One +11 UNTIMED run: 60% chance at 460 loot + titan residuum to buy mythic azerite gear + guaranteed corrupted 465 item in weekly chest. 5 people, no lockout, spammable.
One heroic raid boss: 20% chance at 460 loot. 20 people, weekly lockout.
Not to mention finishing a +11 is easier than heroic raid bosses.
yes and no. circumstantial
Then more people can go raid mythic, that must be a good thing right? 
We have been through this exact same subject not so long ago. What do they call it again, when you do exactly the same and expect different results?
Someone explain to me why m+ shouldn’t have a lockout like raiding? Meaning you can only do one +10 per week, one +11 etc. Right now people feel incredible pressure to spam m+ 24/7 which is very unhealthy.
stop trying to destroy game for milions of players
raiding is boring and has been boring for years.
mythic + was born out of nessesity because people didnt want to raid.
maybe first think why players find raiding so appaling .
maybe the answer would be splitting raids into 3-4 wings each flex - raiding style so that each wing is separate and lasts 30-45 minutes max.
If people feel pressured to spam m+ all day and night i think they have some deeper issues that needs to be looked at. Its so rare to get any actual upgrades from m+ now when TF is removed. If you only play for loot, why even bother playing?
That’s your opinion. I find raiding marvelous, but I’m not hardcore enough to join a mythic raiding guild.
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But you dont have to be hardcore for mythic raiding
just join a casual raid guild?
You seem to have amazing ideas every 15 minutes and clearly wow devs are unable to fulfill your dreams and wishes but I have a great idea which would solve this problem. Just make your own game!
There’s no such thing as a casual mythic raiding guild.
I agree that now that M+ offers very similar loot to raiding they should relax / remove the weekly raid lock, it is meaningless.
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Really? I’m in one myself 
Trinkets and weapons from M+ are trash compared to raiding ones…
Also last bosses give a better ilvl gear + azerite pieces.
I dont know whats wrong with you and your crusade vs M+ but can you explain us instead why you hating it so much? Literally on s4 that M+ gear is the most useless. What you say was true for the past 3 seasons but excluded again weapons and trinkets.
Isnt it 2 pieces of loot for untimed 11? Timing gives the +1 bonus.
If only raiding was way more accessable, with LFR not opening so slow, then i am able to raid far more.
Ok that’s still double the loot than a heroic raid boss.
Why would you spam M+ 24/7? It is all about corrupted items, and spamming M+ is by far the worst source. Besides, 460? That anyone can have by now.
I actually feel way more ‘pressured’ because of the short tiers. When it would be 2 years the same it doesnt matter you are not finishing something for a month.
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Big vouch.
On a side note m+ drop has like 0.001% to corrupt and I hate it.
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Over 100 10-15 on my priest… 2 corrupted items in total.