Mythic+ leavers need to be tracked

Your dodging the issue. You would bother if they were people you know but otherwise u wouldn’t. Just because you don’t know them does that make them any less worthy of your time?
And one more thing it’s always the same vocabulary you use. Words like carrying and boosting. It’s all very ego based dialog imo.

Yes, Magiola and you know what. I’m quite happy to be beneath your level. Since up there, there’s only arrogant people like you who are not worth it.

Ofc i’d go further for my friends, anyone would … That’s not evil or werid, that’s normal.
Just like my parents deserve more of my time, than little Billy down the street.
Respect isn’t being willing to do everything in my power to make them happy. Nor is it something that is just freely given. I’m the kind off person that think respect should be earned, i’ll be polite to you, until you prove you don’t even deserve that. But my respect, that’s something you have to earn.

You say carrying and boosting is ego driven, perhabs it is. The reality is, if you are a player doing higher keys, the lower ones feel trivial and you are more than likely able to carry keys.

You tell me, if you have one or two guys being completly irrelevent to the succces or failure of the key, while 3 people blast through it.

Would you not call that a carry or a boost? Or do you think that 2 people running in circles while 3 people do everything is a “group effort” ?

I’m starting to get the feeling in these forums people dont actually communicate it’s just all about who has the last word. If this is why people post then i guess i’m the fool for trying to reason with them. Anyways, yes maliky your right.
You won the argument and now you have another thread under ur belt. I’m not gonna post anymore replies just hoping blizzard listens to reason.

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Heres an uncomfortable thought. They do listen to reason, but you aren’t posting reason.

How is arguing your point not communicating? You’re not making any sense.
You argue a point, that’s alright, i rebuttal, and come with arguments that contradict yours, that mean i’m reduced to someone who just wants the last word :confused:

So now we’ve reached a point, where if we disagree with something posted on the forums and express that, we’re not only trolls, but are also childish people who just want the last word …

You’re not trying to “reason” with people. You’re trying to convince them that your subjective obinion is right.
And when people do not agree with that obinion, you try to invalidate theirs by making claims that they are part of the problem or some other made up reason, instead of trying to argue their concerns, or find a middle ground where everyone could be happy.

For example, i suggested earlier in this post to make a discord for like minded people. That was by you, completly ignored, and by Ciri rejected because it didn’t effect every single player in the game.

Instead of throwing your hands up in the air, i’d suggest to try and adapt your sugestion of a punishment system so that everyone can be happy with it, or atleast a majority.

Baddeeps, stop feeding the trolls. They are not worth the time. :smiley:

its the end of the expansion, what else would you do but have fun in mythic+ :smiley:

My friends and I share a “blacklist” so we can keep track of at least some of the quitters. But yes, 2 hr deserter debuff for the first guy to leave before time is out, is the least blizzard could do.

Had a shadow priest leave my +17 KR right before last boss, for no good reason at all. I was just about to smash my screen, unsub and delete the game because this was FAR from the first time I experienced that.

M+ is great, it’s really all I wanna do in the game atm. But it’s really bumming me out that blizzard makes sure you rely on other people not leaving your key, and then not creating a punishment for those who quits for no apparent reason.

Ofc there is a lot to consider, when talking about designing a system that is both rewarding and punishing, but can’t be taken advantage of. But I am sure that such a system can be designed and I really hope that blizzard takes it into consideration for the future. There’s nothing worse than having your day ruined by some douchebag with a short temper.

tbh if you join group through lfg to push a key and things go badly, why deplete and have recent runs history stained coz people play bad? it’s only normal.

It’s hard to “track those who leaves” but it’s easy to just add the voice :
“UNCOMPLETED (mythics +)”.
When somebody has 70%- completed dungeons on a 20+ amount u know the deal…

A failed run is worse for your track record than an uncompleted one.
I don’t understand this mentality.
Dipping on a run before it expires just shows that you are competetively minded and care about the minigame of M+ wich is the timer.

A +15 with 10 minute overshoot just shows that you are in over your head taking on stuff you cant handle, i.e you’re bad.

You failed it anyway, you’re only talking about wanting to hide your failure. The highest RIO players in the world have depleted runs in their history.

If you are competitively minded you learn from the failure. That’s separate from trying to be dishonest about it happening or not.

Except, when you do get to the point you’re doing 20’s ect. you’ll find that most grps, if they mess something up so it can’t be timed, they’d rather correct the mistake in the same dungeon 1 level lower. So the higher the key, the less you’ll see depletes.

For example, yesterday night we messed up the last boss in 20 junkyard, it was silly but happens. instead of completing we called it, so we can just time the 19 ez and get another 20, this is pref compared to getting a random 19.

And the depletes you see is more than likely something where the group went, we dont want to do this dungeon this week, so let’s reroll the key.

It just happens. It is experience. I am pretty sure i miss 50% of the timers too. It has nothing to do with the minigame of the timer at all. Just playing the game having fun and getting more experience. Timers get missed while getting better. That is pushing keys.

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