Mythic+ leavers need to be tracked

No this is totally ON topic. This is how people look at leavers. They judge them, and say “leave for no reason” while not have it asked. So they judge others without having the 2nd side of the story. You really think peopel press the leave button without any reason?

What’s your reason then? This is getting good. Go on then what’s your legitimate reason for leaving someone’s else’s key that you signed up for?

I have already posted the 2 leaves i have done myself in hundreds of pug runs. And you have yourself given reasons for leaving youself.

To be honest. i did not mention there that actually 1 of the leaves was my own key. It is also totally irrelevant.

No, I never said i leave a key. I say we don’t compelte the dungeon when it isn’t possible for mechanical reasons. Like being 4 out of 5. That’s not leaving a key. Please look up the meaning of the word leaving thank you. I love how people take things i say and twist them around into something else xD.
I have given examples of illegitimate reasons for leaving. And, btw I am still waiting for an answer? What is your legitimate reason for leaving a key mid run that you signed up for?

Just leave him be. He’ll only drag you down to his level and then win by experience since he has been on that level for a while.

ermm where did i say i leave keys? Quote me please?

Right, i have posted it around 100 times in here and in other topics too, but in detail.

I left my own WM 15 key in s2, what i wanted to time back then because of achievement, when first the tank pulled everything and the whole ship all the time, and also on the pig boss when i was OOM where we wiped. The tank was complaining about noobs and whatever. Then did the room a little slower and got to tree boss where he never set off flames and got 1 shotted. He started very good insulting everywhere and everyone, and i did no healing and no dps, while i was waiting with my CD’s for him to get rid of stacks. The whole group didnt see the 1 shot, so i got the blame. I was done with it. soemwhere i can not keep spaming “we can do it”.

And i left a shrine 7 or 8 where the tank got bullied for the full run. At the tentacle-bridge he stopped when for the zillionth time he got trashed for his route. i took it up for him and tried to calm it down. The tank was done with it then we both left.

This is alot more interesting than your previous post calling me toxic or whatever.
If what your saying is true why are you against my system? If anything it will make people like u shine and help you avoid people like those u met in those two groups.
Your aguing against a system that you will only benefit from xD. Makes no sense.

You dont get a system that works good. the good players will get punished instead of the players who are really to blame.

How do you come to that conclusion?

I left right? I get punished by those systems. And from my point of view, leaving happens like never. Or there is something really happened. There are reasons.

No you don’t. If you read my main posts you would know that is not what I’m suggesting. But it’s ok i will repeat myself for the millionth time. My system gives players a chance to flag someone or a group of people through a voting system if those still in the run decide it was ended prematurely. For reasons going from sabotage, to rude behaviour, etc… So even if a few people get wrongly flagged because of the so called abuse of the system it won’t matter. It’s the players that get flagged like many many times that people will know are the problem. That’s the idea. Being flagged doesn’t mean your a bad player. Being flagged like 50+ times, that’s when you know u should avoid that player. Basically, everyone will have like been flagged a few times just like virtually every video on utube has at least some number of dislikes. Even if they have 10 million likes.

You could not scroll up and check the quote yourself ? :thinking:
No matter how you turn it around, that is leaveing a key.
I’ve even quoted my own post, this time please answer, do you think your judgement on when a key can be finished is better than everyone else, or are you just someone who leaves keys? From what you said, that’s the options you have to pick from, by the the very system you want implemented, you’ve dodged around this for 5 posts or so now.

And in my WM i would have gotten flagged 4 times immediately. I am totally against voting systems.

Nope because its one flag per run. But i see, your stubborn so i won’t bother anymore. I do love how u misunderstand on purpose though. Pro skillz yo.
Oh, and just out of curiosity why are people with 2k+ raider io so often aggressive like you are to me? I mean all I have done is defend my idea and you start inuslting me:

As If I even said that about you. All i said was that in your last post you were trolling me:

I didn’t say you were a troll did I?

Nope it’s not. Leaving a key would mean that but in this case there is the context of the thread that specifies it a bit more. In the context of this thread when i say leaving a key everyone knows i mean leaving a key when they keyholder still wants to try (i.e. leaving prematurely). So please, don’t quote something i say and do wild interpretations.

Now you’re just trying to backtrack, we both know you would not stay in such a run for 4 hours if the leader wanted to keep going.
Or are you legit sugesting that as long as key holder wants to keep going, people are obligated to stay hours on end ?

Are we going to absurd extremes to prouve a point? that’s not a good sign.

Extreme? I’ve been in runs for 4 hours with friends, why is that extreme?

You would stay for a friend’s key but not someone u play with for the first time.
This just illustrates the problem. People behave better with friends than they do with strangers. It should be the opposite. If you are well mannered you should be even more respectful of strangers than your friends becaue they don’t know you and can take offense more easily. Back to education i guess.

How can anyone expect random people to spend 4 hours carrying them in keys?

You know what the best thing that ever happened to me back in Vanilla was, people left my dungeon run. You know what i did? i asked them, why did you leave? The answer was i was messing up so bad the run could not be finished.

At the end of vanilla, i was in a guild with 2 of those guys, trying to clear Naxx, and with a realm first to my name.

I try to help people i meet, if they mess up, i tell them what they messed up so they can improve. If they mess up so bad that something cannot be done, i refer them to guides, and i always answer every question on how they can improve. That is what decent human beings do.

But it cannot be expected that anyone spends 4 hours or more in a run.