Mythic+ honestly drops too much gear

You have done dungeons and raids in Shadowlands already? How did you get access to this knowledge?

You think it makes any sense for them to spend 8 months designing a raid for it to be obsolete to the majority of players after 2 weeks?

Those that do it for progression take even months to clear mythic. Some progress through HC and if they donā€™t get it first month obviously need a nerf - like gear from other sources. And raiding isnā€™t the be all content in the game. You canā€™t elevate it above other. Why not ranked PvP should be the king?

Itā€™s already public, or at least their intent is public. They said there will be less gear in Shadowlands compared to current but also there will be less variability to that gear = less trash gear. The weekly PvP and M+ boxes will offer a choice to prevent same slot / super bad item rewards - even less trash gear. Yet as there is supposed to be less gear there may be less direct rewards like end of run and more progress based (weekly boxes, PvP currencies already are back to buy gear).

And there will be legendaries which you work towards and create. Most of Shadowlands gearing looks like is based on intent and not quantity or randomness. Right now you need 10-100 gear pieces to get the one with correct corruption not to mention my mage alt would need only very very specific azerite armor to work above green parses - thatā€™s lot of azerite gear scrapped or content-ignored.

And players play MMORPG for player progression. Gear should be meaningful but also canā€™t be overly restricted.

The majority? Isnt the majority not even raiding at all? And there are a ton of normal/heroic guids.

AÅ„ last for my class azerites from raid are stronger then majority of 475 from mythic +, tank trinkets are simply better from raid then from m+ I have more then 230 ,+15 timed runs and I am using 4 items 2 on each spec from mythic+ or weekly cacheā€¦ so m+ is not overshadowing pvp or raids by any means:) I would say its pain in the a.s to get gear out of it 57th ret worldwideā€¦ btw in m+


You cant comment about mythic + and high keys as you done nothing over a 10 so how can you say they are easy ?
3 chesting a 20+ is alot harder than herioc raiding so is a 15+ 1 mistake and timer gone .
Im sorry you really have no clue and just here to do your usual troll.

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My raid character wears 0 465 items. Thus she has got 0 M+ direct drop items that are useful for raiding as she got 475 from raids 1st bosses quicker than weekly chest gave those.

But since corruption is a thing, all the TD she wears in raids is from weekly chest though.

Also m+ above certain level gets harder than most of Mythic raid fights.

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M+ is intended to be a alternative for raiding. There are many players that canā€™t dedicate full time for raiding, where you need to be online at a specific hour, for a specific ammount of time, etc. So, as a alternative option, M+ offers players the chance to get raiding level gear by doing a type of content that doesnā€™t require so much comitment.

This is one of the most idiotic statement i saw. One thing is to get a high ilevel gear from M+ and another is to get a BIS high ilevel gear.
For example, in my case, the elemental shaman stat priority is crit/versa. After doing several M+ dungeons and opening 4 weekly chests, i got only mastery gear, which is useless for me. So i preffered to keep a 440 gloves with crit/versa than to change them for a 470 haste/mastery.
While in the same time, i did 2 HC runs and got 6 BIS items from the two runs (including the most important ones: weapon and both trinkets).
The chance to get BIS gear from raids is 10x higher than from M+ dungeons. You didnā€™t took that in your calculations. To get a BIS gear from a M+ dungeon you need usually 2-4 tries until you get it. Now multiply this with the number of pieces of gear you need and you will realise that you waste a lot more time hunting gear through M+ than raiding.
And regarding the titanium received from the weekly box, in my opinion the amount you get is very low. To buy a mythic level azerite piece you need 20k titanium. If you complete a M+15 dungein, you get from the box 2k titanium. That means you need to farm 10 weeks for one BIS piece and a total of 30 weeks for all 3.
Your ideeas are wrong and unnecessary. Taking in consideration that you chosed to start this post from a alt, i presume that your main has a bad HC/mythic raid history and now you spill your frustration on M+ players because you where denied too many times to join a team.
I am really curious to see your main progress.


And if it didnt drop enough gear, you would be here making a post saying M+ drops to few loot. Blizz cant win can they?

I mean sure its all good you write this post and everything, but how does this affect you in bad way? Im sure you could spend your time giving blizz feedback about something more useful than M+ loot :slight_smile:

Another fanatic detected try to lvl up to 120 and have more than 160 ach

Dude, nobody is claiming that M+ gear is better than mythic raid gear. Obviously mythic raid gear is better than M+ gear; we all know that.

What people are arguing about is M+ gear compared to heroic raid gear. Heroic raids are harder than M+, yet reward far less for the amount of time and effort one has to invest.

HC raid is harder than a M+15 (if you are not in a guild). Yet M+15 gives better loot? Why is that?

Debatable. I have to pay more attention in a dungeon than HC nyalotha. Also technically HC still drops better gear

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The difference between Heroic raiding and M+ is so small that it doesnā€™t even matterā€¦

And the gear they drop is comparable. Neither is anything special.

The only thing that makes raiding harder than a 15 is getting double the number of participants, I refuse to believe heroic raiding is anywhere near par with doing a 15.

Technically speaking the raid gear at HC ilvl is better than alot of the M+ gear, especially regarding trinkets.

Eternal palace trinkets for most DPS are still by far best in slot for the vast majority of DPS classes. Enough motivation to raid right there

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Boosted 110 character. Has never stepped foot in a raid, hasnā€™t completed a heroic dungeon let alone m+

Troll is troll

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First of all you cant compare HC raids with M+. One of them allows 5 playes, the other allows up to 30 players. Its two seperate worlds, and so thats like trying to compare aples and oranges, im not sure how it even can be compared.

But if i have to make a comparisson Imo M+ is harder cus you have more responsibility divided amongs fewer players.

HC raids are also more forgiving since there are more players who can carry while in M+ obs depending on key and level of key, it can be more punishing. You can find my mains raider io just by looking on my pala rio, since my main is linked there. Obvs im not the highest pusher in the world, there are those (the MDI players) who push 26, but im timing 20s so id say i know a thing or two about M+ and raiding.

But i wouldnt call HC raids hard. And yes I got 12/12 on my DH (tracol on tarren mill) But only kill Nzoth every now and then on prot war for the trinket which i actually started to chase only last night :smile:

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