Mythic 11+ Keys should give Mythic Track Gear for the following reasons

I can tell you that I’ve gotten ZERO M items from the raid directly, and took at least one socket from the vault…and maybe 2 HC items at the start…
And I have zero gilded crests while I could still craft 2 items.

So I don’t know what you’re doing but my guess is you haven’t been keeping up on +10-s, which means comparing yourself to players who can farm a full mythic clear every week is the joke of the century.

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I didn’t compare myself to anyone, I compared the loot possibilities of raid and m+ regardless of who the players are.

Is my English, or your reading comprehension the issue here?

And I explained why it doesn’t matter right now and why raiding won’t get you extra ilvl. Not just to YOU, but to those who play M+ seriously.

I’m not sure I agree, see if I had a couple of mythic items from the raid, I could you know spend some of those crests and get those items to a higher ilevel, alas this is not the case.

So explain to me why I (who only got M track items from the vault) have zero gilded crests. Despite getting some HC items and a socket from the vault, and not filling more than 2-3 M item slots per week in the vault, ever.

I run at lot of keys, mostly 8s and 9s, to help friends, and to you know, have fun

I have a couple of 10s done now, so perhaps I will finally escape this drama and have more than one mythic track item equipped.

But it still doesn’t change what I said about how people have far more chances at mythic loot when every boss drops it, than they do getting one item from the vault.

Yeah but you’re in no position to complain since you haven’t even exhausted the options available to players who only run M+.
I think the vault is a low IQ solution and adds to the already annoying RNG of gearing, but this is in no way shape or form the fault of M raiders.
And people who claim this is about us gating others with our ego need to touch grass.

This I kind of half agree with, it’s not your fault that Blizzard distributes loot as they do, however defending it is perhaps why people feel like there’s gatekeeping going on.

In the past, keys from +15 and up dropped mythic items, and that allowed a lot of people who would never have seen mythic raids otherwise, (or even cleared HC in some cases) to have a crack at doing so. I don’t think anything was wrong with this.

Heck introducing mythic gear at +10 (The old +20) would be a better system than what we have now.

Realistically I have, I’ve had two mythic drops from my vault so far, one that was so bad that even if I upgraded it, it was still worse than the hero item I had on, and another that became tier, so that was nice I guess.

I don’t pretend to be anything close to a decent player, however getting items similar to mythic (edited as my memory was wrong of this) from +15 keys certainly helped me do better than I would of done otherwise, in the past.

Waiting 10 weeks to get something that a raider can get in 3 really is gatekeeping, but that’s on Blizzard, not the players.

We never had mythic ilvl from M+ (15) outside of titanforge chances in Legion and season 1 and 2 in BFA (allthough chances were way lower).

We only had hero track pieces (or valor 12/12 upgraded) that were upgraded relatively close to max myth track gear.

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If M+ dropped M track items the gearing would be “too fast”, and as I recall people whined about literally this in one of the recent seasons.
It would still be mostly gated by crests, but there wouldn’t be any new items that people can feel on their hands each week. And afaik this is what casuals live for.


I have posted alternative routes to this, but they seem to have been ignored, such as:

  • Using a high number of crests (Say 60 or 90) to transmute items from hero 6/6 to mythic 1/6
  • Dropping a currency from all sources of content, that can be used to buy gear from a vendor
  • Allowing mythic track from keys that are on par with the mythic raid, whatever level that is remains open for debate. But given that delves compete on gear with +7 keys, the difficulty of m+ is out of balance as it is.


I’d entertain higher crests per dungeon beyond 10 to help when gearing up alts but that’s about it.

Unless M+ gear is separated from mythic raid, mythic track gear would just overnerf mythic raid.

Sure you can change it six or so weeks down the line, but what’s the point?#

If the guildless key only andys are upset that they cannot get their gear faster, my heart bleeds for them, but equally, I don’t care.

Health of the game and raiding scene > side content.

I think we should stop seeing M+ as side content. It is the main content for a whole lot of players. Also for people with a guild.

its side content, because you do it to get gear for heroic/mythic raiding. nothing more than a stepping stone

For you. Not for tons of other people.
It is main end game content.

you get 2,5k score and you are done :smiley:
Its only end game content, if you get the title end of season, but if you dont get it, then you are nothing better than a 2,5k score guy

See, you do not enjoy M+. That is fine. But i play it for fun and the challenge. Not everyone makes it to the title 0.1%. But we actually enjoy the mode. I do not even check my score, so you are probably right about mine. But you are only interested in rewards and goal.

I am far from done.

thats true, because there is no alternative to get gilded crests on repeat every 20-25 mins for trivial content

The good thing as mythic raider is you need less gilded crests than an M+ player :slight_smile: And you gear faster.

i do play more than one char for the raid, so i still need to farm m plus to fill vault/get crests

I play atm this monk, which i use to post here, because tank dh isnt avaible for queen ansurek mythic and i needed to gear a blood dk for ovinax mythic.
And i play a warri tank aswell for fun in a twink raid from another guild.
Without easy m plus grind, this wouldnt be possible :smiley:

most times the m plus vault is just better, than the raid vault, because of the catalyst or broken trinkets/weapons