Mythic+ leavers need to be tracked

I don’t know about you but when i play with randoms i put even more effort into behaving well and being respectful than with my friends. If you play with someone you don’t know it’s the absolute test of character and manners. If you leave a group simply because they aren’t your friends and you think you won’t be impacted because you will never see them again then YOU are the problem.
The foundation of a good community is respect of your fellow man regardless if he’s your friend or not. Stop being selfish, geez.
And the system I’m suggesting is not out of the joy of punishing people. For those who have a problem with authority. It’s a matter of caring about the community and preventing further decay of mythic+ runs in the finder. There is nothing wrong with playing with randoms as long as you are able to treat other people with decency, respect and consideration. Some people know how to behave but some don’t and that’s why the system must adapt.
And one last side note, if you didn’t play with randoms and only with friends you prob wouldn’t have met alot of your in game friends in the first place. This is an mmo and therefore the primary goal is socialising and making friends. To protect and preserve a safe environement you have to punish those who misbehave. As you would a child who doesn’t respect the limits.

Ermm, is it just me or is ur post confusing. Who is trolling the people flagging or the people who leave the dungeon. I don’t know what u mean, but i can just repeat what i said before i will copy paste for you untill it sinks in.

What matters is that the system suits the people in it.

And I can repeat this for you until it sinks in: Your system needs to be an improvement over the current one. The fact that people can get flagged because a group of friends thought it would be funny or they had some inconsequential grievance may result in people being wary of pugging, or just ignoring the flags because they’re abused.

You can’t just say “Well, my system has flaws but that’s because of people misusing it.” Guess what, you’re trying to replace a system that is flawed only because people misuse it.

You seem to like discrediting people’s solutions but do u have a better one?
If not then what is your point? If your just posting to be negative and saying we shouldn’t do anything about the problem then you are not helping. At least, I’m tryiing to do something about the problem. What are you doing?
I see no valid argument in what you are saying that convinces me my idea is bad. All you do is take a very isolated context and use it to make a general rule that my idea won’t work. Most people that queu in finder are queuing alone. that’s why they use finder.

How about a system like the ignore function, you can use it on players who you don’t want to pair with, it apply account wide for both users and prevents you from seeing a groups that include players you’ve blocked and them from seeing groups you are in.

No fuss, no muss.

Problem with a social black-marker is there’s no way to differentiate the real marks from the unjust ones. It’s already enough of a headache with people requesting higher ilvl than content rewards. If you start trying to solve every nuisance you’ll end up with a single player game, and even then, (thinking back to the pandaria role trials) people still get salty.

A better solution would be to take away a level of defence that the social anonymity today’s WoW provides in a way where you have a greater level of control over who you do and don’t party with. If a player ticks off enough of the active M+ community his/her pool of choice will be that much lower and if they continue being toxic, they would eventually effectively block themselves out of that content. For this reason it might make sense to include some kind of time limiter on it but it’s an idea anyway

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Athough that sounds like a good idea i think it would take so much work to put into execution that it wouldnt be worth it for blizzard. They would have to over haul so much of the game from the ground up its not practical. Atleast, that’s my take.

That would be nice, a proper ignore that can get rid of people you never want to see again in a pug setting.

Though it would have to give temp access to others in your group in order to properly weed out a leader picking someone you ignored.

Certainly very doable.

Using that logic nothing should ever change. And yet if the current system is flawed as you claim, why shouldn’t anyone try to adjust it? Or are you saying its fine to play a flawed game? In which case you are a hypocrite.

No, I am certainly up for changes for the better. Therefore, I want to be convinced a proposed system is actually better. The current system is indeed flawed, but as long as I don’t see an improvement among the suggestions, keeping it intact is the lesser evil.

When I point out flaws in a proposition, it’s not really a valid defense to say “My system is fine if it’s not misused by the players” when that is the exact problem of the current system anyway. We wouldn’t need to think of leaver penalties if people weren’t currently leaving for frivolous reasons, would we?

When you put it like that it does make more sense.

Did they say they were at least getting rid of timers in the next expac?

There is no current system to contend with players who leave middle of the run. So why are u saying the system i’m suggesting is bad. How can, what i am suggesting, be worse than letting people leave mythic plus freely and with no consequences.
I think you like the freedom to leave mythic+ when and if u feel like it. That sounds closer to the truth.
God forbid people should be expected to fulfill a commitment. I guess that is really going too far.

How about you are limited to 2-3 lockouts of Mythic plus per week. If you complete the key you get that lockout back. Would at least create a strong incentive for people to finish what they start.

The problem as I see it is the stricter the system, the more you are punished if you legitimately DC. It does happen after all, but then the looser the system the more the obnoxious behavior can be tolerated. That said, if you are having connection problems, and there are people who join content like this when they know they are having this problem, perhaps you should get a slap on the wrist, i don’t know.

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I just did a shrine +10 and i clearly wrote for completion in the finder. We had two pugs a rogue and a dh. The rogue pulled the two mobs after the first boss while the first boss was spawning. The mobs then aggrod the first boss as they came up the stairs and crossed the platfform. It caused a wipe. Then the DH went off line. Game over.

I’m saying it’s still flawed. Instead of players leaving for frivolous reasons, you can have players getting branded for frivolous reasons. Fear of inviting strangers may shift to fear of joining strangers. It doesn’t take a full group of friends for people to agree (on however justified a basis) that it’s your fault the run went poorly and for their wasted time, reduced loot and lack of rio improvement you shall be branded in an act of vengeance.

And that mark may very well doom your PUG life. Who will invite you? Who will not be wary about joining your groups, even if you’re not leader? I bet this kind of reaction would very much please you if it happened to a “legit” leaver. And in that, we are agreed. In the expectation that people will use this system only as intended, we are not.

How long would such a mark last, anyway?

I’m trying to keep us from doing something that makes things worse just for the sake of doing something. Not that I expect Blizzard to do anything based on this thread (it’s not like it’s the first of its kind), but community consensus could be the beginning of something.

As a veteran of these threads, I have to say this is the single best way to kill any constructive discussion.

Tell you what OP And Ciri, if leaving is such a widespread problem, how about you make a discord for like minded people and then only run with them? Wouldn’t that solve this, if people then leave, you can kick them from the discord?

That way you get to punish your evil leavers, and can do keys with like minded people. Wouldn’t this solve your problem, and leave the people alone who like the current system? The best of both worlds right :smiley:

I actually think this would go against the TOS though. I’m 90% sure there’s something in there about you can’t do anything that would affect other people’s ability to the play the game. In the early days of WoW I had a friends receive a ban for name and shaming a ninja looter in trade/general chat.

If memory serves it was ultimately blizzard who made moves that shut down gear-score back in Wrath/Cata or whenever that was because of the same reason.

You can only raid within your community that’s fine, but if you were to setup something with intention of blocking other players from participating, like a discord community, I think you could be at risk of crossing a line there.

You’re not preventing any play from anyone. You’re making a community outside wow, that community can of cause have rules in order to be part of it, so it cannot be against any rules.
It’s the same for M+ friends, that one is more based on RIO, but same idea.
Sylvanas boosting community
Oblivion and so on, ofc there are rules and conditions, but that’s ok.

And if i remember correctly, gear score wasn’t stopped by bliz, they added it to the base game as ilvl :stuck_out_tongue:

I realise you feel threatened by a system that would hold you and your fiends to account for dumping keys when ever you feel like it.

So no. Not going to setup something that in general cant be applied across the board to all wow players.

Instead Ill keep supporting ideas to punish childish behaviour, because lets be real here, that is what 90% of key quitting is, its a child throwing a temper tantrum.

If you put on your group weekly and no leavers people will come who just want to do their weekly chest. If you have people who are after m+ score or achievement there is no reason for them to waste time once the timer is over or the dungeon is not possible to be timed. Every single time I’ve made a dungeon in which I stated it is for weekly nobody left no matter the hardships.

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So another idea that solves your problem disgarded because it requires some effort from you :laughing:

Tell you what, i’ll support a system if it’s one where you can opt in, say a grp can vote if they want to activate it, if all 5 agree it’s active.
I’d give it 5hours, you’d be on the forums whining that the dungeons are to “hard” because all the competent players, you know, the ones not having a problem with current system, won’t use it. So your grps will be filled with people like you, wanting to take the rest of us as prisoners so we can give you weekly’s :smiley:

Unfortunatly Deadbreed, you still get douchebags that even if it says completing regardless, still leave.

Unfortunately for you Maliky, your the only one here whining that you don’t like any idea that would make you behave like a normal human being.

Your posts reek of selfish self interest and a mindset that being unable to just dump 4 other people when ever you feel like it, is wrong.

p.s. Clearly there are plenty of people who feel the same way about the current system, or we wouldn’t see topics constantly popping up about it.

Oh and a opt in at the start before a key is put it, would be nice. That way it should be easy to see the special snowflake portion of the player base disappear before it even becomes an issue. :smiley: