Mythic+ and leavers

I like the thought of not deranking it and it is always +1. Like you said, it leads to some inflation, maybe some teamcomps are better than others idk. But like I have said couple of times here, there is no fix to everything without making some adjustments. This would fix a lot of toxicity, at a cost of something else. But for me, it would be worth it

And thank you for coming with a solution/adding to the topic instead of just complaining :stuck_out_tongue: need more like it to brainstorm ideas

Have 5 man party where the tank is absolutely clueless and dies to pretty much everything and already has 2 wipes on first boss and the run is beyond hopeless…so the healer refused to suffer this charade for longer and quit. In your narrow view:
Healer left->Healer should be punished->healer was the main problem right?
How dare he refused to stay in an m+ for 3 hours and had the nerve to leave instead am I right?

Being bad is better then being an ahole

How is healer an… that? If you join a “timed run” and it turns out into a full blown circus and a waste of time and still be chained to the run.
The only person who would support is somebody who wants free boost to make sure that the boosters “don’t run away”.

Does that only count inside the dungeon or outside as well after a key start? Because if it’s the former then it can be worked around by HS’ing out before leaving and if it’s the latter then you’ve just made it so anyone in a group that agrees it’s a dead will have to bite the bullet for leaving first, despite not being what it’s intended for.

This is what i mean by almost all of these suggestions being horribly thought through. There’s no attention being paid to the details and possible issues with the suggestions since it’s all based on feelings regarding something that happens maybe every 20th run, if even that.

How is screwing over 4 people not being one? Or 3 if your ot counting the “bad” player

The "bad skilled " person is screwing over the party for signing up for a role/key level he is not ready for. The healer leaving is simply a natural reaction to it, any person would do it and I dont blame them if they signed up for a timed run not “3h learning run”. Only tanks&healers tend to leave earlier cause they have easier times in qoues but even DPS’s patience level isn’t “rock solid” either.

You don’t sign up for 35 minutes of wiping on the first boss when it is advertised as timed. You are not screwing over 4 people by leaving after 2 wipes knowing this has no chance at all.

Maybe. But ive seen groups wipe and still time it so :man_shrugging:t2:

leavers are a huge problem ( i always say this) and that’s becaue m+ system is bad as a whole ,not just about players

That needs context, like ilvl of the players and keylevel of the dungeon, and certain dungeons with more lenient timers. I can’t remember timing a dungeon with 3 minutes in time playing on my level. 1 wipe on a big first pull committing every cooldown and bloodlust, or 1 wipe on a tyrannical boss is just end of the timer. But obviously when i now would do a +2, that will be a different story.

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Old 15-16 so 5/6 now

Indeed what Mistjo said. There is a difference if its a +7 or something where people could be farming for gear and +14 when people are doing pretty much for score.

With 520 ilvl or something? Because those people on +6 are farming crests. Crest runs have very rarely wipes.

510 warrior similar geared people

Well yes. that is heavily overgearing. We runned +10 in week 1 (took 90 minutes) with 486 ilvl.

Congtaz your a real pro. Were talking normal players. Hidden profile too. Typical for anti punishment leavers

I mean, everyone is playing on their keylevel. But when you go 510 in a +6 then you are smashing the key. If you wipe you did a lot very wrong. When you do 15 minutes a lot wrong completely abusing the healer since he is playing like it is a +15, you can understand people are done with it somewhere. It sounds like you are running some horror keys there.

510 is not a normal ilvl for +5, and certainly not wiping.

My profile is not hidden at all.

Wierd clicked on it and it showed only view activity . Normally theres two buttons