We mustn’t have meta classes. Meta classes or comps are always waaaay stronger than regular comps. Perhaps not needed for 0.1% title, nontheless, too strong.
100% of ladder is full of META comps, 100% of MDI is full of META comps, 100% of great push is META comp.
The perception that this creates is META=win or “NO META=lose”.
This results into one of the following: People are rerolling to a meta class and or people only invite meta classes in their m+ groups.
As a non meta DPS-Class u will barely ever get chosen, 85% have already rerolled to an apparently OP class, and therefore u are out of the game. The other 15% that still play their desired class despite not being META create their own groups but legit only invite META classes, because well, their class sucks and they “need” meta classes in order to win. Right? Perception is key.
Doesn’t even matter if u are properly geared and or have proper score. Even for damn low keys between +11-+17, that are nowhere of being hard u only get taken as a meta class. Unless you are a heal or a tank
Evokers get whisperd if they are Aug or Devestation - answere devestation and u are getting declined. Ggs
The only “enjoyable” - enjoyable in a way u actually find a group within reasonable amount of time - experience is as a tank or healer. We do not start talking about how many people leave groups in m+
And yet, im getting invites to +20 keys without issues as a fury warrior. The meta comp really matters when you get into the really high keys. Like +25 and above.
People just want to replicate what’s good while not knowing what makes them good.
It’s certainly harder to get into keys on non-meta specs. On my rogue I’ve done a few +24 and +25 keys, and I’m still getting declined for +19/20 keys.
I agree it’s harder. The OP was claiming that 85% of players have rerolled to meta specs. That claim certainly isn’t supported when you look at the dps signing up for any key.
Yeah months after we are into the season and probably around 20 nerfs into each dungeon now u can see a lot of classes. Months after where it was actually hard clearing dungeons u can now see alts or returning players. Pretty much every1 and every class could 25s and higher, though not needed for gear atleast.
Check early next season on who will que / get invited into 20s early season and u will have ur data.
that is mostly because rogues bring absolutely nothing to the table.
nothing to help with affixes
mediocre dmg
squishy if played by mediocre players
no br
no bl
no dispel
no displacement
no aoe stun
there are not many classes that are absolutely useless, but rogue and warrior are included in that list and would always be the last pick and only if you filled the group with the rest requirements which just not happens a lot
out of combat cc
the ability to facetank mobs for 10 seconds while the tank gets rezzed
the ability to solo soak some mechanics
amazing survivability if played by vaguely competent players
very strong damage (depending on spec)
enrage dispel
One of my guildies has it timed on +26, and last time we talked about it she said there’s one particular pull (I think it’s between bosses 2 and 3) where every tank she’s tried it with on a higher fortified has insta died with big CDs running. It’s crazy.
Assa my guy, assa. It’s completly flying under the Radar it seems and everyone only focuses on Outlaw, while i have seen Assa’s absolutly demolishing DH overall DPS, even last week.
NVM, i haven’t seen that you wrote that almost a month ago, ignore w/e i said then.