Mythic 11+ Keys should give Mythic Track Gear for the following reasons

simply lockouts are there with real reason … that u don’t whole week and that u can have raid days and that is it … simply vault is for that in m+ atm that u can getonly 1 item per week after u do 8 dungeons that u have 3 week choices … only what they might can do is that from every dungeon on +2/3 per week that u have once chance to get champion loot , on +4 to +9 hero loot , and on +10 mythic loot … and that chance is 20% and that is not tradeable

It wouldn’t but okay. Wildstar was a failure because of their attunement quests for every single raid.

Oh yeah, I remember. 3 seasons of unplayable m+, unless you were mage, shadow, ret or Aug. Aug was such a great idea for the casuals that it made keys unplayable without one. Truly peak casual design.

What are you talking about? Mythic+ is receiving nerfs every week and even still week 1 +10s were easier than everything but the first couple mythic bosses.

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I’ll take any nerf for my guild raid that I can take. Tindral almost broke us.

Conflating aug introduction with m+ design is just what?

Aug introduction was an abject disaster for everyone of all levels.

Maybe I shouldn’t have specifically mentioned lockouts per se but the entire loot system overall. Maybe a more deterministic gearing system would be more fun to play than rolling an rng slot machine once a week, maybe the lockout system could change, maybe something entirely different could change.

Maybe we could even go as far and remove all mythic track gear from the game and have the highest of end game content drop really awesome tmogs like CM back in MoP.
(Which I’d prefer tbh because I find gear to be a rather… underwhelming reward due to it’s volatile nature. It lasts you a few months and becomes entirely useless after the next content patch).

I know Blizzard hates deterministic gearing for a very specific reason though.

So to make myself a bit more clear - I wasn’t just referring to the lockout system but to the entire gearing system as a whole.

Yet many defend Aug, despite the catastrophic impact it has…mostly lesser skilled people who want no responsibility.

I don’t need any more facts that catering to casuals is not the way to properly design m+ or mythic raids.

I do like this idea, give the opportunity to the players to get mythic gear in M+ but with limitations.

Playing only M+ this season and won’t raid anymore, I really wish for people like me to have a way to get mythic gear outside the vault.

There’s absolutely space for mythic+ to be a non repeatable source of myth track gear, for sure. It’d just be from keys notably higher than 11s, and likely with the second major patch of each season instead of out of the gate.

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Honestly the fact that class design would be limited to make a bunch of epeen contender happy isnt a proper way to design m+ either.

Wow is an rpg at its core and it should not be sacrificed over people metagaming at the highest level.

It’s better than destroying 4 seasons straight. But yes, it shouldn‘t dictate what classes and specs blizzard creates.

But that is an entirely different discussion. Sorry for going off topic.

mythic has to be top gear drop and that is it … simply that best players get best loot … not just boring trasmog

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I disagree mostly because whatever is beyond max reward gear (aka 10) is pure an simple competitive environment.

And competitive environment inevitably crash with the diversity an rpg will have to bring.

I do not care if people closing 15 and up need an Aug for 4 season straight.
Right now there are sligthly more than 1000 unique char in 15 and above. (1000 char =/= unique people) and i am sorry but there no way we should cater to such an environment.

Looking at the top performance works only when you need to have a clear picture on how the class perform damage wise, because obviously you cannot make balance changes based on green parses.

But make eveything else tailored around metagaming and you will make a game with every class being a reskinned version of something else.

If you want to be a cutting edge player, you either accept the limitation of your class, or simply see the class as a mean to an end.

You cannot expect that kind of balance in wow without killing what wow is first

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Mythic raiding shouldn’t drop any gear because it’s a feat of strength, not something that should be farmed for character progression.

I wouldn’t mind it. Getting CE (a reworked version where you need every boss killed on mythic) awards mythic versions of the current tier sets, the mythic mount and the mythic title.

Tune it accordingly, because now we can’t outgear certain checks.

So we’re back to “it has to be because it always be this” aight…

I just can’t understand what this gear-mongering is about. Gear is just a tool to soft-nerf content. How do people actually see it as THE reward? It’s such a boring and volatile reward. In 10.1.0 nobody will care about your mythic Spymasters trinket at all.

An awesome and unique transmog however would last you for multiple expansion and even rise in value because it’s no longer obtainable.

This, same with high M+ keys. It’s about beating a certain challenge.

While the mythic version of the current tier set would, imo, need to be a bit more refined design wise. More special, like CM sets from MoP. Just making them pop out more.

That’s a given ofc. Since you can no longer soft-nerf bosses by obtaining better gear while re-clearing the raid, the content would need to be tuned for heroic track ilvl.

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than there is no reason to play mythic progress … simply better players should get better gear and that it is … simply bcs u cant play mythic raid that doesnt mean that other people should not get better gear

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Its hard enough already to get 20 to consistantly show every week. Maybe lets not take away incentive.

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People who raid for loot are the least suited for progression.

Yes, there would be a reason. The same reason why people also push beyond +10s in M+ even though there are 0 gear rewards invovled. Not even transmogs, just a title.

It’s about beating a challenge and having fun while doing so.

If mythic raiding would truly die just because you can’t get better gear in them, then the entire concept of mythic raiding might have heavy design issues and should the re-thought as a whole.

Btw, the guy you’re replying to, Annaconda, is doing mythic raiding. I know a bunch of people who either do or used to do mythic raiding and they couldn’t care less about gear if the didn’t NEED the gear for the content. They’d be totally fine with mounts, mog, title, weapon enchant effects, etc.

This ofc depends on the player but if the majority of the playerbase indeed only raids mythic due to gear and needs that incentive to do that content, then that content has issues.