Mythic 2000 Mount VS Rated PVP Mount

Then why do you need a free tier set? Just kill the raid bosses and get it there. Because apparently Fyrakk heroic was “easy killable at 468 ilvl”

So just why do the masochistic thing of doing a +17 in week 1? Just clear the heroic raid in week 1 and get it over with…

No. Im sorry. The reason people zerg M+ in week 1 is because its easier/more efficient than zerging HC. For most people of course.

You want 2 tier sets in week 1 of the patch? OK. Go and complain to blizz to make Tier sets more accessible within the content you do (raids). Dot get M+ mixed up in it.

And where am I wrong here? I cleared HC raid (dont raid mythic) and 3500k rio. I know what I am talking about. I can guarantee that a +18 is as EZ as normal raid. Some dungeons are as easy as LFR raid on +17.

And you could argue that doing this stuff under-geared in week 1 is “challenging”. I was doing +22s on week 1. And the Heroic Raid as well.

I know.

And let me tell you, getting Mythic level gear from doing a +17 makes ZERO sense. You should be getting that gear on a +22/+24 (minimum).

But Blizzard cant. They cant make M+ enjoyers have a proper gear progression because raiders like you are argument that they want to zerg Mythic gear on week 1.

So no. They cant balance it. And its vice-versa as well. Because 90% of the time, the best weapons and trinkets by FAR come from the raid. Making me farm it and depend on RNG in order to do M+.

TLDR: You either did not understand me… or you completely ignore the issue.

Gearing should be appropriate for the difficulty you do. That is why you get Mythic gear in Mythic raid, heroic gear in heroic raids… ect…

M+ is in a weird position where its gear progression DEPENDS on a different game mode (Raids). And that is unfair. Why does MY experience have to be affected by YOUR experience? Its not fair.

Not my problem. Raiding has not changed since 2004. Time to change it.

If Blizzard wants people to over-gear the raids, then they can give you Mythic gear in LFR for all I care. Or remove the weekly lock out. Dont know. Dont care.

But why does it have to be M+?

I pushed to 3500 rio. Im SICK of zero gear progression because I am full 483 week 2 of the patch. Also, im SICK to the core of having OP trinkets and weapons from a game-mode I dont want to play.

S4 atleast has the Dinars. But im tired of bad M+ gear. Why? Because if it was any better, people simply would not raid. Because there would be no gear incentive to do so.

So its hypocritical point of view.

I will lump every raider into this. ANY issues with raids (which there are) in Heroic, Mythic, or even LFR is NOT my problem.

Fix raiding. Dont get M+ into it.

This topic sure is entertaining to read.

Most pvp player suck just as much in pve

Realistically, you are comparing things that aren’t at all comparable.

Closest comparison for a PvE version of Gladiator would be something like Cutting Edge maybe, in terms of skill and time requirement (again, not really comparable).

Your prespective is a little flawed here, because M+ gearing can also effect PVP, likewise PVP gearing can effect Raids and M+.

Someone in my raid team got the season achievement by getting their PVP rating on day 3-4 and then used the seasonal reward for a PVE tier piece.

If you’re good at X content, you can use that as the easier way to gear.

I 100% support you wanting meaningful rewards for doing M+, but it doesn’t have to be decoupled from raids or pvp to achieve that.
More people who want to do M+ to help with their raiding experience, means more people queing and grouping for that content, makes atleast the forming of the group easier.

Otherwise you only re-create the issue of making content harder to access for the majority of the players who want to mix / match the content they do.

Sweet, then you’re not able to think along constructively for a meaningful conversation, so i’ll stop replying now.

As i don’t think you’re personally getting negatively affected at all from the current gearing construction, but i think you want to gate-keep it because you excel at one aspect of the game and want a way to show it.

I agree
But pve wont make you better player overall
Pvp will, you gona learn your class.
Thats why this post glad mounts its all about its for prestigue players who know how to play their class and should stay that way as a reward for their knowledge and dedication in pvp community

It can affect. Im not saying its not. The PvP example you say is 100% true.

You had a friend that did PvP to begin with, and some raiding on the side.

Thing is… why isent everyone doing PvP to get their tier set? Because you get the “Heroic” version of it at an appropriate difficulty level in PvP. So long story short, most people aquire their PvE tier set through PvE because its easier than getting it through PvP.

Unless you are a PvP enjoyer to begin with (like your friend).

But dont forget : You can raid with PvP gear. You can PvP with raid gear. But you will be at a significant disadvantage if you do. And that is why people are not farming PvP/PvE in droves.

Its one of the things PvP enjoyers were complaining about for years. Having PvE farmers in arenas, and having to farm PvE for their PvP BiS gear. And now, that issue has been solved by divorce.

If you PvP, do it because you enjoy it. If you PvE, do it because you enjoy it. Or both (like your friend). But farming game modes you dont want to play is over. And to be honest, everyone is much happier that way.

Its time for M+ to get the same treatment.

It does ! Because what blizzard believes that gear progression in raids is what determines the gear progression in M+.

That does not happen in PvP. PvP gear progression is determined by PvP. Raid gear ilvl progression (internal) is determined by Raids.

Groups for what exactly? For the weekly +20 to farm gear? Nah.

I did not say that. I said : Argue the “accessibility” of Raids by fixing things in Raids. We can argue “accessibility” of content in M+ by fixing stuff in M+.

I disagree with the idea of “lets fix accessibility in raids by changing stuff in M+”.

You missinterpret me.

There is nothing I want to show. I want to have a constructive and meaningful conversation about rewards in M+ for those that push keys beyond a 20.

And the response I get is : “but in Raids this and that”… which is far from “constructive”.

Dungeons used to be the “pre-raid” content. Now, it has evolved to totally different game mode. Raiding should not factor into it.

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well they definitely shouldnt touch glad mount but i would like a rework for M+ rewards.

I returned to the game last week and played some m+.
Till +20 there is a nice gear progression and some rewards for 2k or 2,5k rio and the portals.

But after that there is just nothing except to push score on a 3rd party website.

Also the Seasonal Achiev is kinda funny because it requires either Elite in PvP or 2,5k mythic score lolol

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Its not that hard just keep practicing dont give up

The mistake you’re making is that you’re overvaluing high end PvP skill while severely undervaluing high end PvE skill. You can’t just go watch a raid boss or dungeon guide and start doing high end PvE content over night.

Killing pre-nerf mythic bosses and timing high level keys takes a ton more than just knowing what the mechanics are. You absolutely need to be on top of you class just as much as in PvP.

What I will give you is that I think PvP is harder than PvE, simply because the nature of PvP is that the better you are, the better your opponents are, which isn’t exclusive to WoW. But the gap between high end PvP and PvE is much smaller than you think. They’re just different kinds of skillsets.

You say that the extent of you “hardcore” PvE experience comes from a private server for a over a decade old expansion. If that’s the case, I’m sorry to tell you that you were never a hardcore PvE player in the first place and aren’t in a position to speak on what modern WoW hardcore PvE is like. It seems apparent from how you describe it that your knowledge on the topic is at best limited.

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Say lvl10…


I didnt have an issue to get it dont worry. I just think the requirement is funny

Ofc they are better they are just not interested to kill npcs with fixed mechanics.

That’s not what I meant… you were complaining that I was posting from a level 10 character so I posted from my main. So, do you have anything to add?

Yea its funny its just reward for no life people so dont be worry if you dont get it

?! i have it

Its funny because for the same achiev you either need elite or 2.5k rio which are not even remotely the same in difficulty

hopefully THIS season or never

M+ rewards are horrible…
Mount and title and useless portals…
I would prefer cool mount cool title and instead of PORTALS some kind of specific weapon and TMOG you know that when someone looks at you he will google it and google will tell him he was playing DF season 2


8h portal, very common for blizzard to put unreasonable CD