Mythic+ leavers need to be tracked

Oh, no… that’s a horrific system

You keep accusing me of leaving keys, where’s your proof, because i really don’t. But that’s you in a nutshell isn’t it. Make something up to discredit people who disagree with you.

And you’re hardly one to talk about selfish self interest, crying over RIO in one post because people dont instant invite you, crying because people leave your groups, so you want blizzard to make a system so they basically your prisoners :rofl:

If there are so many people having a problem with current system, why not make a discord for you guys like i suggested?

And the free boosts you guys want to lock us into will also disapear :smiley:
Since from what i see, the people mostly asking for this system, are the people that are unable to do the mechanics in keys :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Pot meet Kettle:

Your hypocrisy is showing m8.

Try to stay on topic, this post isn’t about RIO.


The point is there are alot of people out there who see nothing wrong with leaving a key mid run, and inside the timer, just because they feel like it. Even though they signed up for the key of their own free will. I do believe nobody forces u to sign up for someone else’s key right? If your so smart Maliky then answer me this;: “Why sign up for a key when your not willing to do the whole run?”. Cause that’s what most leavers do.
It all boils down to proper education. Some people have it and some people don’t. So, now that we know alot of people out there don’t know know how to behave in mythic+ runs, i think the system should adapt. Those who say such a system is bad are, I’m pretty sure, the same people that leave keys mid run and want to keep doing it.

People who think they are better than others and don’t have to treat others with respect for pathetic reasons like rio score or experience in general are part of the problem. It doesn’t matter if ur raider io is 2.5k like u maliky or 5k+ like andybrew. You still have to behave like a human being and treat ur fellow players with respect, regardless of their performance.

Nope, what i want is to avoid kids like you who were never taught a damn thing in their entire youth.

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One of the very few times i’ve left a key was because i signed up to a push key, as that is what the description said, yet people failed basic mechanics that you needed to deal with in the normal dungeons (Rezan in AD, didn’t LoS fear or run away from the dino) And even then i didn’t leave till the 4th wipe on that boss because people kept getting eaten and spawning a million raptors despite trying to explain to them how to do the boss.

Yours and Ciris little system would have me taken prisoner by that group. What is it you want from us in that scenario, stay there for hours on end, being ignored by people that cannot grasp that they have to do the mechanics as we have explained to them?

So instead of explaining to people what they did wrong and how to to do it you want me to what? stay silent in groups ? rage at them, what?

I find it staggering that you people cannot grasp that just because i like the current system, does not mean i keep leaving keys.

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Yeah exactly. I have left maybe 3-4 keys in total throughout Legion and BfA for this exact reason. I’m very patient and polite to others, but when it’s obvious early on that there is no way the group will even complete they key, I shouldn’t be punished for choosing to leave. I once was in a pug where the tank did not understand how sanguine worked. He just stood in it with all the mobs, so they were unkillable, and at the same time he was ooming the healer. He just kept yelling at people to do more dps. I attempted to explain several times how sanguine worked, but he didn’t even respond. We couldn’t even get to the first boss. Eventually I gave up and left.

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What else are they going to use to try to discredit players with a different opinion?

That’s funny considering the people dead against any sort of change keep trying to discredit anyone asking for one.

Communication is the key point, yes you can be nice and tell other group members how to complete a mechanic, but if that persons native language isn’t the same as yours, probably isn’t going to do much.

Which actually comes back to a Blizzard issue, if they cant make sure everyone playing in a region can understand each other, its their mistake.

Nonsense. Absolutely bullcrap. This is just like sticking your fingers in your ears and scream at everyone.

Want to know a little trick? Read your second paragraph again and apply that before a run starts. Can’t understand eachother? Find someone else. Magic.

Don’t blame Blizzard for your inability to work on solutions.

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Asking blizz to make sure everyone can understand each other when you can do that yourself in 10 seconds as you form the group.

Jfc, everything is someone else’s responsibility. It’s never my fault and if you dare disagree you are a troll or griefer that leaves keys!

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Oh but I will blame them, they are the ones that allow this sort of group formation to take place in the first place.

Most groups when forming start with a “Hi / Hello”, which is not hard to figure out if your don’t speak that language.

Certainly don’t see groups saying at the start “can you speak XXX language fluently”.

They have to take some responsibility for a issue they created as it is their game.


You know who is creating the group? You. Blizzard is giving you all the tools and the freedoms.

  1. Actually, even an understandable greeting is too difficult for some
  2. Start a little thing about the route you are planning, places to use tw, someone’s transmog or anything. It will show rather fast how well they speak English (or whatever language you expect).

Sure, do an IELTS test before creating a character? Having to update it regularly?

Get realistic. English servers are not only for players who speak English, it is not even mandatory or required. We know this and it is unlikely to be changed. So just adapt. You can keep pointing fingers, but what does it help? Nothing.

The solution is extremely simple, but omg, then you have to type a sentence or two - unacceptable!

What do you want? Rubber tiles everyehere for when you tripple? Or just sue the township for having a loose tile in the street? Anything but opening your own eyes, right.

It is always better to leave the guilty unpunished than punish the innocent. Your suggestion would punish a lot of innocent players.

There are hundreds of scenarios were leaving the Mythic+ is the correct decision. A very bad group, toxic players, real life emergency, too many wipes and being impossible to complete, etc.

In addition punishing players for leaving opens room for abuse and toxic behavior.
For example a toxic player wants to leave, but doesn’t want to get flagged. They can repeatedly cause a wipe on purpose to force others to leave. They can go AFK and if they are a tank or healer would also make dungeon impossible to complete, etc.

At last but not least, there is already a system that flags players. But instead of flagging them as “bad”, it flags them as “good”. Though it is a 3rd party system, it kind of works. By that I mean raiderio score.


Still does not cover people that would stay silent at the start.

Never said they were, but if your going to play on a English realm, you should be able to speak it.

Its clear talking to some people is like talking to a brick wall. So tell you what, you go be a wall and I and others will continue to ask for simple changes to make the game better. :smiley:

Find.someone.else.then…replacing is an option, you know?

Nope, it makes it easier but sure ain’t needed - so why should everyone? It is however our choice whether we want to play with those - we do not need Blizzard to fix anything for that.

Just keep up your “imma blame Blizzard”-game. Gets you far. Real far. Start communicating, perhaps you’re the brick wall in this case. Ever considered that a possibility?

Ditto O wall like one.

:man_shrugging: whatever that meant.

But it does actually explain why you are so pro punish-leavers. Just work on it, your groups will be more decent and less “bad/toxic/selfish” players will leave ^^

If you don’t know what it meant then how did you come to that conclusion? :rofl:

A subject we have been talking about. And you kind of horribly fail on that part.

Good luck Ciri.

Keep up the “nay sayers” comments.


The only fail, is on the part of a clown that has to insult others who disagree with their viewpoint.

But good luck Magiola, hopefully someday you will find some common curtesy and stop being a keyboard warrior.