Mythic+ and leavers

it is doing that for everyone already for some months after a forumupdate. You can click that button and there go to armory.

I am even one of those idiots every time switching forum char with every season when i play a new main.

Typical forum move.
How to win any argument
Step 1: Check forum, rio, log profile
Step 2: Find some 1 lousy log or whatever.
Step 3: Aha! You got no CE so your argument is thus invalid!
Step 4: Profit.

It is just the reason why i do not get leavers and he gets a lot in a +5. I am doing the mechanics and he as a normal player is ignoring the mechanics and wipes and get leavers. That is the big difference. I also assume he is full time getting damage and when he finally dies he says “1 heal???”.

If were talking about keys and you’ve got 0 score your opinion is not worth anything. Im playing warrior tormand same server this season before you say anything

Here you are.

and my alt (99% pugged)

So far from hidden profiles…

Yeah already figured it was a bug or whatever. Id looked at your monk profile.

Same. As much as I played M+ from Bfa S1(dabbled in Legion but it was more for weekly chore and nothing more and this S4 I skipped due to rl constraints) there was maybe 1-3 ragequiters at start. DHs not getting their pull timer before start and thus throwing a hissy fit. :rofl:
The rest of the leaves I had where either justified or I called it anyway.

First. I dont care about your rio. I debate with arguments people offer. If you are so insecure to hide behind your rio score and go “me haz more score, me more guud than you” then it already speaks volumes about your actual argument’s strenghts.
2nd. You can check my previous season history if you are so desperate to see my experience. Having 1 season skipped doesn’t suddenly make you “an m+ noob”.

I am never checking profiles, since i am more interested in what people say.

If people claim leavers arent an issue and shouldnt be punished but post on a char with 0 keys it looks like theyre full of :poop:

The so called leaver issue existed since m+ introduction basically. Its not something unique for S4.

I never said it was. Tbh its not as much of an issue in s4.

Strange that you seemed to be arguing so that it matters very much to you. Was even desperately grasping straws and noticed me skipping DF S4 just to “win the argument”.

Its a minor issue at worst. Having somebody leaving(unjustly) maybe once in a month and even then its due to web issues or whatever is pretty much a non issue for me.
If you are getting a lot leavers in your keys then start looking for the common denominator…

Again not happening as much recently but some is enough. Get the wrong key on a crappy week, good luck progressing. The punishment for failing in raids is lost time so why does failing keys undo your progress? Thats my main issue with the scumbags. I lose at least an hour cos of them vs progressing my character

Does failing a key deletes your rio score or something? it doesn’t undo anything. As for the crappy key, either do it on a lower level or just pug a different key and switch the key at end? At least thats how I got rid of my Uldums(hate that dungeon with passion).

I was 100 points short of ksm from pugging keys cos i didnt get or couldnt find an appropriate nelth key around 5. Got it today after many attempts at the dungeon with varying leavers. That seem right to you?

Not to be rude but 2k score and no timed 10s in season 4 is nothing to be proud of and you tell others not to speak :roll_eyes:

So many good fun and friendly communities out there that you could join and save any hassle over leaver’s.

Ive got keystone hero last couple seasons and will probably get it this season. Work in progress. Not about pride its just experience

Well if you have experience then you know having good friends/guild/commune is the best way to do keys but telling others they have no right to speak when you are not high ranking yourself is really bad do you not think? everyone is allowed a view but this topic has been done to death and blizzard have given there answer.

Im not saying they have no right to speak. They just look disingenuous posting about m+ on a character with 0 score. If i made a thread about high level pvp it would be worthless because I barely pvp. Does that compute with you?:man_facepalming:

I see now you have been challenged you go back to the usual retorts of being angsty as you really dislike being proven wrong in your view and how you act, you have no right to belittle others period end of debate good night.