Mythic 2000 Mount VS Rated PVP Mount

What even is this logic.

No, it’s because most people aren’t good enough to get anywhere within reach of the gladiator rating.

Like, I’m a duelist at like 2120~2150 range and it’s like top 4% in shuffle. 3k is like top 3-4% in m+.

Not sure where gladiator would lie because it’s not achieveable in shuffle but 2400 in shuffle is like top 0.7%.

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The current m+ score equivalent to gladiator is about 3500, and even that’s probably low in terms of actual performance requirement.

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I Kinda Said 2000 rating because its the only rating that gives MOUNT
and yeah you’re right about Top 1000, so shame

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I think that’s an understatement, because you can’t lose rating in PvE, you can just progressively increase your rating because it doesn’t go down if you lose.

You can lose rating in PvP, so you can’t just continue increasing it despite losing more than you win.

The % of pvp players that get glad is lower than the % of pve players that can achieve 3k raiting.

You cannot compare the two systems, that is why the basis of your argument is flawed.

M+ on the other hand has other issues indeed, the fact you can do +20s without a healer and time them etc.

Pvp is “hard” to gain rating since players are so toxic and they hold you back if you’re playing healer , you just lose your mentality first start

Yeah, I was mostly going off title being around 3670 this season.

Tbf even title feels low compared to what’s possible for players. Can you imagine if rank 1 title was 400 points below the actual rank 1 teams in 3s.

That is like saying you can do 3v3 arenas at 1000 MMR with out a healer. You most definitely can.

Dont see an issue there.

M+ has other problems. And being able to yolo a 20 is not one of them.

Well as i said above, PVE population is higher than PVP so you gotta put pvp achievments X3 to get the balance

Yeah, no.

It’s actually hard.

Even if I played with people I know and aren’t toxic, I’d cap out at like 2300 max. I’d be nowhere close to gladiator.


They’re percentage of active population though, not percentage of playerbase. They don’t need to be awarded to equal amounts of people.

Have you not been in M+? they’re both equal in how people respond.

If you want to push difficult content, you need to perform for that content, under-performing gets you criticism.

I wouldn’t say it’s any more of less toxic in pve or pvp.

BUT: at pvp you have more to lose, when losing, you lose rating.

I don’t think you have the pvp experience right now to make an informed argument here, that’s okay as well.

All we’re trying to inform you of, is that you’re comparing apples to oranges… please don’t.
M+ Needs love 100%, but not by comparing it to pvp in this context.

Between millions, theres a much higher chance to get people that are good at mythic
But when theres so much little people to do pvp , there is small chance to get good people at pvp
make sense?

Being really good at PvP, good enough to achieve gladiator, is a lot harder than being good enough to get to 3k in m+.

Form a static for pvp, join a pve and pvp guild, etc.

If you pug, you’ll run into the oddities indeed, but there are communities out there designed for everyone.

Its the other way around. When there are fewer people, those generally are the “hard core PvP lovers”. The ones that do only PvP and have been doing it for ages.

The “I PvP sometimes” crowd dont stick around that much. They do stick around in PvE. hence why there are more people.

And just like in M+, lower ratings are “clownfest” of whatever. But very quickly you get to some rating levels where there are good people.

And you get there faster in PvP than in PvE.

Well losing rating because of team can make you MORE toxic and Mythic is less toxic because of that adventage (doesnt lose rating) so yeah you can say its hard but more like mentaly hard because of blizzard balance between the two sides

There’s also far more bad and mid level players adding to the bottom ends of m+ participation, meaning 0.1% covers a larger range of the active population than it does in PvP. PvP’s difficulty also scales based on the population density because of MMR and the fact you’re playing against other players. M+'s difficulty is fixed regardless of the population.

The two aren’t particularly comparable. M+ needs a more even spread of rewards after 2500 for sure but the way you speak about the topic shows your relative inexperience in both game modes.

Toxicity should not affect your performance. You actually read the chat in PvP content? I dont…

I already have enough with combat itself… too much stuff going on to actually stop and read things. Or, god forbid… type stuff…

Im talking about Solo Shuffle.

I forgot to mention that we lose key level whenever we failed to complete mythic dungeon and that also rely on team i think its 50% fair, what you think?