Mythic+ leavers

I will use this thread as a wall of shame for leavers:
Kaaxthshuul-Hyjal a DK tank just left a dungeon after 1 pull, I used 1 ability on adds and got aggro from them AFTER he already stopped moving and was well into hitting them… was running around him for 30 sec kiting the mob I got aggro on… he just stood there tunelvisioning his rotation and couldn’t use taunt of which he has 2… we died ofc coz the mobs caught up to me eventually and went for the healer after they killed me… the guy just leaves after I asked him why he didnt taunt, and I track my teammates abilities so I know he had both deathgrip and dark command off cooldown… no punishment again, GOOD JOB BLIZZARD PROMOTE LEAVING DON’T PUNISH THEM!!!

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Thats what I said, they are tunned good, SM burrial grounds should even be made harder…

Maugly-Blackhand a hunter left a m+ dungeon for no reason. See the issue… 5 min later… guy leaves ANOTHER after tank died and I was kiting the mobs so he could kill them, all aggro switched to me since I had cds up when tank died. Again wasting time good job blizzard!
Svenar-Ravencrest left m+ for no reason, actually he is the reason, he pulled too many casters in HoV 18 so we hadnt enough kicks, after we died on the pack b4 Herya(pulled 2 runecarvers and 2 mystics)

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You made a mistake by not waiting for a second to get aggro. I would also leave as a tank.

Also shaming is against tos. So finally a reason to flag you

I did no mistake whatsoever, every other tank could hold aggro there, and even if they lose it they have 1 or 2 taunts to get it back, what should I have done?? I waited until the tank stopped moving and placed down his death and decay, he had dots on everything meaning he started generating threat, maybe wait till next expansion to start doing damage?! And its 1 mob out of 20, you would also leave… well you are one of the less intelligent tanks then and part of the problem. Also, I was tanking and never blamed others for my inability to press taunt on mobs that I lose aggro on.
Shaming? I did not insult any1, the “wall of shame” is here for blizzard to see how often this problem happens, if that is punishable but m+ leaving isn’t well then let them permaban me because I wont be playing anyway. Learn what shaming is and what expressions are buddy before you try to act smart. And “finally” do you have some issues buddy? :slight_smile:

Learn to read. name shaming is against tos. Not that hard to understand.

Remove the names or get banned.

This is very simple :smiley:
It’s not blizzard that is putting your m+ group together so they will not hold your hand if someone think the key is doomed.
i have no problem with someone leaving my key if it’s gonna brick

Your highest key is 15… Not sure who carried you on which key but not everone can no life this game. M+ is objectively harder as they scaled everything up before the release.

I’ll leave some facts here, feel free to join in with something else than spreading lies:

A +20 is +23 effectively… I call this bs and happily wait for nerfs when they see that they can’t pay their families by subs from the 0.1%

No one except for RWF raiders asked for this bs.

No matter what you say, it is just failure system for many reasons. The truth can be hurt sometimes but it is just true. You are not playing this game so what are you playing then? RIO!!! It is not part of this game!

Do you care to elaborate on some of the parts, why the system is a failure? The way I see it, it works pretty well rn.
3 competitive end game options:
M+ ladder
Arena ladder
Raid ladder

Get your facts straight. My LOWEST key is +16, highest +18 in time, done 19 and 20 out of time, Im not playing on this character. Anyway this is not the topic, the topic are m+ leavers.

Its not blizzard, but its blizzard that allows people to leave, and I too dont have a problem with leaving if the key is doomed, but people leave after 1 pack, for example a hunter joined my Vault group, the tank pulled like every time, the lashers and trees, the hunter dies says “wtf is this retarded pull” and leaves while the other dps and me killed the pack. Those kinds of leavers are the problem. I will always ask on party chat, guys I think this is doomed, u agree to leave? If they do I will leave, otherwise I will stay.


M+ score is part of the game now. Same for ilvl which was added after gearscore was the benchmark.
Are you sure to be actually playing wow?

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Its not important now what the punishment is for leavers, but a punishment system must exist otherwise people will just continue leaving as they see fit, ruining the experience for other players resulting in them quitting, I quit shadowlands and BFA because of that. No time to commit to raiding as I would like, mythic raiding, so gave up on it alltogether, but I have time for a couple of dungeons a day, if someone leaves that time is wasted and I get nothing done which makes paying for sub pointless if I can play fully only on weekends…

For any fair punishment you’ll dish out, an unfair one will hit someone. there is no way to regulate this fairly.
On top of that, the higher i pushed, the more i realized that people hardly leave cause they’re just trolls: most of the time they leave because it’s clear that the time investment is more than the return, or the challenge is outright undoable.

Basically people leave mostly because someone isn’t up to the task, which for me is a fair point.

unfortunately as long as there is timed content in an MMO, you will have people leaving, beeing toxic and griefing. There is nothing you can do about it, not a single thing.

Question should be, should M+ be changed in some way to make the problem go away or be less of an problem.

Sorry but with a bad tank the m+ keys are just unplayable. They have way too much control over the success rate.

i have never seen players that are leaving in the middle of the good run.
I have seen only players that are leaving when others are not doing standart mechanics or are not dpsing as it should be for the key lvl.
I dont want to stay in the group that came unprepared or doesnt understand how pulls and dungeons are working at all. I m not into learning ppl to play. I came, I saw, I gave a chance, if they are not strong enough to time the key or wiping all over again - I leave. I m 31 years old - I respect my time just too much.

As a tank, i’m powerless against statpadders and noobs. The amount of things that DPS don’t do and will cost a key is endless. Kick above all.

The less guilty of a failure is always the healer.

U are not even high m+ tank. I am talking about 20+ key where the tanks actually have to be good. U have as much rio as my prot paladin alt which I don’t even play properly lol. LOL ‘‘dps most important’’, worst WoW quote ever heard.