So Mythic Players get a Ground Ugly Mount While Arena Players Gets a Gigachad " Embodiment of the Verdant Gladiator "
Observation: So you think Treating PVP players better than PVE would make us play PVP so you dont see your pvp queue dead no more? funny
I think it would be Balanced if you Do the same for either side (flying mount to both)
Why Both? : Im pretty Sure Both of them require “Skill” cough Addons Cough Like Self awareness, Which to go on and focus, interrupts, they both require that kind thing right?
Just Saying Blizzard Knows What We need, they just playing it “Smart” and that’s a Shame.
The SL mounts where nice and they could fly.
Also the Dragonflight ones are cool from m+
Sorry , but comparing Gladiator vs Mythic 2000+ is a joke .
Mythic 2000 is completing a +15 in every dungeon . This is not impressive and is a base standard for a dedicated PvE player .
The equivalent of the 2000+ Mythic rating is the Vicious Moonbeast .
Gladiator mount is obtained by an very small minority of players . I am talking individual plyers and not multiple alts or clone accounts .
You want an equivalent for PvE ?
Something like Completing all mythic raids and doing + 25 In all dungeons on all affixes , 5 times .
If you do not believe this , try to get Gladiator yourself and tell us how easy it is do .
I don’t think every mount has to be a flying one. But I know some get upset when their mounts don’t fly.
I agree, equivalent rewards should be given out for dungeon enjoyers as well (transmog set + mount).
The ground mount in m+ for 2k score is similar in difficulty to the ground mount coming from rated pvp. A pve equivalent (in terms of skill required) of the glad mounts could come at 3k m+ score, or everything timed at +30, let’s say.
KSM mounts have been both flying and non flying mounts so far.
I think Blizzar shoot themselves in the foot at the moment they made horses and big cats and many many other thing fly without any wings - logically the players ask, if a wolf like the one you could craft in Shadowland could “swim/run” thrugh air, why not any other of my mounts?"
You reap what you sow…
Again, not something I personally find an issue. I realise everyone is different.
I just don’t care if my kodo or wolf can’t fly.
What im saying is, You need 2500 pvp Rating to get pvp mount but Our pve rating 2500 gives nothing (visual Set) and that’s it, and that’s not respectfull
You cannot compare the two… 2500 pvp rating is on par with 3200+ pve rating.
I literally, got my current M+ score by accident, just because i needed crests / tokens / help people. I don’t do any M+ actively by choice (just raids, hence my 60+ fyrakk kills), i didn’t even put much effort in, just a little time and got 2400ish right now.
There’s no way on gods green earth i can put in the amount effort and skill and time required to get 2500 in pvp.
They’re worlds apart.
2500 in m+ is veeeeeeeeery easy to get compared to gladiator mount, lol. You only have to time like what… 16s? 17s?
Nah, it’s higher than that for pve.
Actually dont mind if its 3k rating as long as we getting something out of it, other than that… i dont think its worth going for 0,1% title because sometimes its disappointing
Lets say 3000 rating, But there is no reward and thats why Im not talking about it well there is a title but Pvp players get Title and MOUNT (Gladiator), compare that
- I think yeah it would be fair as Utyr said above
3k rating isn’t particularly hard to get either compared to gladiator mount… I’ve got 3 chars above 3k and one of them is just a lolworthy alt I play every now and then. In PvP I’d be able to get to maybe like… 2300 at max.
I Dont think you know what you’re talking about…
3k is nothing in m+ when you compare to what you need to get to gladiator in pvp, lol.
You can’t even lose points in m+, you’ll just continue building score. You can just lose until you win. In PvP you lose rating when you lose.
What is 3000 rating Population? tell me RN
It’s irrelevant. Far less people get gladiator than people get 3k. Gladiator is harder to achieve.
Because Theres not much people plays PVP isnt that clear
Aprix said it clearly. 2000 rio is peanuts and achievable by anyone. Gladiator is not in the same category.
So its fair that M+ mount sucks.
However, you are right in one thing : M+ has a serious lack of rewards. Its a mess.
Its a mess because somehow all other PvE modes depend on M+ for gear. So you cant put gear rewards in the appropriate level or else there are riots.
And there is absolutely no reward between +20 portals (achievable by almost anyone) and 0.1% title which is ~ top 1000 people on the planet. Achievable by almost nobody.
PvP at-least has mogs, mounts and titles between 1800 and gladiator. And gladiator itself does not depend on a % of the best.
So yeah… M+ needs some love that is for sure. Especially because latest stats from Raider IO mentions 1.5 million dungeon runs (with out counting fails) per week. That is by FAR the most popular game mode in WoW at the moment…