Mythic 2000 Mount VS Rated PVP Mount

There’s a difference between criticism and toxicity, so let’s not dive into that aspect of this. It’s also not tied to your original post.

A static in pvp vs pve, same friendly people, pushing content.
You’ll so much more easily hit 3k, you may never hit 2.4k in pvp.

PVE is designed to be transitioned and progressable, with more gear, time, practise.
PVP is demonstrating skill, making mistakes cost you rating so you’ll need to improve your skill to meet that new challenge and rating.

Just dont compare PvP with PvE.

They have nothing to do with each other. They work in different ways.

And M+ has issues. That is for sure. Because you original complaint is grounded on the obvious fact that M+ needs better rewards.

But so does PvP. It has its own issues that need to be addressed separately.

But comparing them is a mistake.

For EU


So if I were to eyeball I’d guess 3%, maybe 3.5.

Season title feels incredibly low this time around too…

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In M+ you mean? I forgot what was the cutoff in S2 and S1. You remember?

Yeah 3,5k should be reasonable to grind for

Higher if what I checked is correct.

My druid is at like 3050ish. If I take its world ranking and include the total amount of characters on the list, it’s like top 5% at 3050ish.

But I’m not sure rio calculates it this way.

Anything is compareable, Balance must be maintained
Because just look at how many people are MAD about plunderstorm

Fair, I guess 3k is a pretty common plateau point so that makes sense for the lower distribution. 5% of population at 3k.

Not many peps get glad mounts, u can’t really compare that.

I think this means we need to end this thread, The author has no intention of seeing it differently and wants to compare apples and oranges, rather then addressing specific core issues that originally created this thread.

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3530 and 3654 if I recall.

Apple and oranges can make a good juice, dont you think? We are addressing the specific core issues by looking up to the details, are you open minded?

Can you compare everything? YES.

Should you compare everything? NO.

Funny. If I had to guess, I would have guessed S3 cutoff would have been higher. Lenient timers, easy dungeons… ect…

But I guess the limit was in the 1-shots. Those were not so prevalent in S2 and S1.

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Thank you for linking that, really appreciate it

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Except you’re not, if you continue to look at pvp vs pve high-end rewards, without acknowledging the core fundamental differences between them, but only looking at the ‘rating’ number, you’re missing a huge amount perspective to make informed decisions and ideas.

M+ needs love, everyone agrees.
PvP especially needs love, everyone agrees.

BUT getting a glad mount should be something next level, because it truly is.

THE CORE of this thread issue is you feel like the pvp reward is better for you personally, and you don’t enjoy pvp, so you want the same reward for the PVE content you do.
That’s a you issue.

They don’t treat PVP players better, when was the last new BG added, or twist to PVP in retail?

The bigger issues with M+ and PvP in general, are in separate videos/reddit/discord etc, with their own threads and feedback loops and has so many opinions and feedback.

For me personally, i’m up for getting another reason to do more than 2k rating after week 1 and getting my heroic tier piece.
I personally would love the idea of bringing unique visual armor sets for M+ content, separate from the raid content.

BUT! you’re still comparing 2 entirely different game systems and their reward systems, which doesn’t fit.

But also Feel free to get inspired from the systems, maybe some aspect of the pvp system in some way could be interesting for M+.

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Im not saying we PVE should get Gladiator, Im saying they should get Some kind similar reward
There is no way i mean We should get gladiator for doing mythic, it would make no sense if i mean it like that.

But why similar?

Why not address the unique issues of M+ and get our own rewards for whatever rio is appropriate?

For example :

  • Unique M+ mog.
  • Unique M+ weapon mogs.
  • More cutoff brackets (1%, 0.5%, 0.2%, 0.1%) and per spec not overall (to incentivize off-meta specs).
  • Unique mounts.
  • Unique gear.

And those are just off the top of my head. If I sit for 10 minutes I can propose an even bigger, cooler reward system for all M+ levels.

There is no similar reward, that is the point, you cannot compare the two systems XD

M+ has a reward of the difficulty of the achievement itself, the mount looks less good, because it was less hard to get.

Past that, we agree, M+ could use some extra rewards for those who want to push the boundries.

But outside of that, maybe also a reward for the top 0% of M+ players could be cool - don’t disagree with it, but may disagree to the level quaility it should be.

I think some inspiration we could take, is unique armor transmogs unlock per-rating.

2100 - braces
2200 - back
2300 - etc

I’d be up for this.

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