Mythic+ Dungeon Adjustments - 27 April

With hotfixes that are now live, we’ve made the following adjustments to Mythic+ dungeons:

Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

  • Timer increased by 1 minute.


  • Chargath, Bane of Scales
    • Fiery Focus’s Fire damage reduced by 25%.

uldaman is just an unfun dungeon and will be my least played one in s4 for sure.

delete the 4th boss to shorten the dungeon.

i am not sure what the tuning goals are, so one can only say what feels way harder than others.

Last boss remains the most awful one here. Wing buffed could use a solid 20% nerf.

Frog boss does insane dmg, which is whatever BUT can you not droo a swirl on the healer when that massive dmg goes out?

Frostcaller is definitely overtuned. Pushing 300k hps in a +8 in 490 gear is insane and the pug i went with didnt have the dmg to kill it before i was oom. So either hp or the dmg should go down a bit.
Thanks for the 5% healing nerf btw lol

Bleed on tree is kinda insane and if you dont kill the add incredible fast it will overlap with the aoe and everyone dies.

Vexasmus Manabombs could use a look at.

the last boss dmg is still non existent but you created one of the most annoying fights in existance. gz on that i guess

Leymore tank dmg seems excessive, but i didnt tank it, just had several tanks just flop 90 to 0. Maybe they played it badly.


I recommend you to not play a healer class at all, when you complain like this. And if those bosses are too strong for you then try some keylevel lower


maybe you should understand what balance means.

If one key is harder than another key that is 3 key levels higher, than it needs adjustments.

I finished all dungeons on +8 and thus I can tell which mechanics are out of line.
All it creates is one shots once you go up to +12 or whatever.

pea brain not understand, mh?

no because you scale up with your gear and when u already finished +8 keys with barely s4 gear then +12 will be oneshot when people get their proper gear. Looks like your brain doesn’t understand.
I finish those dungeons on +11 as a healer already and they feel so easy. Imagine having S4 gear now!


yea I am very sure you cleared the +11s with 486 because you don’t have any s4 gear and your group does nether.
Talking rubbish as per usual by people hiding behind alts.

so easy, why are you not r1 io? kek

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Not my fault when Blizzard just took 1 random char of my account. But for you feel free to check again on my main char.
When you have enough skill and knowledge over your healer class and S3 Gear u can already time keys on +10 without problems. I don’t want nerfs already on the first week when yourself already “nerf” those dungeons with every weekly vault + geardrops from every key which makes you stronger day by day.

Timing those +8-10 keylvl dungeons on the 1st week just shows that those dungeons are already very easy… so try lower keylvl or just wait 2-3 weeks :slight_smile:


Because hes currently “only” rank 129 paldin healer… :wink:

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I did less than 200k hps and killed it on an 8, I’m not sure why people keep padding how much healing is needed on this fight. I keep hearing ridiculous estimates.

I did more healing on the first boss of uldaman on a 6 that HoI ice boss on an 8. Whats the so what? People are playing badly, they’ll get left behind and when people respect mechanics it’ll get easier.

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If you are doing +10 on week 1 od patch then you are way above “average player”. Hell you are higher then most good players are

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I think overall dungeons need nerf at least 5 %. They added 11 % which it is too much.

Here to echo that things seem a bit too overtuned at the moment. At +3 +4 keys we die through defensives. I had easier times completing +22 +24 keys.

Also, though not the place for it, I think previous season sets should not be active. So far I got 3 items and 2 of them are in my set spots, which is a DPS loss… That is just weird. That should never happen.

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If you mean khajin then it’s not overtuned, it’s both a DPS and heal check. Kill it before the healer goes oom, you’re not supposed to be able to just heal the damage until it dies with no worry about mana.

to be fair - blizzard should have just given people infinite catalyst charges in S4

it is indeed ridiculous that people cant use their itsmes because it would break their set in such short season .

That’s great and all. But have you guys discussed internally about the way how Whelplings Crests are handled and the role of heroic dungeons being less a “leveling preparation for M+”?

The season 4 set is a dps loss for moonkins either way.


yes and no. It stays in relation to other dps and heal checks. E.g. last boss of RLP, if the dragon doesn’t die fast enough you will also belly flop because you will run out of stuff. In that case you run out of cds faster than mana though.

I don’t say it is undoable, but it is not the same difficulty as other bosses on the same key level. So either buff the others or nerf this one.

And yes mana is of course one thing, but you also have to move and if 2 ticks kill you, moving + healing is very steep difficulty.

I cant tell you why I had to do 300 hps and still couldn’t kill it.
This is not an estimate, it is fact.
The numbers change also depending on your group comp. Doing it with classes like DH, DK and mage will make that fight significantly easier on the healing than if you play with a squishy hunter classes.
If you fail something at that boss you are dead, so it is not like people massively misplayed it besides doing 140k ST dps.

that is different… if you need so much healing on the first boss in uldaman, your group just plays bad and get hit by stuff.
You can rather compare the trog boss in uldaman (2nd boss) to icecaller. But even then, it is more about priority burst dmg, so you can heavily misplay that boss.
You really cannot misplay icecaller besides dying.

Hold up. You are 2 keys below designed maximum (522 item level) and you are complaining that you can barely do it? Would you look at that…

That is of course not true. You do not get higher rewards from higher keys. But we even get the last affix at +10 added. That isn’t just for 1 keylevel. Maybe you only play for rewards?

I needed 225 yesterday on a +6. I do think this fight is one of the first where you want to coordinate when you want your group presses their defensives. You notice nobody presses them since there isn’t 1 big boom. And obviously it is also a loss when people press them when you are in a healing cooldown.


2 ticks will not be anywhere close to killing you. Unless you’re letting yourself drop for some reason.

This is from the +8 halls I healed on my druid, it wasn’t even anywhere close to hard to heal. I thought it would be harder given my experience in season 2 of that boss but it was fine.

The wind was ticking like 138k or something per tick on me.