Mythic+ leavers

That is mby a good idea, but it needs to be a bit more complex, like a vote system, if someone leaves without the group voting on it he gets that dunteon on that mode (fortified or tyranical) reduced to 0 and has to do it again. If someone is good he will do it with no problem, but if someone is boosted then rip :slight_smile:

10 minutes is more than enough to wipe twice the first boss and burn a key.
Basically you still have leavers, just a bit slower than now?

Doesn’t seem a solution at all.

Yeah leavers are a problem. Especially douchebags that leave when the key is still timeable.

What also happens alot is that randomly out of nowhere two people start bickering and I’m just praying one of them doesn’t just randomly leave my key.

Finishing a 16 at least gives you an orb. There is still a reward to get
 Yet, people seem to revel in the idea of wasting 4 other people’s time. Also, from my experience it’s usually the underperformers that are leavers.

i left 16 halls of valor start there like 20 dead tank could not stay alive so odd intrupts on point poor lad smack in fance

I’m fed up of this, animal tanks that pull all, bolster, die and then leave.

Also premade groups when you’re pugging your key are an absolute avoid, especially ones from Sanguino, they were trolling and joking and dieing and somehow managed to deplete a COS 18, jokers entirely. Upon confrontation of me saying “i don’t think this is funny, this wasn’t a weekly key this was a +2 as per title”

I got “who even weeklies a 18”, and I Said, well you’re reported for griefing anyway, I don’t find your attitudes and trolling funny at all.

Reported and Global Ingore Addon blocked them
 10mins later > I got a warning for MY BEHAVIOUR, aparently 4 reports from 4 clowns from the same guild at the same time is worthy of a report
 YUP! And now you know why the report system is broken.

BTW Blizzard cannot SEE, RETRACT or DELETE these Warnings, you literally, and I joke not, have to, according to support OPEN A GM TICKET AND CONTEST IT after the ban, which they insist will be removed
 so why should we wait? why are people allowed to abuse the game/system/players and get other peoples accounts messed up? Yeah well done blizzard, bring LOL Type toxic to the game well done.

Thats funny actually. You mouthed off, reported them for griefing and then complain when they do the same illegitimate thing to you but it has an effect.

/Nelson laugh

Blizzard doesent care about this, how can rated arenas or battlegrounds be punishable, but m+ leavers not? Simply make them not be able to join a key for 30 min, no harsh punishment is actually needed
 since there are not many leavers in rbgs or arenas
 And no blizzard answer on any of the threads, like always, they dont care. Well they will when their player base gets reduced to nothing for not listening.

Play better so people don’t quit your keys😊

The concept is super simple. If you want to finish your key, simply write it to additional details. Some simple “stay till end” will do. Some people will leave anyway, granted - but most people who want to time the keys will stay out. If I read that, it’s actually a major red flag for me, since obviously that group us not confident with timing the key, so I stay out.

Problem solved?

nope because writing it in advance doesnt mean it will actually go that way. maybe i’m fine with closing the key over timer, but after several bad wipes on the same boss, how many chances of closing it there are?
do i stay indefinitely until someone founds 20k dps more somewhere or remembers to interrupt here and there?

again, there is no way to rule this without making it unfair to someone.

Fair enough. I’d still guess things would go your way 80% of the time. Some people leave because they don’t give a f, but I want to believe that most of us don’t want to cause extra trouble.

and people who solo queue will be taken hostage by guild groups who fail hard? No thank you. The current difficulty is what makes PUGing toxic.

It’s not the players fault that a billion dollar company can’t read numbers and tune accordingly. I’ll continue to leave fiestas if people don’t do basic stuff like kicks, stuns, etc.

Then you have a vote, if it passes you leave, if you wipe 3 times you get to leave without penalty regardless of vote
 so no way u get taken hostage and always leave fiestas, but before that you have no right to leave
 easy. And are you kidding me with dungeons being difficult??? If I can do 18-20 keys with a character that just dinged 2 weeks ago, everyone can. Yeah
 the best thing would be if blizzard made free loot for every1 and free keystone hero for everyone who enters a 15+ key rofl. Just punish leavers and gg.

Oh nice you draw the rating card
 Game is too unforgiving for casuals. I left some keys as well after 1-2 wipes because the time is sometimes just too tight. Tbh I never was this bored in a season so early. So I’m happy that february is Hogwarts time and wow sub is running out. This game is only made for wfr mdi hard edgers

Not at all, I play solo most of the time coz I dont have time for raiding, which could be considered “casual” but when I play I want the best use of my time
 not to be forming a group for 1 hour just to have a guy leave after HE fails and ruin the key. And the rating card
 thats what you get when u give suggestions like “play better”

That’s not true.
First the definition of casuals may vary a lot, second, if you play as a casual, your goal should be casual too, not pushing regularly +20.

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True! No more nerfs and tuning to dungeons, high keys should be what they are, HARD. Everyone with decent gear and some brains can clear a +15. The only problem I see in m+ system atm are leavers, especially when they fail themselves and leave with no repercussions. If there is punishment for non rated PvE content and for ALL PvP content, rated and unrated, why isnt there punishemnt for rated PvE content? I dont get it, like Blizzard is a small indie dev company that doesent know the basics.
And yes its not the game, its the community, especially in m+, I consider leavers toxic, especially if its after 1 wipe and especially if it is the leavers fault, which is the case in most of my experience.

Raiding is the most uncasual thing you could have mentioned. And I leave for the exact same reason you are talking about. Time is valuable so why should I stay if the first few pulls are a full wipe.

But nvm it blizzards fault to gate max vault behind +20

Well yes, why would you stay after you wipe a couple of times b4 first boss, ofc then the group votes to leave, but if YOU die on the first pull because YOU made a mistake and then leave
 I mean that should be bannable, not just timeout or rating reduce.

What’s wrong with tuning? Some instances could be tuned to be a bit closer to each other in terms of difficulty, but I feel tuning is quite good rn.