Mythic 2000 Mount VS Rated PVP Mount

20pvp players if they practice can reach top pve rating in very short time.

20pve players probably cant get top pvp rating most likely never.
Maybe 1 or 2 of those 20 but it will take years of practice and pvp experience.

Depends how dedicated the players are. If you take from a pool of high end players on both camps, youā€™ll get plenty from both who will be able to learn and adapt rather quickly and become good in a relatively short time.

Iā€™ve always founds this tribalistic approach to the PvP vs PvE discussion really weird and more of an ego stroke than anything else.

Nah bro if you even quit your job and play full time work wow you will never be like petkick that guy can go 100-0 in pvp its something unexplainable to have that type of fealing,prediction and vision for pvp.
Even in football thers milions of football players but only 100 of them are elite players.
Well you can compete for sure to some rating but on high rating game can change real quick.
People not making mistakes at all.
It will even force you to think do i even know what im doing.

Blizzard needs to find a way of bridging the gap between super casual players and ultra hardcore players. Both for PvE and PvP. At least in terms of rewards.


Hahaā€¦ :smiley: Funnyā€¦

Let me correct you :

A good PvP player can get good in PvE quickly. A good PvE player can also get good in PvP quickly.

And to reach top in a particular category requires more than just practice. It requires teamwork. Especially that.

A bad player will be bad in PvE and PvP. No matter if they switch or how much they practice.

And no. It does not take ā€œyears of practiceā€. Some people are just gifted for playing video games. If an individual takes ā€œyearsā€ its because he was bad to begin with.

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I agree with this.

But like 99% of these hardcore pve players are completly horible in pvp.
When you attack them somewhere in open world they are completly lost they dont even know to press any button.
Probably panic attack.
In arena i dont see them at all.

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For how rare itā€™s suppose to be I see it everywhere anytime I log in. On the other hand , I rarely see the mythic mount but that might just be because itā€™s an abomination.

Without going into which content is more difficult or easy .
I wont mind if both contents have good looking mounts .
Will give me extra motivation to get myself better in both kind of contents

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You assume way too many things.

To begin with, if someone attacks me in the open world (A) donā€™t have the PvP talents on. And (B) I donā€™t have the PvP gear on. And (C) im a healer. I donā€™t do WQ with healer talents. I go with Elemental talents, which I am much less skilled at (for obvious reasons).

So its absolutely normal to have that reaction.

And then : What do you mean ā€œhardcoreā€ ? As in someone that killed Mythic Fyrakk last week? Is that ā€œhardcoreā€?

Like in PvP, there are good players (those that cleared Mythic or reached +30 keys 3 months ago) and ā€œnormal but dedicatedā€ players. Who did that, but last week.

Like its not the same to reach 2400 rating in PvP the first month of the season, than to reach it last week (with rating inflation)ā€¦

Dont make me assume you are the person you seem to be. Be better.

Theres a yt guide for every boss .
Theres no guide for 2,4k pvp rating nor prefect pvp dps rotation every match is different.
For high end pve gaming ofc you need good team but for 2,4k pvp rating you need not good but insane team.
And if you loose,game punish you with rating few losses in row and you are out.
Ofc is harder to reach 2,4first month but its not easy even later most of the 2,3k players later in season are gladiator alts

Itā€™s not even that, I still had some 13s when I got my KSM in s3, given gladiator is more like getting m+ score 3000+ perhaps they could create a new achievement with a comparable mount for getting this score?

So your telling me that most of the people that are Glads late in the season are alts?


So you are telling me that the people getting CE now, and +30s are alts from Method and Ecco?

Dude. Stop it. You are delusional.

You are speaking from inexperience. You donā€™t know what it takes to do a +30ā€¦

The fact that you claim there is a PvE ā€œguideā€ somewhereā€¦ well, there are also guides on PvP. Im sorryā€¦ and I could also claim the same. That because there is a PvP guide on IcyVeins its EZā€¦

There are streamers that teach you to PvPā€¦ They show you rotation, CD managementā€¦ share their UI and WAā€¦ The whole shebang. Like in PvEā€¦

You dont just walk into an arena with zero reserchā€¦ for the same reason you dont walk into a dungeon with zero reserch. Wellā€¦ you canā€¦ and you will get your but kickedā€¦ both in PvP and PvE.

Just dont ridicule yourself any further with this discussion.

Go do it then check that ā€œpvp guidesā€ and do it and come back to tell us how it went.

Go check the PvE dungeon guides.

Do a +30 or a +32ā€¦ tell me how it went.

You cant compare PvE and PvP. Stop it.

PvP side gets instead of season reward once you complete bar. Itā€™s also ground mount.

Only gladiators are getting a mount in rated pvp. 3v3 is kinda prestigious for Blizzard since they organize tournaments in that format. Ofcourse PvP is dying because other rated PvP modes donā€™t reward mounts. If there would be some mount reward for other rated PvP modes, more people can participate.

Youā€™re confusing two things together and it muddles your argument rather significantly.

  1. Tuning and difficulty
  2. Acquiring gear

Are two seperate issues, iā€™m surprised you didnā€™t throw in addons which is more tied to your core point then gearing.

Heroic Fyrakk was easily killable at 468 itemlevel, people struggle to kill it sometimes with 484+ itemlevel.
Doing it week 1-2 means the small itemlevel upgrades have a more significant meaning to make progress easier.

I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s even easy, doing +17s in 464+ gear in week 1 was not ā€˜easyā€™.
You put effort in, got a good reward, could use that reward to progress in other content.

So here is where youā€™re wrong.

This expansion, not including heroic Raszegeth which was a mythic boss in itself until week 10+ when it started to get nurfed.
But beside that, this has been the easiest raiding season and best tuned season for the majority of players (Normal / Heroic).

MYTHIC on the other hand has been riddled with issues (that really need love), as itā€™s more trying to combat add-ons and very aggressive forms of gearing (splits).

They also do not want to, gearing faster / providing more options has had the most positive impact on player happiness and them wanting to do more content outside of their comfort zone.

Heroic guilds are more and more now doing early Mythic content, in part that is possible due to how they can over-gear that skill check, which they wouldnā€™t be able to do otherwise.

Your logic here is flawed in 2 ways:

  1. Tier sets vs tier items, different things
  2. Gearing better to face an objective easier is the fundemental aspect of MMOs and RPGs alike.

Let people play how they want to, let them gear how they want to, to face the challanges their up against.

There is literally no need to de-couple M+ and Raids, and typically the people who push for that distinction arenā€™t the ones actually pushing the content and actually play more casual, so the system actually benefits you the most.

Donā€™t lump in every raider into this, itā€™s not at all the case.
There is a skill check, and gearing allows you to overcome that skill check.

Heroic can be cleared in gear thatā€™s not even normal raid item level, it just means you really need to do mechanics and output.

Fights have gotten more complex, there is a lot going on mechanically, Raszegeth is a good example of what an over-tuned fight does to the heroic raiding community.
It was much harder to over-gear the mechanical check, because it was simply too punishing.

This isnā€™t about blizzard tuning content to Mythic gear, but blizzard making more complex and robust fights with punishing mechanics.
But to help bring people along, they make gearing easier, to face those challanges faster.

Raiding is the most accessible it has ever been, but also the fights are getting more mechanically punishing and complex.

I agree we cant compare pve and pvp not arguable.
Personaly i hate dung im only playing them when i need to lvl up chars because i hate questing.
Raids are ok for some time later became boring waste of time and infinite grind of useless gear.
Once i was hardcore pve player on private server warmane wotlk and im not doing that ever again you are literaly forced to play even if you dont want or you are kicked from core raider group.

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Yes, itā€™s in the name ā€˜hardcoreā€™, you all agree to come together to push content on a fixed schedule. Donā€™t sign-up to things with high requirements XD
Thatā€™s not limited to PVE content.

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I did 18 first week in 450 gear. It certainly wasnā€™t hard.