Mythic+ Progression Changes Now Live and More Coming Soon

Ofc an m+10 is harder then the first 4 bosses on mythic raid, same that heroic 4 bosses are at the same diffculty then normal raiding.


Uh, I can’t even begin to describe how wrong that statement is.

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For example grim batol the ascended shamans sometimes don’t display the ground visual for the oneshot-cone until the cast almost finishes, making it impossible to dodge.

Can you elaborate?

The 30% decrease in damage from the add makes this fight not even need Spears anymore.

They nerfed that same damage by 20% before and it was still the worst boss in all current dungeons, so we’ll see.

Too little too late, im not touching M+as it is for the first time since they were added.

It means they will wait to see if nose dive of participatioc ccontinues and its " … … … " Situation or they can just ignor players again :slight_smile:

Imo to little to late

They woudl have to slap like 30 percent need across everything to incentivise people to go back to m+


This is great !

All I ask for is to make “homework keys” a bit less of a drag. Please implement these changes :

  • Timing someone else’s key also increases your own key level
  • Allow to use Crests and Valorstones to upgrade keys and/or choose a specific dungeon.

This last point I am really eager to see because in 1 month when we are all fully geared… those currencies will simply pile up in my bag with no use at all.

I am a bit worried this change wont be enough. The Abobination’s damage is a stacking damage. So even if the base damage is reduced, you still wipe if you have 2 abobinations at the same time.

Previously, what you would do with the spears is “debuff” de boss and the abomination. And cleave it down to ~10/20% before the next one appeared. Such that you could quickly kill it.

Now, with out the spears… that 100M health Abomination will stay alive. And 2 abominations will sill wipe you. So maybe together with the -30% damage reduction, a cap on how much the rot can stack would have been appropriate IMO.

But I might be wrong. I hope so. We will see next week. :slight_smile:

That sounds great !

And in addition, what I would also like to see is for you to add +1 or 2 minutes to each dungeon. Except maybe Dawnbreaker and MotS.

This would offset a bit the impact of the -15s death penalty in low keys while keeping the difficulty of the affix at high keys.

Plus generally speaking most people prefer a bit of “wiggle-room” when it comes to making mistakes.

Its one of the things that made S3 of DF great. And I would like to see it back. More players in M+ == more fun for everyone.

not quite sure if it actually make a big difference.
the difference between 6s and 8 is huge, while 8 to 9 is much smaller in comparison, especially also because of the death affix.
a +6 allows mistakes, a +8 doesnt really allow a wipe.

for example, I did a 7 dawnbringer and we wiped at the first boss at 20%, well we still finish the dungeon but we were unlucky with the exploding kegs on the last boss, so we had a very long p2 as well.
Other than that no deaths, no wiped but timer was a 2 minutes over.
That is really just not fun.
it will just cause more people to leave immediately after 1 wipe or 2 deaths

Penalizing 15s for death just brought more toxic behavior to the healers in premade. This game lacks tanks and in this style healers in a moment. This will leave the M+ element dead or left only for players who like to play with friends. It will remove the keys, and introducing a similar system to Delve would certainly help.
Of course, much more could be done to improve the experience of the game. Mostly the rewards,for the effort of 50 gold thank you…Well and the toxic behavior that gets worse with more dlc it doesn’t interest Blizzard either.

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I think something else was at play there than just a single wipe.

I had a mists run yesterday where we wiped on the first pack pull due to a mistake, and messed up the last maze door so we had to walk back through the maze, and we still managed to time it, although just barely.

And that was on a 10.

If you were over time then it is possible your DPS was mismanaging their cooldowns for packs.

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When you’re faced with 1 in 4 runs in pugs in ranges of 2-5 failing, it’s not exactly incentive to keep pushing - and the outcome is a waste of time and frustration.

what people dont realise that only thing will this change is make the barrier to enter +8 much higher.

just like they couldnt enter +9s now they will be unabled to enter +8 if they are not 630+ :slight_smile:

so they delude themsleves if they think it will help them :slight_smile:

And you know instantly if in a 4 or 5 at least a couple of dps are doing 1m dps, you can’t really pull very big (in fort) or you wont beat the boss in a reasonable time (tyran). They should revert the tank nerfs also tbh.

Well I’ll be farming +2 for Runed crests. By the time I’m done Blizz will have hopefully done further nerfs and I will double dip on being OP from faceroll and playing nerfed content.

All according to keikaku.

might be, but if you need to play perfect even in that department for a +7 then i dont know…

i switched from healing to tanking because of the shortage.
Tank nerf might be noticable, but generally i require still almost no healing and I am just 606 and can tank up to +7

you just need to make sure you rotate your defensives well.
sure the nerfs make tanking more stressful which is not helping in getting more tanks though…

That isn’t the important mechanic of the add lol. Add leaves a tank dot to the tank which increases tanks damage taken from mutilate each stack. If 2 of the adds are up your tank will get 1 shot no matter what.
Boss is still either kill it with bl + spear or key won’t be even completeable. Now you have 3 tries lol

I feel on prot war that I can’t die at times. Then I try VDH and I’m sweating my butt off to stay alive. Bear seems ok too but not as good as war.

On healers, it feels like preservation is good for keys and I’ve been in groups with Druids (who were mostly awful) and it feels like the most successful keys are with shamans.

i bet they worded it deliberate that its up to +7 - it doesnt mean it will start to drop in +2 :smiley: