Mythic+ leavers need to be tracked

There needs to be a tracking system that flags mythic+ leavers with somekind kind of recognisable marker so they can be seen in the finder.
And when u hover over the marker, you can see in the markers tooltip how many dungeons they have left before the timer runs out during the current season.
This way people who do this chronically can be spotted and avoided in the finder.


Deserter debuff on the first one that leaves maybe? XDD
Nobody will leave it then, i promise :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think we should just track people who leave dungeons mid run. It’s easy to track. What you do is if someone leaves in the middle of a mythic+ run then anyone in the group has the possbility to submit a vote. This vote flags anyone that was in the group when the dungeon started with deserter (or whatever u wanna call it) through a majority concensus vote.
So let’s say the dungeon starts. Player X leaves after the first wipe any remaining player can then use a this new function to open a vote system similar to a ready check on wether or not the leaver should be flagged as a mythic+ deserter. If the majority vote yes then the person gets flagged and next time they sign up for a key in the finder the group leader will see a little symbol or some discerning marker on the players name.This marker will have a tooltip showing how many times in that season he was flagged.

Funny guy.

Thanks alot!

You cant use a flagging thingy, imagine how much will it be abused because of nerdraging children…


Nerdraging children? Ah you mean people who misbehave like u just did in ur first reply. Ok i get it. Goodjob kiddo.

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This faces the usual problems. People can get branded for leaving, okay, maybe they’ll stay and play. Or maybe they’ll stay and provoke the group to kick them. Or maybe they’ll DC and leave the group wondering if it was just some software hiccup or they’re actually not returning.

You think a response like :

Is misbehaving…

If you dont want opinions, dont post in the forums i gess.

If your expecting someone to suggest a perfect system then you will never try to improve or make changes cause its impossible. Human beings are flawed therefore anything they create will also be flawed. that’s just reality. There is no perfect system. Any system is only as good as the people in it.

It’s not your opinion that was rude, it’s the way you expressed it. when u added “maybe?” and “XDD”.

So I shouldn’t be able to leave rude players if I wanted?

It’s a waste of time to play with those randoms.

So if there’s a guy in the group that’s rude to you, you will leave and ruin the key for everyone instead of just reporting them for bad language? Which incidentally will make all their messages disappear anyways.
You don’t want to play with people that behave badly. But your way of dealing with them makes you just as bad as them.

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I agree. I imagine you in turn agree that this system needs to be an improvement over the current one, and I told you why I feel it isn’t: Players who want to leave may instead resort to trying to get kicked, which creates a worse atmosphere and wastes even more of the group’s time.

I’ve never left actually but if players started to insult me I would and if the leader doesn’t understand why he would be stupid.

Players that insult others are to blame.

The reason for being flagged is not limited by any system since its the players of the actual run who will, with this system, have te freedom to flag someone. So you can flag someone for anything that ruins the run as long as the majority votes rules in favor of it. I really dont see your problem.

Alright. Then the concern is getting flagged for frivolous/troll reasons. Certainly the problem we have currently is people leaving keys for exactly those reasons. I don’t know that what you propose is an improvement.

No because this type of thing is not an issue for most players. If you find yourself the victim of people leaving frequently it is very likely that you are the problem.

But to entertain the thought, how does this system differentiate between a group of 5 friends agreeing that they are going to stop doing the key? Will this then flag someone for leaving a key that is agreed dead by the entire group?

I was in a +16 earlier this afternoon where the people that chain died several times were the first special snow flakes to leave.

Stop projecting onto legit players who are fed up with people that quit at the drop of a hat.

“legit players” play with friends.

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Back to your trolling behaviour I see.

Here I will remind you what you said in your last post to me.

Apparently you do give lots of weight to what I post. That or you enjoy trolling too much.

See answer in other thread as you clearly have not learned your lesson.

Read the part where I said frequently. Are there outlier cases where someone leaves for no good reason and ruins the key? - yeah for sure.

Is this a widespread issue that occurs in a high % of keys? - not at all. If you have this happen too often then you are very likely the problem

How about instead, you take an opposing viewpoint on board, instead of repeating yourself.

Oh look, another person who claims to run with friends all the time, complaining that a system to punish leavers in a pug setting will somehow impact them.

p.s. if you need someone to explain how a vote to terminate a dungeon would work I can only /facepalm at this stage.