your fault you don’t know what you are doing when there are resources out there to help.

Did i miss something about fresh servers being announced ? It seems like everybody is talking about it the past few days

I still miss Vanilla, Sometimes I log into Retail. Look at my main still level 48., sighs and logs off again. If I could have a faithful replica of Vanilla as it truly was, I’d not need a single change!
Retail not bad, only bland in the extreme.
I see no good changes any more. Please enlighten me.

They opened a new test server. So there seem to be some plans to open new servers in teh future.

It was closed very quickly and is still closed, again wowhead has the info you need.

NO, that being lost, going looking for quests, using half an hour to look for that dastard mound of dirt in Duskkwood are some of the charms of Classic. Quest helper with its golden arrows, help on mouse over and so on led to the quests getting easier, more inane, the Quest descriptions getting more and more unclear and vague, which led to the need for in-game quest helper. Retail is the result. Meh!


This was NOT what I was suggesting. Read my point again - I’d never advocate for quest arrows / marked zones. Besides addons do an adequate job there for those who really want that.

My only point is e.g. I was in Desolate - finished all quests I could and had no idea where to go next. Zones around me where either too low or too high level. Some in game direction would have been really appreciated. Not a quest arrow, but perhaps a quest “go talk to guy in Zone X” along with a reasonable way to get to zone X (one time griffin ride or smth)

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Oh, sorry I misread. But still I would not like those breadcrumb quests. At least not as a forced feature - meaning you must be able to disable them in the Interface, so that I, who do like to go bumbling around and just dropping into a quest hub could still be able to take the quests from there without benig forced to go back to zone X to take this breadcrumb quest – like it is (was?) in Retail with the Thousand Needles Q to go to Feralas for Allys.

Those breadcrumb Quests as they are called is another Retail feature, which I do not like!

:+1: no, more a suggestion, for where to go. You are right, exploring is fun, but some small amount of hand holding would be nice when I as a player am lost and no idea what to do /where to go next.