My Wishlist. Make WoW Perfect. (Ideas)

I like everything but your ridiculous warmode idea. How about no rewards either way? Or hell bring back PvP servers. Just keep your PvP away from me.

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All I read is “Boohoo, world PvP sucks so hard so I have nobody to gank. Let’s make no WM sucks even harder so I will have someone to kill”.


My revised version is clearly better.

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I’d be down with that.

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Trolls like that is why this game is dying…
The opinion of a casual non gamer like Havi whom is blocked for trolling xD

I would tweak it a bit, make it more PvPish.

PvE available, but opposite faction could enter the same dungeon/raid, kill the group,
and steal boss and loot.

Keep flying mount, but it’s possible to bump opposite faction to dismount.

Housing is there, but house could be destroyed by opposite faction at any moment.

On top of it:

  • no safe zones, current expansion hub (Valdrakken) is never ending pit of blood and sweat of world PvP, including all NPCs
  • killing other players drops random piece of their gear. The piece is dissapear from killed player inventory
  • cross-faction AH, but the selled item could be posioned, and will kill if used by opposite faction

Give PvP players the game they deserve!

How do you tell people you’re an Elitist, without saying Your an Elitist

You don’t get rewarded for playing on a “lesser version of the game”, you get rewarded for playing more difficult levels.
Mythic Raiding has Titles & mounts, that you can’t get on Heroic.
Heroic Raiding has Titles, that you can’t get on Normal
Normal Raiding has better loot than LFR
Mythic Plus has titles & Mounts, which you can’t get on M0 or Heroic
Rated PvP has mounts & titles, that you can’t get in normal PvP


it seems like you like survival games, they’re making one so wait for that and forcing people to play wm on will just lead to pvp servers dying, wow’s open world pvp system is not fun(i don’t like arena’s either but at least some people do like them) i know there will be people saying ‘‘it used to be good’’ etc. but in reality, it wasn’t .that’s why classic and wotlk classic realms are mostly one-sided and there’s no faction balance so forcing a bad aspect of the game is not a good idea

What the frick are you babbling about? Open world PvP has ALWAYS been opt-in since day one. That’s why such thing as specific PvP servers did exist.

You’re the only troll here.

‘‘Casual non-gamer’’? What could you possibly know about what I play outside of WoW? I’m willing to bet I spend more time than you playing video games over a year by a landslide. And the only one trolling here is you with this stupid wishlist.

That’s exactly what I did - they get NOTHING but PvP.

Reworked Quest objective frames.
It’s terrible to try and read quest text with small fonts on a 34" widescreen at 3440x1440

You can increase fonts, but it applies to all text, not just the Objective frame.

If they made quest text appear as immersion does. I would be far more interested in following.
Small fonts are good for keeping the UI clean and it’s no problem with smaller text. Only the long quest texts are hard to keep track off.

The only point I disagree with is nr 3: WM ON / OFF.

Rest; yes
ESPECIALLY Housing and Proximity chat.
Prox chat would be hilarious to toggle into… “…hhHHHHEEeEEEEeeeEeeeeelllLlllllpppp…” - as you run past with a train of mobs. :joy_cat:

You can if you use ElvUI, I think? But aye, shouldn’t need a bloody UI AddOn for that.

What warmode? Which war do you speak of?

Please don’t say you want to keep milking that dead cow Alliance vs Horde. It is lore stagnation at it’s worst, undermining any hope for immersive storytelling.

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Our they would need to add PvP/PvE servers back, with PvE servers having all the “PvP On” functions as a standard without it being enabled.

It’s the problem with the introduction of WM on, so now some PvP players feel entitled to be rewarded for flagging themselves for PvP. I only had WM on during expansions like BFA because it gave you more AP for completing quests. I started on a PVP realm, moving off was the best thing I ever did. I am not here to feed someone’s ego when they annihilate my levelling character over and over. The bonus is now, is that you don’t have to more realm, you can just turn the mode on or off as you please. So if your starting area is full of the opposite faction, one shotting you, you go into a rested area and turn it off.

If you have to punish PVE players to try and make your preferred mode sound more appealing, then there is something very wrong with the mode you are trying to force on everyone.

I’m all for genuine WM on initiatives, but this isn’t one. Any additional benefits from going WM on would not have to be related to anything PvE so PvP gear, PvP currencies etc.

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Here’s my response to your list:

1.Ok, ONLY if optional and NOT dominated by players sharing extreme sexually inappropriate stuff. (which will happen, some immature ppl won’t resist).

With a PEGI 12 rating, the game would have to auto block it for younger players.

  1. Agree with this.

I would go as far as auto unlocking the transmog for the whole group, OR providing each with a transmog token per drop to spend unlocking a dungeon transmog of their choice. (item gold allocated group wide as well).

Only low geared players can roll for the physical item and equip.

  1. Oh boy ! :grimacing:

I don’t pvp, but when I tried it, some things made me like and hate it.

  • Battlegrounds made the levels fairer. I needed to ‘live’ for a while to get into it and try the objectives. Dead ALL the time = NO fun.
    The old honor currency, win or lose to get transmog was good.

  • Being ‘ganked’ or ‘stuck’ and prevented from playing is a no.
    I pay to play not be someones perma punching bag and ego boost.

  • As pvp needs quick reactions, I would need extra stuff or guard help to get anything done open world.

  • I can’t manage a lot of end content, but still pay the standard sub. Give me even less and I won’t be happy and will leave.

  1. I would love a firstname and surname like GW2. We would have them if the community could just restrain themselves from stupid offensive names.

  2. Agreed, plus glasses being a barber item.

  3. On board with this.

Carpentry could be a nice additional profession for furniture, or tied in with visits to various npc lumber yards for timber, nails from blacksmiths etc.

Helm cropping of hair needs to be optional via a tick box please.

Such garbage ideas. Just because you can make topics doesn’t mean you should.

Warmode is pretty unpopular, they have to bribe people to do it. If it was proper fun, people would be doing without incentives, ya’know - for fun.

How to kill a game in one patch 101

As much as i love warmode most people are not into pvp and this would definitely kill the game for most people.


In WoW’s current state there’s no place for world PvP that offers pvp rewards exclusively. PvP progression is a finite grind that takes place in BGs and/or arenas. If you were to move that to an “open world” shard where it’s separated from PvE-ers, you’d essentially get Ashran or Wintergrasp.

People don’t understand why in a game like EVE online, where all PvE content is designed to serve as a stage for PvP (distracting the player or luring them to dangerous areas to make them easier to gank) the vast majority are PvE players who never fired a gun.
In such a game everything feels like an accomplishment and the destruction of items provides the recurring demand needed for a working economy and adds huge monetary incentive to engage in world activities. The more riskier the more profitable.
Those who imagine they’ll instantly get caught and lose their stuff don’t play such games, they play WoW.

This community sees unwanted PvP as griefing because there’s never been a reason to take part in WPvP other than “fun” aka “ganking everything that can’t defend itself”. Nobody sets out to gank the gankers as there’s no reason (or means) to hurt them.

Bottom line is every activity blizz designs feels like a ride in a theme park and you can feel the developer’s hand on your shoulder making sure you do exactly what you’re supposed to and get 10 currencies at the end. You can’t build world PvP with this mentality/community.