To put it plainly - why?
People are willing to accept that not everyone will be a mythic raider or gladiator but think that everyone must be walking around in myth gear from M+…because? (and please don’t use the They pay the sub too excuse, you are better than that )
I already answered that, people use the gear to help them defeat heroic raid bosses easier in more casual guilds.
I don’t know if that’s fair about all of them, but I have to wonder if gear has become more important than achievement for some.
I am playing a video game, it’s fun if I want to run a Heroic raid in ilevel 636, who cares? It’s been possible since the launch of Legion to run around in mythic gear, people lament losing that.
People talk about gating mythic gear as if it was some perk that they got in their IRL jobs…
Mythic raider will always want to gatekeep. They are very scared of average Andy getting the gear and doing the same numbers as them. You gotta protect those egos.
M+ was like the alcohol of WoW.
Anyone could walk into a store buy tons for cheap and get their dose. Making it too hard is like putting up the price of alcohol.
Which they did in my country and everyone is furious. Supposedly people are truning to other drugs because they are cheaper.
Nobody was complaining about raid difficulty in TBC. Raids were relatively speaking quite easy, with a few challenging bosses here and there. Expression of skill was shown through how fast you could clear a raid and how soon you killed a boss after release.
It wasn’t until Naxx 25 that the difficulty discussion came up because it was so much easier than previous raids. Some people back then just accepted they didn’t want to raid and the game was still massively successful with many people just doing PvP/Dungeons completionist content and alt levelling.
i go further and say, after m6 there should only be transmob dropping.
I think it can be argued that a lot of changes made this expansion to mythic raids were in service of that goal. The introduction of the threads buff, cross realm, and the 6 extra ilvl added on to myth track all serve to reduce barrier to entry over time and offer players more tools to overcome the challenge.
Even raiding at a world 120~ level, these later bosses still take weeks to progress and we’re significantly stronger than they were during the RWF. There’s obviously a point at which you have to accept a level of player won’t be able to do the content, but as it stands without the ability to get stronger what the top players do would at best take the next 100 guilds months, and likely be utterly out of reach of everyone else.
Mythic raiders are also limited to weekly lockouts. It makes no sense to make Myth track gear infinitely farmable in M+.
Never said infintely…
I vividly remembered people complaining in TBC about not even being able to see the some of the later bosses of raids “even though they also pay the same sub-fee” during BT/MH and SWP.
Mythic raiding is easier than +11… By alot.
Interesting perspective. Other people might argue that the 6 extra ilvl were introduced to “incentivize” more players to engage/bother with mythic raiding. But ultimately, yes, there sure were a lot of changes in favor of that goal.
That’s absolutely true but as suggested, Blizzard would need to tune the raid accordingly.
Mythic raids don’t have to get balanced around RWF players. I think it’s a bit silly to balance raids for the top 0.001% and then afterwards, nerf raids in order to make it playable for the ~2%, which already is a pretty miniscule part of the playerbase.
If mythic raids would be unbeatable for pretty much almost all players except for people who do it for a living, then there is an issue with the difficulty overall imo.
I can promise you that the average Andy is not doing the same numbers as a CE raider, even when the Andy has 10ilvl more. That won’t happen.
But why should the average Andy get that gear in the first place? Raid mythic or time your 10s for mythic gear.
It’s not as limiting as it might seem.
Let’s assume a player clears all 8 bosses in the mythic raid, and in this rate they are beyond lottery levels of lucky and win rolls from all 8 bosses, and then get something that’s not a token from the vault.
That player now has 9 mythic items in one week, meanwhile someone running +15 keys, some of the best in the world, is still getting 1 mythic item per week even if they run 100 keys.
Average ilvl from the raid is the same as the max upgrade level of HC track gear, so unless you still have gilded crests after crafting and upgrading every item you can, getting 9 mythic items will net you a zero ilvl increase.
It’s still 9 more items that can be upgaded vs heroic items that can’t ever reach 636.
Okay. And have you actually reached the point where you’re sitting on unspent gilded crests and the only thing holding back your ilvl is the lack of M track items?
This is an incredible niche scenario for who would be clearing 8/8m and still need so much loot unless you’re boosting or a rwf raider.
If players are so hungry for loot just go clear the raid. Like raiders need to go do m+ if they want a good vault / bis loot.
I currently have a bunch of hero items, and 160 gilded crests, you tell me…
You’ve done neither, how do you know?